Feral dps fix?

If anything, Fasc is like me, and rather than “shilling” for blizzard, is more playing devil’s advocate against incomprehensible, unconsolable, unreasonable, whining adults acting like children because their video game doesn’t cater to their every need. And I get called a “shill” too because my first response isn’t to take a sh*t and throw it at blizzard like some sort of angry chimp.

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Just checking, since you are just like Fasc. Does clearly explaining the circumstances and reasoning why it might be appropriate to include feral energy changes into #somechanges
same as incomprehensible, unconsolable, unreasonable, whining in your mind, just like it is in his?

Purely for references sakes.

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Why so you can continue to discount everything that doesn’t fit your emotional narrative?


I think you just answered your own question.


Yes because the feral situation isn’t particularly similar to the things that have been classified as #somechanges so far.

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I mean, the main difference between Fasc and I is that I don’t choose to get pulled in to nonsensical arguments.

And I already explained what the core issues were in my previous post, without any subjective information to muddy the waters. I’m all for #somechanges if they make sense. Paladin seals made sense. Adding LFG (not looking for dungeon) made sense. Changing drums made sense.

Asking to make a change because you simply do not like how it currently is, and how it was 15 years ago DOES NOT make sense. If we keep bugging blizz to take another look and they do, great. If they don’t, also great.

DPS shamans, boomkins and rets complained constantly about their low performance in vanilla classic and demanded “fixes,” but everyone always countered with “that’s how it was in vanilla” and there was literally no way to argue that. This situation is exactly the same with the one caveat that since then blizz has made a few changes for the sake of some classes, so now everyone thinks that blizz should make ALL the changes that THEY want because a precedent has been made.


(I enjoy it, makes my day go quicker)

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You masochist.

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I’m a patent prosecutor and defense litigator… :smiley:

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Well that explains alot tbh


Arguing with a lawyer, engineer, programmer etc… is like wrestling a pig in mud, eventually you realize they like it.

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I’m two of those things!

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Is one of them the pig?

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I’m three* of those things!


As someone who hates Engineer’s I argue with them for fun.

STEM in general likes to argue, so I fit right in.

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Well small clarification. It does not make sense to YOU? Or you are making a generic statement?

First of all as you mentioned we do live in #somechanges.
Second of all this is asking for a NERF.
Third of all the entire reason why me and plenty of other druids feel this request is different from pure performance complain is that originally this was a bug.

Keep in mind i am not saying all of these things together mean that it has to change, but imho it can hardly be considered to not make sense as request. But as long as you maintain that iyho this request does not makes sense that is entirely valid opinion and you more then welcome to voice as much as you like.

The thing is that is not what Fasc is doing. He is trolling. And something tells me you not just here to voice your opinion but tell others they are wrong. I might be wrong here however.

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Correct however you then have to explain how this would be categorized the same as what has fallen into #somechanges so far.

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Nah you got it all wrong, i don’t have to jack chit because you tell me to. In fact since you not getting the memo, i have ignored your last 20ish posts and will continue to do so after this one.

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So you admit you have nothing to stand on except emotional appeal?


You are the one asking for changes, the burden of proof is on you to justify why they should be done beyond, “I want it”

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