I’ve been kinda deflated since the Swtor expansion got pushed back and I’ve been sampling some other games other than this one for a change.
So far I’ve given ESO a shot but something about the progression and combat rankles me, plus I’ve already experience the story so much of I’ve already seen.
Anyone have any suggestions RPG wise that I could give a shot?
Been thinking maybe Mass Effect series (Except Andromeda since I’ve heard/seen its bad) thinking I might give a lowkey DK a spin on this before the sub runs out.
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Now if it’s just a RPG single player experience, I highly suggest the original Fallout series. It’s click to move and old and clunky turn based RPG stuff, but it’s fun, corny, and has some very interesting references flung throughout.
Make sure to start with the first one. If you played 3 and 4 already, I still say give 1 2 tactics and new vegas a try. They are a lot of fun.
Most of my strategic focus is on TWW2 atm.
Waging a huge war against the Order Tide as Clan Mors.
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Nice! That’s probably going to be my next play through is all the war hammer stuff.
I’m tempted to get the rest of the Greenskin DLC just to make Grimgor Ironhide a true power ball of destruction.
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Dlcs are always fun. I haven’t played any of those, but beefing up a character is always a fun time =)
They beef up the roster with new units and Lords.
I have all the DLC as Skaven.
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