Feels bad to play Horde

Were they though? I’m pretty sure Thrall and his horde were pretty noble and were trying to do the right thing, and the night elves attacked them for cutting down trees despite the fact that they were grown back at the snap of a finger with no repercussion. They didn’t even reach out to them, just straight out attacked.

They never said it was purely for cosmetic purposes. The story was built for the Blood elves to hate the Alliance in WC3 when Dalaran imprisoned them and sentenced them to death. Additionally the Horde needed a race that would have access to Paladins. There were many reasons why the Blood elves were given to the Horde and not the alliance.


Maybe one of the reasons why they don’t do Horde stories is because it’s never good enough?

I’d say it is more they make the Horde to be villains but since that does not fit the whole horde they go to far to the other extreme with the “good” characters that are horde aligned.

It is not that the Horde stories are not good enough but that in order to counter the “insane, must kill alliance” story they made for the Horde, they have to takes ones like Baine and make them out to be alliance simps insead of ones that follow the ideals that Thrall tried to instill in the Horde fighting against the ones that seem to be acting like the Horde did in WCI through WCII: BtDP.


es I understand I don’t conflate players who had nothing to do with the narrative with writers who were the ones who made certain choices.
And I do recall this quote and I believe it was said during Cataclysm. Then yes I believe back in Cata Horde had it better, but it was because of internal conflict, we had Garrosh vs Vol’Jin going on, we Had Tauren losing Cairne. so Horde was rapidly changing and Alliance was more stagnant.

But then they decided to repeat same storyover and over again and now Horde doesn’t have that impressive roster anymore. There are so many no-names, and people who have like 2 lines of description about them besides Thrall.


As a long time Horde player, I think the problem Horde side is not only the Alliance focus for a while now but the fact that all the strong, notable Horde leaders are either dead or went stupid. (not really how else to describe Sylvanus and Baine).

Trolls don’t have anyone, Blood Elves at least have Lothremar, Orcs sort of have Thrall but he’s been doing his own thing for a while. Mayla is High Mountain and growing into her role. The Forsaken don’t really have anyone to lead.

What the Horde has is a rag-tag muddle of second-stringers who never got developed much and they got tossed together as a ‘council’.

While I see (sort of) why bringing Calia into the Horde was done, I really don’t understand how she can represent the Forsaken at all and repeatedly does so. It really irks me.

What the Horde needs is some love and leader development of characters that are Horde, not outsiders. I can see Calia being let in, but the leadership role she has in no way earned is out of line, to me.

Without that, Horde players are going to continue to feel like third class citizens. And given Midnight is years away, they really need to do more before then.


When I first started wow I LOVED horde. I was horde through and through. Legion was ok but definitely more alliance focused. BFA was the shift. Horde wasn’t relevant anymore at all. They had no place and still feel like they have no place. I’ve never hated alliance (and now I honestly love alliance) but it’s still sad what they’ve done to the horde.


Which honestly, doesn’t make very much sense and kinda lends to the lame “human potential” crap I feel like Christie Golden was always trying to toss at us. I would like to argue that Thalyssra should be at equal, if not stronger than Jaina, and that the event in BFA was mostly because she could not take on the entirety of Stormwind and Jaina at the same time.

But the blood elf magisters should certainly be able to produce some Mages that could rival her, they are after all the elves that taught humans magic in the first place, and have lived far longer than she has. Canonically Blood elves learn magic far more advanced than humans at earlier ages. Blizzard certainly has the material to create powerful characters horde-side, but for some reason either neglects to, or purposely makes the Horde characters weak for no logical reason.


Azj-Kahet arrived to the Alpha recently, and there are some NPCs that were in Dalaran when it was sacked and brought down here for labour.

When I saw that Flynn Fairwind, who has NO BUSINESS being in Dalaran was among them, it got me to thinking: what stops any other Horde NPC “just so happening” to be in Dalaran, to have THAT PERSON go summon the Horde army, and send the planet’s most powerful geomancer underground?

It’s getting harder and harder to think it’s not just spite.


Could you please elaborate a little more, as I want to make sure I got it right.

Flynn was in Lagaran, and was he killed when Dalaran crushed?
who was “THAT PERSON” (Thrall?) and that geomancer… I don’t know who you mean unless also meant Thrall.

