After finalized MageTower as a druid tank, I got the achievement, but don’t take the transmog or druid form.
Edit: I killed Krull one more time (without dying) and now i have the form
After finalized MageTower as a druid tank, I got the achievement, but don’t take the transmog or druid form.
Edit: I killed Krull one more time (without dying) and now i have the form
I have the same issue just got one of the two achievements
I have the same issue, had a support ticket open and they confirmed it was a bug and development team was notified, hopefully this gets more views as it might happen to many others. Got achievement but no skin or transmog.
Have you all closed your game and relaunched it?
Yes, relogged, repaired installation, changed char, try to change on other druids too :’(
=( I would stick a ticket in. That’s strange! =(
Edit: another poster in the thread said it was a confirmed bug
I made a ticket. the supporter said that was a knowed bug, and asked me to create a thread on forum. :’(
Well poop =(
Same issue here on Holy Paladin, posted about it also (just noticing now after scrolling through tons of bugs that there were a couple threads already - oops).
I too completed guardian MT and didn’t receive the werebear appearance.
A big let down after putting in so much work to get it.
Same, nothing worked. Submitted big ticket
Only thing that fixed it for me was doing the mage tower again on the character that didn’t receive the armour.
Same, six escalations on my ticket and nothing. While others have reported GMs giving them the skin/set through the ticket system.
Hopefully this isn’t a bug that sits for years without getting fixed, like many others that still exist in the game.
For me too. I killed Krull again and now i have the form
I don;t know if i have the will to kill him again for the form. I guess i go again tomorrow. I killed him tonight but got no form or set. Feelsbadman. What if i can’t kill him without dying lol - am i just s out of luck? I mean i got the achievment - why can’t they just give us the skin??? Cannot beleive I have to do this again. Legit sad.
Same issue here, killed Krull, got the “A Towering Success” achievement. Hurried over to Dalaran barbershop only to find the form missing, transmog appearance was missing too. Read the forums etc, saw people having the same issue. Re logged issue persisted.
Reached out to via a ticket and received a generic, we are busy response, go see the forums. Upon further pushing the matter received a response from a GM stating its a known issue, please submit an in game bug report.
I am truly disappointed with the experience, to sink a significant portion of free time into completing a challenge. The elation from completing the it was completely inverted upon realizing that I do not have the reward from it and may never get it. I did see that some have received the appearance after redoing the challenge, the point is you should not have to. I understand that bugs exists, just disappointed with the experience.