Felstriker solution!

Specially since were in season of rogue phase we shouldn’t be skimping on rogue so

Add it to the real vendor! but not the standard way!

Make it a 0.01% droprate from the 5real crate! ta dah!


I accept. Still 100% better than running ubrs


There’s no problems with Felstriker or any of the rare epic drops from 5man dungeons, you would still complain that it take ~500 runs to get it from the crate. In the end you either dedicate yourself to farm it or you don’t. It’s just OCD in the end, you don’t really need it.


You don’t need felstriker. You aren’t entitled to it.

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Rare items be rare items for a reason.

Felstriker is legit bad anyway other than in raid. No one cares about your WOW logs.

Perd is 10x better for PVP. Get the better dagger for killing nerds.

Perd has way higher base damage and is slower. No proc necessary. It even has a proc that does damage.

Perd deletes nerds.


Rare might as have a different meaning to these guys. I want it and I want it now, so I can be bored in a month and blame blizzard. lol

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It’d be harder to get it from the crate by running all the dungeons everyday day and trying for a 1 in 10 thousand drop 10 tries!

This from the guy that dreads over fire resist all day?

[quote=“Silika-pagle, post:3, topic:1908220, full:true”]
There’s no problems with Felstriker or any of the rare epic drops from 5man dungeons, you would still complain that it take ~500 runs to get it from the crate. In the end you either dedicate yourself to farm it or you don’t. It’s just OCD in the end, you don’t really need it.

if you think I’m saying give them freebies lol there’s near zero chance they’d get it from the 12 tries of real crates from doing EVERY single dungeon boss every day your severely wrong :slight_smile:

Here you are to add your gloom on every post without even understanding it :roll_eyes:

They aren’t adding weapons like this to real crates. They have said so.

Cry moar.

You don’t deserve items because you want them. You gotta earn them.

Felstriker is legit only useful to boost your ego in a raid like anyone cares about your stupid WOW raid logs.

You need to get a real hobby that impresses people because WOW ain’t it.

Ganking someone with perd and laughing at their corpse is going to impress someone a lot more than your Wow logs.

With out understanding what?

I have never completed dal’rends set… EVER! and guess what? I’ve ran Ubrs ever since I was 55… and not one has drop or felstriker. And yet, I have accepted that rng is well rng.

Most people don’t even bother trying to get both swords because it’s a waste of time.

Just do ony for the real sword.

I just wanted them cuz they do look cool. But I have never been able to complete the set.

You can craft amazing swords in SOD. Real gangsters get those.

Dunno could care less about your input its from the guy thats the ultimate doomer who complains about the hard difficulty being slightly harder :roll_eyes:

Dunno I see you crying on every post all day ironic you talk abt the glory and hobbys! :dracthyr_hehe:

Did you read the post?

It’s not happening.

You should go back to farming and stop posting if you want that knife to boost your ego in a casual dad MMO.

I’m sure the other 40 year olds will be impressed when you increase your DPS on a 3rd party site by 20.

Oh, it is happening!

Who says I’m farming it I could care less lol? You can see what class I play -200 observation skills! I post on my toon unlike you :slight_smile:

You’re right! The other 40 yr olds build monuments to praise my glorious +30 dps!

No one will care cause they are all quitting and you will be alone with your knife that is useless for anything but raiding.

You’d probably do as much damage with perd, it looks cooler, and it’s better for PVP.

Way to be completely oblivious to what is good and isn’t because a website told you it’s BIS.

Let me guess you are a retail andy.

Nope we’re gonna play til the end your dooming doesn’t matter :smiley:

No one even got felstriker in classic it’s not even good.

Perd is better and you wouldn’t even notice a difference.

The Sim is wrong.

But you are a good boy and do what the website tells you.

This guy tryna get people to stop rolling on the felstrikers :sob: defo a warrior!

and nope I’ve already seen 2 :slight_smile: