Feels punishing to change mains

No worries, thanks.

Read what I said and stop pretending it applies just to what you’re doing.

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Bold of you to assume you’d be dealing with people that operate in a space of reason and not delusion on the wow forums.

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There already is a limiting factor for current content - farming crests - and that’s working just fine. This is solely referring to phasing issues with obsolete content and wouldn’t limit anyone from doing mythics or raiding at all.

Let’s agree…… we are giving up havoc DH because the horrible tiny dps windows and weird convoluted button sequence. (Looking at you immolation aura).

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I only play tanks, besides my warlock, so I was VDH. I just was losing interest in DH, all of DF pretty much, even though VDH had their time to shine and then some. I landed on prot warr. I’m gonna play it even if it isn’t meta or good, after this season. Sometimes change is good, and needed.

This toon was not my SL or DF main and it wasn’t at all punishing switching it to be my TWW main. I’m contemplating switching it up again for Midnight if I don’t switch it in 11.1.

Changing mains going into new seasons (and especially expansions) isn’t the same thing as doing so mid season.

Expansions is obvious. But with seasons, Blizz always patches massive gear catch up systems to get people ready.

I have a toon I can switch to tonight if I wanted to and would have only a little bit of work to catch up to this toon.

This happened to my pally alt who’s lv 80. I now have no quests (no quest greeter), can’t backtrack for the intro quest (I hit skip intro). Essentially, I’m locked out from that entire expansion unless I’m summoned by stone/warlock/take seasonal dungeon portals.

I was a little confused up to this point.

Yeah if you donʻt switch to a connected realm all your achievements dont exist on the new server so you start from scratch.

If you mean “new” as in brand new (520-540) item level, it takes more than a little work. You only get so many greater delve keys.

If you have friends that can boost you, thats a different story of course.

I have some of those as well. Admittedly those will take longer to get up to 610-619 range it’s still doable in a couple of weeks even without friends to boost you. Now the anniversary events makes it a lot easier then if it wasn’t there, but delves exists and can get you into the 600 overall ilvl pretty quickly just from coffer keys. Can’t just be delves alone though heroic dungeons will need to be grinded. It all depends on how much work you want to put into your toon and of course rng can make it faster or slower depending on how it goes.

Yeah I’m not arguing this, we might just have different definitions of what constitutes “a little work.”

You’re probably looking at 30 or more hours to get to the 610 area, and that’s where it only begins. The crest grind is beyond real.

FeEls PuNiShINg To ChAnGe MaInS… OhHh Boo!

imagine having this crazy of a first world problem. Straight up pathetic. Its WoW, not just an MMORPG, but an extremley easy MMO that greatly values your time and an industry leader in QoL.

Go back to FF14 I think youll find more of your kind there.

You’re rage baiting. You came to a video game forum. You’re obviously not going to find people voicing complaints or opinions about serious, real-world things.

I have no clue what rage baiting is or what your even talking about. I’m not talking about something in real world.

Read much???


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