I’m going to have to say… too soon… just… too soon.
Drops mic
Amandil is one of the elvish words for priest. Maybe you could use that as a base?
Going to pretend… I didn’t see this one. lol
Teluna - Tel pays tribute to the fallen Teldrassil, and Eluna to the moon godess.
Okay… new thought… got any ideas relating to the spec. I want for her? Discipline?
Why do I have a bad feeling about asking for ideas on THAT spec.'s name and stuff… lol
I steal all my elf names from Tolkien. Highly recommend!
Also, most certainly do discipline. For the gameplay of it, it’s a very skill rewarding spec with incredibly satisfying and challenging gameplay (not to mention being one of the most unique specs in WoW, being the healer who deals damage) and for the lore, a Discipline priest uses holy and shadow to heal and harm their enemies. Get the Night Warrior eyes and call on Elune’s light to heal your friends and Her darkness to smite your enemies.
Aeriel Starblaze
This, this right here is what was foretold of. lol
…Though she may sort of be that way… you didn’t hear it from me.
Everyone heard it from you.
Is it wrong… that I sort of want to hear more ideas like that one now? lol
I feel… so bad inside for wanting to now. xD
This is a good question >.>
Try Moonsong
Astronaughty, Whipseclipse
I find Arabic words tend to give good elven names. This toon’s name is derived from an Arabic word for shade.
Unfortunately (and I’m dead serious here), the Arabic word for discipline is Indabaat (In-da-but).
Well that’s because that is what they consider Discipline in Saudi arabia.