Fel Rush mechanic idea

What if they made Fel Rush distance traveled is based on if youre pressing forward, nothing, or backwards? For example, currently I think Fel Rush moves you 15 yards so pressing forward would move you 15 yards, pressing neither forward or backward would move you 10 yards (or 15), but pressing backwards would move you 10 yards (or 5) or some alternate of these

The goal would be to allow for you to use Fel Rush as the situation calls for and specifically, in melee combat when you dont want to rush 15 meters away and want to stay in melee range

a similar mechanic might work for vengeful retreat

thoughts? they also could perhaps make this an option like mage blink for those who dont want it

I think there’s about 10,000 things they need to work on before they start screwing up Fel Rush.


They already fixed fel rush with our felblade now being able to be used immediately and not “after we have traveled x distance away”

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Leave Fel Rush alone as a mobility skill and nobody will complain.

Movement with VR and Felblade feels decently good in 11.1 as of current live status, and hopefully they don’t mess with it anymore.