Female Ogres And Kobolds Should Be In the Game Already

Look at the male and female Quillboar. The female Quillboar looks exactly like the male Quillboar, but with added flesh on the chest and a different hairstyle.

And this is perfectly acceptable. Why? Because this is a race with little dimorphism.

And so are Ogres and Kobolds.

A female Kobold looks like a male kobold + hair + girl bits - beard.

And a female Ogre looks exactly like a male Ogre with “girl hair”.

So why not?!? It would be so easy! Just have an intern add hair to Ogres and call it a day!


I would love to get smothered under some ogre boobs.


Eh, I mean, you can do that already with the male Ogres we have in the game right now.


Who doesn’t love moobs? :blush:

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they’re already in the game. but they’re so ugly you just can’t tell the difference. same with gnolls.

I want Ogres as a core race.

This Allied race nonsense it too low quality and limiting.

And no you can keep your KT human model. Don’t want none of it.


Ogres will be awesome! Two headed customization options too! The possibilities are endless!

Kobolds are pretty dumb creatures like gnolls. Not sure how They’ll ever be able to join a faction like the alliance or horde as competent allies

I’m sure people will point out one or two “intelligent” kobolds or gnolls but to put them at the same level as like blood elves or night elves is a bit farfetched.

Dimorphism varies by species. Some have more, some have less. It isn’t a requirement that they be drastically different.

Yes. That’s what I said lol

Yep, just adding my agreement, while also pointing out that IRL species sometimes have very similar body sizes and shapes between males and females.

The degree of dimorphism is a result of the mating habits found in that species. More polygyny=more dimorphism.

Sexual Dimorphism and Mating System

Sexual dimorphism in body size (as well as canine size) is related to mating system. Mate competition is more intense in polygynous mating systems than monogamous systems. Size, generally, is critical in mate competition in polygynous systems.

Species - Mating System - Body size dimorphism

Humans - Variety of mating systems - Low (male 1.1x of female)
Gorillas - Polygynous one male - High (male 1.5x female)
Orangs - Polygynous, solitary - High (male 2x female)
Gibbons - Monogamous - Slight 1.02
Chimps - Polygynous multi male - Moderate 1.3
Bonobos - Polygynous multi male - Moderate 1.2


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Potentially disturbing Gif regarding a Club we do not speak of.


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If anyone wants female ogres, just ask Blizzard to use the female kultirans skeleton.

They can enjoy and use the male model of kultiras to have ogres with playable race.

Kultirans are just human-shaped ogres.


What makes you think any of these races would be selected for the alliance?

Be realistic! If they were to be a playable race, they would end up in the horde one way or another.

We can only have junkgnomes or kultirans with wide abs in belly.

We are more likely to get cockroaches or something embarrassing to further alienate ally’s base player.

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There is the female Ogre mask from Hallow’s End, I believe:

Hopefully, we’ll see Horde Ogres become playable someday and we’ll see female Ogres appear in the game aside of being mentioned in Ogrezonia references.