Feeling all sick here so what's the Funniest predicament you ever been in?

What the title asks cuz I could use some laughs. I got this autoimmune thing that reacts to stress and laughter is the best medicine!

Mine is when I was randomly helping a player out I jumped from a rock on this DH and flew a little to hit a mob from behind and landed between a tree’s broken branch and a rock and couldn’t get out - while she watched!! Only way out was to hearthstone out, but I hadn’t changed my hearthstone homebase so it sent me back to Oribos instead of Sinfall where we were near. :woman_facepalming: Not even worth trying to get out of that airport station.

PS -as Liolang demonstrated in real life works too!

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Here’s something that I couldn’t stop laughing when I found it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: that worked!!!

edit - minutes later still laughing!

I was in Elwynn forest, doing a quests out of Duskwood on my Dr00d Warrior.

I went in, and confronted this mage. Somehow, during the fight, he polymorphed me into a sheep.

As a sheep, I wandered in to a fireplace and then, either I was hit or it wore off, I lost sheep form and returned to fill size.

Trapped in a fireplace.

Naturally, my hearth was on cooldown. I think some how I got killed. I recall crying out for a mage to duel me so he could poly me and maybe I’d wander out. I think somehow I was killed and got out that way. I was actually stuck there for some time.

To this day, you may notice that many of the fireplaces in the game now have invisible walls in front of them.

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I have horrible arachniphobia.
Years ago Im driving my ex and her mother over to the grocery store and a flipping spider paratroops from the sun visor, down past my face into my lap and disappears.

Im squealing like a little girl, batting my clothes, trying not to wreck the car, then I think I somehow saw the spider make its way back up into my hair and it was all over at that point. lmao

Ive never seen two women laughing so hard at a grown man before :joy::joy::joy:

edit…oh for god sake…you mean in game lmao.
Humlliated myself for nothing lol

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Once upon a time, I got invited to a mythic raid group on my hunter. I was feeling all fancy, got the best potions, flask, etc, and then on pull I immediately pressed the wrong button and disengaged off the edge. Oopsy poopsy! I was politely uninvited :icecream:

Omg, Piddy!!! holy moly, you poor thing, but it is funny! :laugh:

As a monk, I have rolled off cliffs many times…sometimes I can use zen flight to save myself, sometimes I can’t…and sometimes I forget that I can until it’s too late and I splat.

At the beginning of DF I sometimes sat at the edge of a cliff on a regular flying mount, only to jump and fly off the cliff remembering I am not on my dragon riding mount. Another splat. :smiley:

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o no - been there that disengaging off a cliff. Or jumping off a cliff on a different toon forgetting I wasn’t a dh.

yup, been there :joy:

I don’t care! :rofl: irl is fine!! O my!!