Feral Convoke why?

No, because berserk also empowers your shred - plus convoke gives you massive mastery so it pairs well with berserk where your are getting off the most bites.

Also timing wise, you’ll have convoke+berserk, then just convoke, then convoke+berserk again depending on fight length.

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I actually think OP Has a point from a resto perspective.

Just for testing I tried both balance affinity and feral affinity. With and without heart of the wild. In proper range for both of them.

From a resto Druid oerspective only, the damage isn’t even close. This bums me out because I’d like to be able to make use of convoke as an occasional dmg cool down without having to be balance affinity.

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Get all your bleeds rolling first and make sure your hitting only 1 target. You’ll get much better results with Convoke that way.

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Resto Convoke kind of makes me mad. I don’t think our damage or healing are at levels that justify the 25% up-front nerf vs. other Druid specs. Kitty form Convoke in particular feels pretty weak.

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Blow all your CD’s as a kitty and THEN convoke and you’ll do some very nice damage.

You can even devote yourself to it more fully with something like a Savage Roar build to stack that damage up as far as possible.

Yeah you want to use berserk to force trinket, so that you can convoke with maim.

I’ve simmed and played Savage roar, its a DPS loss over SoTF. Witch is a bummer, because it’s a more complicated play style.

Venthyr and Kyrian already outperform Convoke in PVE situations. And the gap will get larger next tier. I think most Ferals will go Venth in 9.1