Felcycle - should these types of mounts be rarer?

My enjoyment of the things I have does not depend on other people not having them.


It’s the “must have the current iPhone” mentality ported into gaming culture. Kind of sad imo.

I can only imagine that if seeing other people have something you have in a video game disappoints you that this has downstream effects on enjoyment in many areas.


It does for some, it doesn’t for others.
It could have been handed out for free and I wouldn’t care any more or less for it, because I value how it actually looks infinitely more than its rarity.


No, it doesn’t.

No one is upset, you evil looking gnome. :grinning:

As for the mount, those who wanted it got it and those who did not, well they didn’t. I do not think All mounts should be so easily available, and wouldn’t mind some being really scarce so I can look at in AW over.

You either want the mount or you don’t.

Don’t know why it’s important to make mounts rare, why do you care how many people have the same mount you do if it gathers dust in your mount catalog and you don’t use it.

I think more re-colors are on the way, they did show a purple version, no one knows how to get it yet or will be obtainable.

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it’s in green as well…

The sheer number of mounts reduces the desire for mounts. I have 357 of them and I’m not even a dedicated mount grinder. I’ll never again use the vast majority of them. It’s not that other people have it, it’s that the very concept of a “prestige mount” no longer exists. Even the secret part helps in no way because it’s just not plausible for there to be secrets in a game that’s as heavily datamined in the youtube era. The gameplay to get the Felcycle was fun enough, and that’s good, but yeah. As much as I hate to defend a company as lousy as Blizzard, there’s probably not much they can do about this one. It’s honestly more our fault than theirs. We post secrets and we consume the videos we post, rendering something special as mundane in the process.

I mean, I am glad they at least add mounts for free in the game for us to get. Mostly, I only use mechanical mounts if I can. That is why I use the Unit mechsuit from the machine awakening event.

Felcycle is great on my goblin warlock. I use the unit to fly and on my goblin warrior, who is rocking the clockwork golden armor with the golden power hammers, I only use the mech suit. I feel like a powered armor berserker.

Idk I never past the pet battle since I don’t have 3 secret pets. Too bad they locked it behind secret battle pets.

Don’t bring that up on WoW forums. Some players wont sleep tonight if they hear that someone is not upset when other players get same pixels they have for $15.99

Don’t bring that up on WoW forums. Some players wont sleep tonight if they hear that someone is not upset when other players get same pixels they have for $15.99



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Ewww, iPhones.

I’ll be happy keeping my Nokia 3310 if we didn’t shut off the 2G and 3G networks here.

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I am sorry , it was an impossible mission for me, I cant force myself to drink Mt. Dew. If it were any other Pepsi product , I would have been fine.

I’m honestly not sure which of these groups of words was an actual question. But it seems like you’re asking if this is still a prestige item even though the community figured it out and shared it?

Assuming I have the right idea of your question, then I’m going to say yes it is still a prestige item. Because a player has to put in actual work outside of the game to find the solution to a lot of the steps. I consider myself a representation of the general playerbase, I raid Normal and got a Heroic kill, I play some keys with my guild, I do some delves, I dable in quests and run legacy content for funsies, and someone like me isn’t likely to be willing to put in all that work for a motorcycle mount.

Is it cool looking, absolutely. I love the design personally. BUT, I will not go through all that effort regardless of how awesome I think it is.

Where I think the line should be is making these items easier to get after some years. The Tusks of Mannoroth come to mind because that was the last time I played or raided before coming back in TWW. I remember guildees driving themselves mad because they couldn’t get them. And when I come back I watch as literally EVERYONE playing Remix got them. A prestige item losing its value takes away from the effort players put in to get them originally. Especially if there’s still a way to get them in live.

If you are a mount collector, rare or common, all mounts are up for grabs.

For me, all mounts (with the exception of gladiator mounts) are fair game. I might not get CE mounts when they are current, but I have no problems going back and farming them until I get them an expansion or two later.

Secrets will generally always be a low obtain rate unless its REALLY cool. Look at the Lucid Nightmare mount for example I’m sure not many people have that. Also I’m sure many people were turned off after finding out they needed to do a pet battle or 7 O’clock.

The reason why so many people were so interested in the Felcycle is:

  1. That it was a recolor of the Mt Dew promo
  2. Part of the 20th Anniversary Event
  3. A Huge community secret with people following the progress made.

Secrets aren’t exclusive and accessible (note some secrets need prior secrets to be done by your character) to everyone.

It does since we talk about it.

And yet both are limited timed

those new flavors were garbage. I bought them and left the cans at work for anyone to take for free.