Feldrake Twitch Drop Not Showing Up

It has been 1 week since i claimed my Twitch drop for the Feldrake. I am super boring and only have 1 account for battle.net and only 1 twitch account. they were both linked before the event. I’ve opened tickets with both twitch and blizz. Twitch says it’s an issue on Blizzard’s end. Blizzard just gives me a boilerplate reply, insulting me by suggesting its an issue on my end when i followed their instructions to the letter. Extremely disappointed in Blizzard’s handling of this simple issue and hoping a resolution is presented quickly.


Same here. I’m starting to get really pissed because I followed all the instructions and set up my connections weeks before the event when they first announced it because I was so excited.

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Same here, i claimed the reward as soon as physically possible

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Same here. wish they do something about it

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8 Days so far…

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Glad to know I’m not alone in waiting but it’s cold comfort. I hope everyone gets their feldrakes soon.

I haven’t received this drop yet either. :frowning: I instantly got all the other drops, even while in the game, they show up after I claimed them. So it’s really strange this is the only twitch drop that didn’t get.

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Claimed the Feldrake 11 days ago nothing yet. I got both pets almost instantly.

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Same here, got the kite pet with no problems, the hatchling I already have so i figured it wouldn’t show but I have yet to get the fel drake and tried everything they said to “fix it hopefully”. I am trying for the windsteed now, which I have a bad feeling it will end up being the same issue with it as the fel drake.

I’m also waiting on the Feldrake. I would like a crystal clear response from Blizzard on whether they intend to fix this or not. My patience is running low.

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