Fel themed pets

Hi, I’m a casual pet collector and I was wondering if anyone could help me out with finding some fel themed pets.


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Fel Flame, Fel Lasher are a couple. :slightly_smiling_face:

the green core hound is the first thing that comes to mind.

also this one, remove the space after https
https ://www.wow-petopia.com/look.php?id=dreadravenwarbirdfel-armour

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brain isn’t working… but there’s some item you can create which turns your companion pets green and stanky.

Fel Pup has that adorable puppy model. It’s my fav. Felbat Pup has a pretty cool animation on it(this pet is super cheap because it was part of the legion launch event invasions so everyone had sooo many- go to the AH)

Specifically green? Or just demons in general? Because there’s a lot of demon pets.

You looking for Hunter pets, battle pets, or both?

If it’s both then you must get some fel doggos.

You can even get a fel doggo mount to match both of them!


Most of the warlock summons have a pet version out there: imps, internals, voidwalkers, sister of temptation, eyes, chaos hound …

If you just want green fire, the fel flame (outland shadowmoon valley wild pet) is about as green and firey as you can get.

Netherspace Abyssal, a drop from the last boss of Karazhan is a big fire-themed abyssal. (Edit: oops- that’s fire not fel, the fel one is the ultra-rare wild pet in felwood)

Hope that helps.

I have a little fel flame. He looks like a miniature green voidwalker.

If you hit shift-P in game to bring up the battle pet collection, then uncheck collected and check uncollected to see pets you don’t have. Then type ‘fel immolation’ or other fel abilities, you might get an interesting list of things. I see Pocket Reaver, Sunreaver Micro-Sentry, Shard of Cyrukh, fel-afflicted skyfin.

Also Mischief is a fel kitten in the Blizzard store that might go well with a night elf.

Also highly recommend cap’n crackers from the blizzard store for the dumb hell of it. If you summon it, then click on it and /whistle, the parrot will sit on your shoulder. And it’s wearing a pirate hat.

My Tauren Shaman look cool trotting along with a Gilnean Raven following behind too. (or any raven)

Lastly, rare quality Spawn of Onyxia, Corgi Pup, and Cogblade Raptor can reliable smash the darkmoon faire pet battlers for 105 tickets per week. And a levelling toon would get a few levels of experience off those pet battles in that week too. Can even just use spawn and corgi on the weaker guy and have a leveling pet get the last hit or two on his monkey.

Happy hunting!

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Fel Pup is the best! I like to Magic Pet Mirror one of the Fire/Void ones and then run around and it looks like two lil pups chasing each other. I’m so lame but i love it so much


I love using my pet battle team of Fel pup, Cinder pup, and Void pup. They may not be the best team, but they look so good together!

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Steelbound Devourer and Corrupted Dreadwing look pretty felly to me but I’m a little colorblind. Crazy monster scary looking mounts though. Flying on a skeletal dragon thing that’s on fire, or riding a giant 3-headed demondog bigger than an elekk.

I once battled a Pandaren who used 3 zangar spores that couldn’t kill and just kept healing themselves! His strategy was to make me get bored and forfeit the fight, but I put on a Netflix movie and just kept hitting the 1 key for victory… (I needed 10 pvp pet battle wins for a weekly, had like a 25% win rate, and he was win number 10 so no way I was forfeiting…)

Team of level 1 elemental/fel things with an elemental attack destroys all the legendary battle pets on mechagon too.

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Magic Pet Mirror and Heartsbane Grimoire are the two best toys I have for fun, I summon blingtrons whenever my engineers are on for the 1 in a zillion chance at the something rocket mount though. Tempted to buy the one in blizzard store that turns you into bosses, but I think the boss look lasts like 5 minutes on an hour cooldown and drops when you do anything interesting. Heartsbane Grimoire lasts an hour on an hour cooldown and makes your mounts look frightening - dark valarjar stormwing my favorite. Pet mirror and turn yourself into spirit of summer or lil’ bling or raven, sister of temptation. I haven’t tried turning into blorp or a balloon or kite yet. Anubiseth Idol, darkmoon zeppelin, tonk, laughing skull… pet mirror definitely top 2-3 toy for fun.

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The void tentacle pet is interesting to turn into.

The cooldown on Magic Pet Mirror is so sad. It’s definitely my favorite toy. Some pets are soooo cool. That rare spawn in Vale that drops K’uddly. I want so bad just so I can turn into it

https://www.wowhead.com/item=127766/the-perfect-blossom ← use this. it works on all battle pets except for select few such as ethereal soul trader. turns them a lime green hue with smoky/glows

Check out this site (Don’t know why it’s not a trusted site, they made the freakin’ creator of the site into a character in the game so it should be) it has a list of all the Battle Pets and how to get them!

warcraftpets dot com

(Yes, thanks to Rayne right below, this is actually the site I meant to post (still not a trusted site despite the website creator’s persona being made into a literal character in game) but it’s been so long)

warcraftpets is a better source of battlepet info.

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