Feral druid doing 10 MILLION DPS in MoP remix

Yes but this is not MoP Classic. It’s a grind where you get almost infinite power to smash things to get cosmetics.


And you still don’t get how this event is supposed to work. A shame, that.


And I’ve also explained before that even if there are power gains many games can balance their content on it even if they’re extreme like arpgs do.

There is no reason to have multiple difficulties if you just oneshot everything. We have multiple difficulties so let’s use them. If you don’t want to do heroic because of that then you’ll have normal.

Just going to quote this one more time for you to read. Hopefully.

If you had played it, you’d understand how it works.


But this isn’t an ARPG. If you get enough power where you can super-explode things at the highest available difficulty, congratulations, you won, you farmed all the gems and all the bronze to upgrade your gear to a point where you have godlike power for the event. They aren’t going to add extra difficulties beyond that, and there’s no reason to nerf things into the ground because then it punishes everyone who doesn’t get the same power and if it expects for everyone to be super-powered then everyone who doesn’t min-max will suffer for it.

If you feel like the super-buff part of the event isn’t up to your standards, you are free to use none of the event features like giving a rogue blink or getting the +++ gems to stack your power up or the special abilities that cause ridiculous effects like Soul Tether on a BDK.


I’m not interested in going in circles when I already explained my point. At this point only the futur will tell.

Understanding how the event actually works? We can tell.

Let’s try again.

Raids are for leveling in Pandamonium. Heroic raids are basically like dailies to earn more currency.

This is NOT traditional content. Nor is it meant to be. You aren’t progressing through quests then dungeons then raids as a ladder. The ladder was thrown out the window.

This is Pandamonium.


It’s not because your goal is farming currency that gameplay has to be terrible.
You can farm normal if heroic is not tuned to be fun for you.
And LFR is the leveling version.

You are making suggestions to change the mode into something it’s not meant to be in the first place. Therein lies the issue.


You didn’t even play the PTR to understand how it works and you’re already calling it terrible.

I truly hope that all of those people saying Blizz doesn’t listen to Community Council are correct right now. Because it’s truly astounding that someone without factual knowledge of how something works can be so opinionated to want it changed without understanding it at all.

I think we’re done here.


Like I said from the start we will have to disagree.

I think you misunderstand. You can do the raids on Normal, as leveling raids, like SoD.


Yes and that’s fine. It doesn’t mean that while you’re leveling that you should kill the heroic versions still as fast as you can right now. I understand how the system works, I disagree on its balancing.

But you’re saying LFR was the leveling version but Normal is also the leveling version.

Heroic version dying fast is fine because if you want to spend 16 hours going through every raid every day, then that’s on you, bring people that don’t use any of the power ups.


It’s cute how you think your opinion should be taken seriously when you don’t even know what the event is or how it works.

It’s like listening to someone who never ran M+ say it needs changed because it’s terrible.

Mind boggling.


There’s a difference with bosses taking 3-4 mins at worse and taking 16 hours to clear a raid. Even mythic raiding is farmed way faster than that.

Heroic Sha of Fear was an 11 minute boss fight on 10-man with only 2 healers a tier after it was released.

Bosses didn’t “just take 3-4 minutes” back then.


And I’m not asking for 10 minutes bosses. :face_exhaling:

With two (2) players doing 10mil DPS, the boss still took over a minute to die. I don’t know about you, but 735.67M damage divided by 10.88M DPS would have been 67 seconds for whatever it was they were doing, since it isn’t saying what boss or even what difficulty it was on.

If you don’t want the silly power boost like that, you probably will be seeing 10-minute boss fights.


So you think if 2 players can do as much that other people can’t? Feral druid might just be the peak of the iceberg as far as what I’ve seen.

67 seconds is still very short, we’re still far from the 3-4 minutes and they aren’t even fully geared.