Female Night Elf Warriors

Do they make sense lorewise?

Yes. They’re sentinels. Both rogues and warriors fall under sentinel for the Kal’dorei.


Why specifically females?


Yea, I think it makes a lot of sense. Men were asleep for many years spending their time in the dream world. That’s why so many of them are druids… or that’s why they went to sleep in the first place. Not 100% sure. Females were basically running the society the whole time. Since not all women can do magic, some became warriors.

Uh…that’s kind of their entire thing.


Female night elves did virtually everything non-druidic in night elf society for the last 10000 years, so, yes.


I absolutely do.

Males in lore are usually druids while the female are the warriors, hunters, and priestesses.

Those gnomes are getting more skilled ^.^


I’d like to mention as well that for the entirety of the Long Vigil (immediately after the War of the Ancients to the end of the Third War) there were actually harsh restrictions by gender.

Men were not permitted into the Priesthood of Elune, and women were never allowed to become druids. Only since Archimonde’s defeat at Hyjal have the old matriarchal traditions been cast aside.

The reasons for this cultural shift are never actually given to us in canon, but I just assume it’s Alliance culture rubbing off on the elves.


Pretty sure that was dialed back to allow for the occasional outlier. There have been a few female druids now who were implied to have been so for quite a long time.

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Lore is never an immutable thing with Blizzard. Expect loopholes and retcons in anything at any time to justify a new character or story arc.


Cough Illidan cough


Exactly. Illidan is a perfect example.


Not all of the men were druids. The druids were all men. Night elf women are just great fighters.


That we are :wink:


Not to be snarky or anything but I feel like if a class/race combo is present in-game, it’s probably because there’s a lore justification for it.

Spec/race combos, on the other hand, are a bit iffy. Even then, the only restrictions would probably be lightforged shadow priest and void elf holy priest.


Definitely. At the end of the day it’s much easier to keep a sort of hazy veneer of the original night elf matriarchial society but with exceptions here and there than it is to have a millennia-old xenophobic culture do an abrupt 180 the moment they interact with other races. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s good to keep in mind so you don’t drive yourself crazy trying to find consistency in a story that has to be told in a way that’s accessible to as many people as possible. :woman_shrugging:

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Yeah, the original writing for night elves was ultimately xenophobic and matriarchal. Not… something that meshes with the Alliance.

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Warriors yes, though following the lore, a NE warrior would probably look a bit different than the average WoW warrior. I imagine using a moonglaive with more emphasis on skill and speed, rather than the “RAWR charges in” orc and human style.


Forgetting to swap and then posting on my classic character. Troll shaman is me.

I could make a compelling argument for any class/race combination while still respecting lore.

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