Feign Death and Trapping

since the original thread on this was unlisted and locked, (https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/feign-death-trap-bug/) i thought i’d make a new post about this as the issues haven’t been resolved yet. thank you.


This man with a full head of hair is right, it’s time to fix the bug, not run away from your problems! Your name isn’t Doug, I do not think!

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I’ve already unsubscribed from classic until they fix this. Blizzard is such a :poop: company now, I feel like I’m playing through EA.

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Hunter also has an auto shot delay after feign deathing. PLEASE FIX!

It’s considered not a bug

  • Hunters can sometimes experience a slight delay before recasting Auto Shot after moving.
    • Note: There is a hidden “retry” timer that occurs if the hunter is moving when the normal swing timer finishes. This timer checks for hunter movement before trying to resume auto shot, and this timer refreshes every 500ms when the hunter is moving. This means that if a Hunter is moving and stops moving just after this timer refreshes, you need to wait until the retry timer checks again to validate that you are no longer moving and can resume casting auto shot. This is not a result of spell batching or server heartbeats, and is specific to the functionality of a Hunter’s Auto Shot. This is consistent with Auto Shot functionality on the Reference client.

thanks! that’s actually hugely helpful! you can virtually eliminate the delay if you just don’t move after feign deathing