But the problem is that the game is moving towards content that everyone can enjoy. BFA insisted that you needed to have two characters, one on both faction to understand the story fully. Now they want you to play whatever character you want and be able to enjoy the story. So if a Horde character gets a story, it will necessarily have to be shared with Alliance, which means the character will have to at least be diplomatic with the Alliance. Horde players don’t like this and call this Alliance simping. Also you should know that Baine has fought Alliance on multiple occasions, he just doesn’t hate the Alliance and would prefer not to fight.

Anyway, Thrall is going to be in the new expansion. Metzen is on the writing team, so I really don’t see how you could think there wouldn’t be any Horde stories when Thrall is his baby and he is going to be a main character. And also Geya’rah has been datamined apparently, so we will probably see something with her.

I maintain that there will be Horde stories. But Horde players will not like them, because they will not focus on fighting Alliance.

Thrall is going to die shouting “for the Alliance (of horde and alliance)” while the echoes of Garrosh lost in time rage. Nightborne and Blood Elves will put up a “no shoes no entry” sign to Silvermoon. Goblins will begin to give the orphaned orc children powdered Kaja’cola to help them remain upbeat in the mines of ragefire.
Tauren will become moonwell jacuzzi mechanics and towel-boys for the elves. Trolls will be erased from history so nobody can say Elves weren’t first.
Vulperan will become hunting foxes for Gilnean nobles.
Idk brother things are looking up for the horde.


Flynn was in Dalaran when it was attacked and survived, and was brought down to Azh-Kahet.

So if Flynn can be here, who has next to no reason to visit Dalaran at all, what’s stopping them from saying Thalyssra or Talanji wasn’t in Dalaran? Then you can have Thalyssra/ Talanji/ random Horde person go off and collect the Horde army and send Thrall underground. Hell it would even be cool to have Thrall there when you discover that Gazlowe survived too. Some good ol’ Horde feel good moments, yknow?


Oh, I know, I also know that such tends to represent the Tauren attitude in general. But look at it this way, Baine called Camp T a vaiable target for alliance to attack, he could have done so while still condemning the methods used and making it clear that viable target or not, another attack like that would bring retribution to the ones that carried it out.

And this line shows you don’t know what Horde players want. Some of us would be happy if our stories were side things for us alone, like the quest with the centaur and Baine? no reason for alliance to butt in there. WHat most reasonable horde players want is not stories about fighting alliance but stories about how the Horde is changing, how our characters are growing, that don’t have to be part of the main storyline. Think more heratage quests but across the faction.


Well Talanji isn’t your adventurer. She is the queen now and bound to the Throne, she isn’t supposed to leave unless it’s something very important. I’d sooner say Thalyssra. And if you want random Zandalari then I guess the equivalent of Flynn would be Kaja, or Loti.

But to be honest I’d rather if Horde went to the Azj-Kahet on their own, without this whole Dalaran narrative going on.

And the game will make you quest with Flynn? The guy who worked to raid Dazar’Alor? I’d hang him personally if there was an option for that.


they don’t care what Horde players want.

They only want the Horde involved in the game’s story if the Horde is portrayed as warmongering cartoon villains.


I agree, and this is along the lines of what I was asking about in my previous thread about TWW.

It seems like the Horde(except for Thrall) is just staying home instead of showing up to help, and that’s not something I agree with.


yes, I read tides of war and that was awful

gadly shes gone…horde have a small chance to be a real faction now


If that is the case, I’d take the “if I was writing the story, I’d make the Alliance the warmongering cartoon villains” stance. Any comeplaints about that would be responded to with “this is the writing you deserve as you want it for others but are not willing to take it yourselves”.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:

Blizzard needs to set up a Horde Writing Team to handle the Horde experience, writing Horde quests given by Horde NPC’s for Horde players.

They already have an Alliance writing team, they can be left to their own devices continuing to write the Alliance story.

But they need to set up a Horde writing team.


Horde players don’t want stories where they’re fighting Alliance. Nothing would make Horde players happier than if they DIDN’T EVEN SEE AN ALLIANCE CHARACTER for ten years or so.

That would be heaven on earth.