Feels bad to play Horde

Horde is too pragmatic for that.

This we might be able to cope with if we at least traded off with the Alliance every now and then instead of “we need a faction conflict story” “villain bat the Horde to do it”. I mean the lead up to BFA, with Sylvanas looking at a burning Teldrassil, when it was unclear who started that fire, was the perfect chance to paint the Horde as villains in the eyes of the allaince through manipiulation and such, but Horde side we saw that it was cultist or whatever that started the fire using the attack as cover.

in wow every side is the villain every side is the good guy it’s a matter of perspective.

I’m sure they know literally what the Horde Council is but it’s true they haven’t come up in game since they were formed. I only remember we have the Council when I try to remember who the Warchief is supposed to be these days.

(Although Turalyon is leading the Alliance and that hasn’t come up either, really)

Other than Thrall, I don’t even know any of the Horde leader names. Most are dead right? I don’t even know.
Yeah, the horde story was abandoned years ago. Perhaps, WoD was the last time cool horde characters existed. I loved the Iron Horde story even though not technically the horde, they did present some of the most unique and entertaining orc characters I’ve seen to date.

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To sum up what I was saying:

Orcs, Minotaurs, zombies, etc in classic fantasy are monsters to be destroyed, so this is the perspective a lot of people go into WoW holding, Same with the Alliance as “good guys”.

Yo are right that it is all perspective, but sometimes the perspective is based on bias or what is common. We did have those rolling Horde to be the bad guy, and alliance to be the good guy after all.

To put it another way:
WoW-both sides are heroes and villains depending on perspective
WC through WCII:BtDP-Horde were the bad guys, alliance the good guys, so they must be the same in WoW (the bias/history/etc).


you dont play both factions? weird… i play both factions i have done almost all the quests on horde and about 70% on alliance. i also read the novels short stories and have all the warcraft chronicle volumes and i keep up with lore speculation community.

Yes and no. Mind you, that’s my opinion.

A common complaint I’ve seen is how weak the Horde feels compared to the Alliance, and whenever that gets dissected and analyzed, it boils down to the characters. The Alliance roster is stacked with power houses, demi-gods, etd… Velen, the 25,000+ year old Prophet of the Light, Malfurion, the Archdruid whom surpassed the Green Aspect in Druidic potential back in Cataclysm, Turalyon the 1,000+ year old Paladin imbued with the Light to the point that he’s immortal, Tyrande, the Avatar of an actual Goddess, Alleria, a budding Void Goddess, Jaina, prodigal apprentice of Antonidas, protege of Aegwynn, wielder of the Thunder King’s power, etc…

Who does the Horde have that can remotely compare to ANY of them? No one, really. Thalyssra already proved she’s no match for Jaina when the Horde freed Talanji and Zul from Stormwind, and Talanji’s power is entirely dependent on Bwonsamdi’s cooperation, and we saw exactly where they got her father.

The Horde desperately lacks powerful characters. Even for all the major characters it has lost over the years, very few had the sort of power behind them to rival that list of Alliance demi-gods.

No one is exactly clamouring over Zekhan when he’s not shown to be any stronger than the average shaman.

The Horde needs some stronger characters, in my opinion. The sort whom can stand side-by-side with the Alliance’s demi-gods. For some that only requires a bit of growth, but for others, they’re so mundane and limited that one may as well start with a fresh character.

It’s all just my opinion based on what I’ve seen discussed, mind you, but I do feel that a revamp with rising major lore characters would be a great way to go about it. It’d help give Horde players a stronger connection to these characters, and a sense of pride in their faction that has been sorely missing since BFA.


the horde us to have powerful leaders and characters but they were killed off.

And with the focus on Alliance, or in some cases, Horde turned villain character (sylvanas) we have not had a chance to build others up to replace them in the story.

I think that instead of making everyone OP, we should depower so called powerhouses, becuase they make usage of armies obsolete when they could solo the entire thing themselves.

Turalyon didn’t stike me as some uber paladin, he is not more powerful than average Lightforged draenei, and we killed them just fine.
Alleria is a ticking bomb and she also didn’t display any overwhelming power.
And Talanji powers should come not only from Bwonsamdi but entire Zandalar Pantheon, she is now the equivalent of the Troll Pope, and Zandalar is the holy place.

Zekhan isn’t uber powerful, at best he should be slightly ahead of more seasoned shamans if we are to take approach that Zekhan is the prodigy among shamans and not being typical shaman himself.
I also don’t get where from Malfurion got all this power, he shouldn’t be more powerful than actual Wild Gods and Ysera. He should be more powerful than most of the druids, but his uber powers were always bizzare to me. Did he suck them from Emerald Dreem when he was sleeping?

And Imo Jaina should’ve been killed. She should’ve been the one to kick the bucket in Dazar’Alor raid imo.


A characters core can also change, I worked in mental health for 9 years, I’ve seen people take drastic changes when something tragic happened or they expanded their knowledge on something.

That can all change and it doesnt make it bad writing when it does.

I’ve known good people who have changed for the absolute worst.

I thought the Horde-centric storyline with Baine and the Centaur was really good.

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Then you know that when an individual’s personality changes, that is a sign of mental illness.

Again, growth is possible without that.

Keep in mind, that was after they made Baine out to be a rug that anyone could walk over with the Alliance. Those of us that knew his history with Centaur could see him haing a racist blind spot with them, but they took it to the extreme after having him on the other extreme with Alliance.


I think it was forced and proved that Baine is a walking hypocrite.
He was unnecessary agressive toward centaurs that were not the same centaurs from Kalimdor. He could’ve simply be wary and cold, but he was very much spouting threats toward their direction.
And when he went on killing rampage he proved that he follows the “rules for thee but not for me”. As he denied vengeance to his own people that wanted revenge for Theramore aggresion and banished said tauren, but they were also hurt becuase they lost family members and homes.

And all this to show us “bigotry and prejudice is bad, m’kay?”.


That isnt a constant or a definitive.

It can be a combination of factors and I’ve seen the “cores” as you like to call them radically change for a multitude of reasons.

People arent incarnates either, a different way of thinking can completely change who you are the next day.

If you are the same as you were with no change in thinking for 9 hours you wasted your life and only dwell on echo chambers.

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It is, however, a sign. Entry level abnormal psychology courses cover it.

Personality is defined as, “an individual’s unique pattern of thoughts and behaviors that persist over time and across situations.

That is why a change in personality, specifically, is one of the most telling signs of a mental disorder.

This is an odd thing to say, at least to me, as a few years back the Devs went on record at Blizzcon as saying that they don’t like writing Alliance stories as they are boring to them, and prefer to write Horde as they find them more compelling.

And even Metzen said it’s hard to write for the Alliance as the Devs considered the Alliance to be like Superman, a paragon of good that always does what’s right. This is what the Devs wanted for the Alliance, not the Alliance player base mind you.


If I hadn’t committed to Horde back in like 2010, or if mass-faction transfers were a thing, I’d probably be Alliance.
We exist simply to be the utensil for Alliance to have some inner-turmoil. It has been like this since Legion.

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I remember them saying this! But it doesn’t change the fact that lately, since Legion or so, Horde has been kinda sidelined.

Okay, each faction had their own story in Battle for Azeroth so it would be rich to say we weren’t there but in terms of that expansion’s themes and overall plot Horde didn’t get much. Apparently a big part of BfA was voices from the sea hinting at the rise of N’Zoth but for Horde squid daddy kinda came out of nowhere.