When are we going to give female Dwarves the option to have a beard. The race is based upon the Tolkien race to begin with, which then the D&D dwarves were based off of.
Please at least give ONE beard option for female dwarves.
I like my women hairy.
For the nerds out there:
but…then…how would we tell them apart?
leaves for some very interesting dating experiences on moon guard…
I’d like to see your female dwarf before giving you my support.
Chest. Generally speaking male dwarves don’t have breasts. You can see even with transmogs that it is a women without even looking at the face.
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On moon guard, you can never make that assumption lol 
That is my kind of woman and proof they need this as an option.
I they ever made a reference to the Bearded female Dwarf in a thin translucent dress, it would honestly be a photo that fears everyone mob but Males Dwarves for 10 minutes and increasing their movement speed by 250% while placing a 24 hour charm effect for those who are immune.
Gimli once joked that dwarf women have beards and now everyone thinks it’s truth
No, it actually is in the Tolkien and D&D female dwarven lore. It wasn’t just a joke from Gimli. Check my video that I added into the original post.
I don’t like dwarven women with beards. I think it’s just kinda gross. but that is only my opinion, and my opinions hardly matter to ME, and I know they mean nothing to anyone else