Could you please consider offering an alternative method that allows players to skip the pet battles for the secret mount / Fel Cycle? Many of us cannot do the Pet Battles, because Blizzard has given us no means to completely remove our battle-pets from the Battle Pet slots. By this I mean, once “a” pet is locked in, it is permanent and they cannot be removed from the slot; only replaced with another.
The reason this is an issue is because many websites data mine this pet data and use it to post all of a player’s current alts, regardless of whether the player has or has not agreed to share that information. Due to that, it is routinely used by stalkers to sniff out a player’s new characters.
Because of that vulnerability, many people who would otherwise love to try pet battles, cannot do so because we have no way of securing our armory page from intrusive eyes. I would legitimately pay 200,000 gold to the NPC to simply skip this step, not because I dislike pet battles, but because if I engaged in them, it would permit folks to track me via my battle-pets on the armory. I’ve seen a lot of friends harassed into quitting over the years, and so I tend to sit on the ‘better safe, than sorry’ side of the spectrum.
This happens a lot more than you guys at Blizzard realize, and because 90% of it happens over Discord, X, or Tumblr, there is very little you or your GMs can do. The best and easiest solution would be to allow players to completely remove their pets from battle slots, and return them to being empty when or if they wanted.
Alternatively perhaps you could simply prevent players from seeing another player’s battle-pets on the armory and what pets they have collected. Either of the above changes, would resolve this loophole nicely and allow more people to pet-battle.
Unfortunately until there are meaningful changes, it means a large part of your base that does not pet-battle, will continue not to; and will be forced to avoid / or be barred content that involves it. Again, it’s not because those players aren’t interested, but simply because of these vulnerabilities.
I hope you’ll change your stance and make some form of a correction. It’s clear a lot of effort went into the design and creation of Pet-Battles and I’d love to give it a try… But it’s just not worth it when there is the possibility that if I triggered the wrong person, that my pet team could be used as a weapon by creeps who I’d placed on ignore, to keep tabs on me or one of my friends.
Thanks for reading.