Feet of fury

Listennnnn, I think something very important for character attachment is flavor/variety. Glyphs came into this game and made quite a few potential changes, but there is still room for TONS more!!!

I have, from day 1 as a monk, wanted Fists of Fury to be glyphable to Feet of Fury, where you kick rapidly like chun li from street figher. That of course isn’t my only idea, but it is one I want the most. Any other neat glyph ideas you can imagine to give monks a little more “flair” and maybe make us more appealing to play? =)


I agree with this. In the pandaren starting zone theres a monk npc who uses a repeated jick tech thats nearly identical to fists of fury other than the animation. Ive wanted that for a long time


yes show me the furry feet

Glyph of Spirits: Your Storm, Earth, and Fire spirits now wear saved transmog sets you have.

Glyph of this should have been done ages ago: Different colors to choose from for your FLS/JFS.

Glyph of Flurry of Xuen: Changes Fists of Fury’s animation to the MoP Leggo cloak animation.

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