Feign Death/ Dots

Hunter is significantly less fun for me in all iterations of pvp due to feign death no longer removing dots. We’ve all but lost the ability to reset fights and access the heal from camo in world pvp and arenas. Way less clutch 1v2’s happening for me.

I can appreciate it was somewhat toxic to play against, I also mained a spriest in shadowlands and it was sort of annoying but they also got feared so never though it was that disruptive.

Hunters are definitely lacking in the defensive category and ladder reflects it. While I would be thrilled to see them bring back this mechanic in some form I’d settle for tying it to seperate abillity on a longer cooldown.

[insert name here] 1:30 cd : removes all dots from hunter

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I can understand why they wanted to remove it, but why only from hunters? DH and pala got to keep their magic dispels

I mean, it makes sense that they remove it. Playing dead shouldn’t remove dots.

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Of course it should.
How do you play dead when youre groaning in pain?

Say someone tries to rob you. Stabs you in the chest. You are not gonna stop that bleed by laying there pretending to be dead

Dude, you can’t use real-life logic in a fantasy game… that’s the same as saying:

“Imagine you’re a priest. Say someone pours gasoline over you and sets you on fire. You can’t just say a magic word and dispel all the fire damage”.

I wasn’t using real life logic. Setting up a scene in game

But in order to play dead convincingly (which Hunters do) I would have to stop the bleeding somehow!

Sounds like a self heal then feign to me

Feign death needs to remove the dot’s but also remove the dang icon on the enemy player so we don’t realize he’s playing feign death.

I’d rather they make it so camo can remove dots instead, 1 min cd versus feigns 25 second and you have to leave combat to press it. seems fair, no?
Doesn’t even need a pvp talent. just make it a baseline effect

That’s the worst attempt to make an analogy. Feign never removed bleeds to begin with, Mending Bandage does.