I’m playing on WoW Classic Era for the first time as Undead and i choose to play female undead because i like it more than male, but i did no research about the differences between possible jumps, skips and etc.
Well, i dont mind if i couldnt do some absurd jump that would make my maraudon/sm/etc easier because i dont do it except for some friends, but something is really bothering me for some time.
At some spots, like SM, when there is a difference in the terrain (going through the initial corridor to the open area for example) i just cant walk and pass that spot without jumping.
What really made me mad was trying to PvP in Dire Maul and when i was moving around the central area (arena) when trying to go to the grass area without using the ramp, sometimes the character just got stuck (with and without mount) and i couldnt jump. The only way i could pass was jumping earlier, but it was not supposed to be required to jump to pass that little height difference (leeway could make my character get frost nova/any aoe spell that would not hit me if i was just moving normally).
Can you devs look into it? Makes 0 sense that a character that is supposed to work like Female Human have such a problems and gnomes that are smaller got no problems.