Feels bad to play Horde

Fake hugs to the Horde. :sleepy:

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Respectfully I don’t think its fair to say that Alliance embraced morality.

Look at Garados look at Old Hillsbrad look at Daelin Proudmore just to name a few examples.

If anything Thrall was the most moral character we ever seen (until Anduin came along)
There are good and bad on both sides.


Not like the alliance are getting stories either. The diversity elves are a seperate thing 1500 years removed. The earthen have nothing to do with the alliance or horde at all.
In fact horde are the only ones that got story since we went to silvermoon with high elves and the one token human.


In a sense, that only proves the point.

It would’ve been wrong to disobey one’s commanding officer. Insubordination is a crime, and therefor, evil.

That isn’t to say the actions, goals, and words of those two characters were not evil. Just as the Horde’s actions of colonizing Kalimdor and displacing it’s native peoples through war and genocide were not good. By the Horde’s perspective, however, what they were doing was right, because it was what they needed to do to survive.


Its very clear TWW will be continuing the story line for Anduian, Magni and Jania
also Alleria and Moria.

Not to mention Dragonflight had large storyline for Tyrande and the night elves


Truce doesn’t mean we have to be super friendly to each other, it means we chose to not fight but it shouldn’t mean we’re buddies and we can sing kumbayah together. There should be still some bad blood going on there.

But ok, here are examples of storylines I’d wish to witness:

Why not having Tauren lead the charge, not Baine, but Jevan Grimtotem or Hamuul or some other new guy. Tauren have the whole Earthmother worship going on, Tauren could’ve had a vision where they’re meant to go to the depths of Azeroth, But Tauren cannot go alone like that, so they take Goblins as they have proper machinery, to dig, Gobbos can brag about their new technology and tell something about Undermine, to set the narrative ahead on what to expect in the future.
And last but not least - let’s have Dark Trolls plot.
Let’s send some seasoned Shadowhunter, it can be one of those who appeared in BfA, like the guy from Nazmir who killed plenty of blood trolls, and send him with Zekhan maybe? (I don’t know about him either because he also has been mishandled, on the other hand it would be good oportiunity to establish that he acts like a troll now, and he isn’t walking fanboy follower-type anymore).

So we could have a team of usually shafted races going on adventure, we have a new/underdeveloped faces, and unlike Alliance who are going there via crash of Dalaran, Tauren can kickstart it by doing something trivial - making it just adventure in spirit of “Journey to the Center of the Earth”. Horde really needed a cheerful, feeling good storyline and sense of exploration and your own intiative. Something truly your own. And Tauren imo deserved to truly lead a charge for a change, and get some new HD assets so we could update Thunderbluff visually as one go.

during their journey they could meet the Nerubians, and Tauren could call for Taunka for aid, we could dust off Northrend lore. Establish how tauren has been going on over the years. That is important world building.

As for void- the Horde also have their agents - Shadowmoon clan from Mag’har orcs. They were studying the void in WoD, although they said that it’s destructive, but after such a long time they could’ve figured out that this knowledge might be crucial in combating it, and find a way how to use it without getting corrupted.

So now we could have Shadowmoon clan and have opportiunity to give a plot for AR race.

The plot literally writes itself. The Horde doesn’t even have to interact with Alliance. I think it would be funny if some NPCs would say that they still hate Alliance, but becuase there is a truce “best thing we can do is pretend we cannot see them” and “look the other way, when something bad happens to Alliance”.

To show that not everyone is a carebear and so eager to forgive and forget.
Constant war isn’t sustainable, but there shouldn’t be constant peace either.
There should be golden middle approached. And imo small scale conflitcs are the best.


No, Blizzard is to blame.


Stares at Thrall and Talanji.

Yeah, suuureee…

Not Horde. Hasn’t been Horde for a decade.

The guy literally speaking on behalf of the Orc race for the Horde council isn’t Horde? The mental gymnastics of the red team never cease to amaze me… No wonder your profile is hidden. Cheers.


Talanji won’t be there. She was used a placeholder for Orweyna.

— just shows you how thoughtless Blizzard is. They could’ve used for placeholder some random NPC, but they chose to pick a racial leader and mislead people who saw early screenshots.


Beautifully done my friend. Love it

Its really not too complicated. You have a theme to an expansion. Void, Earth, Fel, death whatever. You take a horde character that is invested in that theme, and have them go on whats called a “character arc” with a rising action, a falling action and a climax.

There has been no development for Tauren, Trolls, Orcs, Goblins. Since BFA.
Only development recently (SL,DF) has really undead with Sylvannas and the Forsaken Council. Even here in this “horde” story, I have to help the alliance retake Gilneas. The writers cant help themselves LOL


Talanji isn’t going to be part of the story it doesn’t seem like. There was a datamine, but it turned out to be a placeholder. Thrall doesn’t seem like he has a lot of screen time either.


Are there some cool Alliance chatacters I don’t know about?


What is this horde council you speak of? Where are they in-game? When have they met? What have they done? The answer is nothing. Might as well be headcannon



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The guy that hasn’t done anything but beat down Horde Warchiefs for a decade, run away crying, and came back to function as a mechanism for hugs and butterflies to flow between the factions?

Yeah. He’s a neutral character at best that serves as nothing but an Alliance lapdog these days. The Baine of Orcs.

Escaped from slavery only to try to put the chains back on himself and his entire faction.


The Alpha had her as a placeholder model for one of those troll/night elf race leaders.


Here is your source