This is not with the toon writing the report but with an alliance character boost. Behavior is ONLY with the felguard . When the toon logs out it despawns.
When resummoned it gets a new name and the pet action bars are reset.
In game if you summon the felguard over and over each time it gets a new name.
None of the other demons display this behavior but those other demons are common to the other two specs.
Submitted a request in game and did the typical UI reset avenue but the problem persists.
Only other oddity was when I boosted the toon, I chose affliction as the spec so the behavior is if I’ve never summoned a felguard before each time I do.
Really weird. Its as if it doesn’t recognize I’m specced into demo so when I log in the felguard isn’t there (as if I swapped specs to affliction or destro).
The tech suggested I submit a bug report here.