Female Ogre

So I was flying over the Badlands today, hunting for a rare transmog drop from Uldaman, when I zoomed over one of the ogre caves.

I surveyed the vast amalgamation of blubbery ogre flesh and the skimpy loincloths, and—not for the first time, by any means—questioned the whereabouts and existence of female ogres.

Where are they? Do they exist? How are ogres created?

More importantly, if we ever get playable ogres, will the women be included?

And that’s when I stopped myself. I realized something.

We already have female ogres: female Kul Tirans.

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I know this was meant to be a jab at Kul Tirans but there is an “official” female ogre image somewhere.


Princess Theradras


You owe me five seconds of my life back.


She is an elemental, not a Ogre…
But her looking is close to what woulb ne a female ogre.

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Still a babe.

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Even the Mogus have a famale model (Although we killed the two last female mogu alive :sweat_smile:)

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Yeah, and no joke, but a playable Mogu would be awesome.

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Female Kul Tirans have the best faces. They could use a little more bust for their frame, though.


this game has an itty bitty t|tty committee problem. ive been wanting them to fix the awkward gap b/t the fempanda’s mounds for awhile.

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This is a female ogre:

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Bliz is too lazy to make female models for most non player races, but we know they exist one way or another. Hearthstone brought in portraits of what they would look like including what female satyr, saurokk, Tortollan and possibly dreadlords to name a few. There’s even an unfinished female broken model that uses the tauren female skeleton.

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