Feels bad to play Horde

so i think baine bloodhoof should stand trial for treason and fraternizing with the enemy during a war with them.


We dont know much at all at the moment, but datamining has found items marked as 11.1 goblin raid.


the horde doesn’t need cool characters. only we can save ourselves.


Heck, this (Goblin Raid) will consume me until I know for sure.

holds off buying a ticket to the hype train


A 1920’s style goblin run speakeasy with a back alley entrance and doorman. Would love it.


im scared they may try to censor that costume and im surprised they havent because for awhile they went full HR anti sexyy mode for some time even though even alot of women like having sexy characters and apearence.


Since its an underground expansion the assumption is were going to the undermine as the new zone for the patch.

Im hoping we finally get to off gally haha


I can imagine all the transmog. Flapper dresses, zoot suits, tommy guns, and maybe an updated trike? :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


Yes! exactly this.

I think Blizzard could have a lot of fun with this sort of thing.


:joy: My IRL friends and I, all laughed our butts off when we went on TWW page — Which at the time had TWW cover-art as the background of the webpage, to which it showed Alleria & Anduin at the front-centrepiece … But Thrall a tad far at the back.

However what made us laugh, was that there was a logo-thing on the page completely covering Thrall’s face & the majority of his body, like Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc :rofl:


Through the years of playing this is one of those topics that bounces back and forth. The alliance will let you know when they feel the story leaves them out and vice versa for the horde. I play both factions though I play alliance vastly more over all.

This weekend was all blood elf though . I very VERY late to get it but got the heritage set for the blood elves finally- have to say I think it’s pretty awesome. IMO one of the best so far and I try to get every heritage set they make available.

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I don’t look at absence of horde alligned characters and think this is just a story for the alliance.

I just look at is as a story to experience, I think some ppl are to faction sensitive.


I’m hoping the Undermine isn’t JUST a raid. It’s such an old piece of lore if we’re going there I want to quest around there and have it be important. It’s the Undermine!


I heard it wasnt an underground expansion as the devs were wary of doing that as ppl like to see skies and stuff.

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I hope it’s half-city, half-raid, like what they did with Suramar or even Mechagon to some extent.

Oh and we’ll probably get a PvP-themed arena for it too.


Oh i absolutely agree.
If theyre going to do it, do it right


Yes and no.

I too don’t mind being some nameless, faceless murderhobo in the crowd. That having been said, TWW doesn’t feel Alliance beyond a very superficial level.

We’re not really exploring the Alliance, or the Alliance’s interactions with the Earthen or Arathi. We don’t see Dwarves and Earthen sitting together and comparing cultures and practices and history. We don’t see High Elves, Humans, and Arathi working together and comparing holidays and what they know of their ancient shared history.

In other words, we’re not seeing how any of this affects the Alliance and it’s peoples or nations. Granted that’s almost always been the case. Blizzard very rarely takes the time to let an expansion’s new cultures breathe in a way that the factions find connection to them. Even in WoD, the presence of the Horde felt like it amounted to just Thrall and meeting his AU parents.

The missed opportunity was in having the MU Orcs connect to clans that were more myth and legend to them, than anything they clearly experienced. It could have been a renaissance for the Horde’s Orcs, to find their roots and embrace cultures that most had never known, but which resonated with them.

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if you have played the story for years on horde you will see the absolute butchery of character writing during BFA and shadowlands. none of the characters personality was consistent to how they were betrayed before i think thats why alot of people just left horde.


Undermine as a Suramar-esque setup would be /chef’s kiss


3 of the 4 zones are underground.
But theyre meant to be designed in such a way that it feels like youre outside.