Start at 5:20. Talks about this balance of power quest chain. Is this different the class campaign and what cat forms does it unlock?
It comes after your class hall stuff. Takes place on the broken shore mainly
Takes a week or two to finish depending on your luck with some of the items you have to get for it. The forms are totally worth it as a fellow druid
Oh so its gated. Not something you can do within a few hours?
You can make some progress in a few hours, but a few parts are gated to raid lockouts
Fire kitty is the win.
What exqctly is gated. And can you solo these raids?
It is pretty nice, I wish they’d update the animations though. Some don’t match up with new kitty forms. Otherwise, yeah the firecat is jammin’
Yeah you can solo them. You have to get some items from emerald nightmare bosses and I think there was something else you had to get that was sort of RNG dependent. Been a while since I did it though. But everything is soloable now
A few parts of some of the quests are locked behind a specific reputation mark (need revered to continue past a certain spot in the quest line and what not).
Other parts need you to go through the raids to acquire parts
And yes, the raids are able to be done solo
Ah so its not possible to get the parts through one run
Only if you’re extremely lucky. But in practice, no. It will usually take at least 2 runs of those specific raids per quest. Which means 3 weeks to unlock the appearance. You also have to have (honored?revered?) rep with both the Nightfallen and Valarjar for specific parts of the quest.
You will need to do mythic level dungeons, but that was solo-able even at 50 so no worries
The current legion TW means double rep while questing. It’ll be worth it!
The pouch is no longer needed. Just the staff.
I hadn’t thought of that. Now is the best time to do this if you’ve got any alts that you’ve been putting off. You can also just buy a bunch of rep tokens from the Timewalking vendor for the ones that are required in the quest chain.
Ooh… I wasted time that I could’ve spent getting rep to get Paragon mounts from Legion. Doh!