Feel like Undead and Death Knights should have a debuff in Emerald Dream

So, grinding out my dailies on alts. It always feels awkward when I’m playing my Undead warlock or Blood Elf Death Knight and doing the Superbloom in Emerald Dream. Or anything in the Emerald Dream really. Being surrounded by so much life while being the antithesis of it. I guess the RPG minded side of me feels like we should have a sort of handicap or debuff there as those types.


Life and death are in harmony.
As we kill creatures in the emerald dream that is death energy that funnels new life.

So if you think about it, we’re kinda perfect for the Emerald Dream.

For every second quest, you’re killing something. What are we? ‘Death’ knights.

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I don’t even know anymore. I guess?
Whole thing just hurts my brain.

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You are a warrior. That’s understandable


But what is your source in the lore for this change?

Common sense? Fire and Ice are opposites, Light and Dark, so Life and Death probably ought to be at odds too.

There is such a thing as smart warriors, I am not one of them however.

Death and Life are cyclical. Life feeds on Death. Death takes Life. They are the opposite side of the same coin.


Undeath is anathema because the dead are not returned to the cycle of life and death. They linger on, killing and raising more of themselves. Continually throwing off the balance, threatening to overrun Azeroth.

At least that was the speed of it before Shadow Lands. Where undeath is a perfectly fine and natural state of being. Far from threatening the balance of life and death, they are the appointed guardians of the balance, beloved by all.

Sorry, I threw up a little.


It’s not like Mages had a debuff in Argus, or Druids in Maldraxxus.

It’s fine. All the cosmic forces exist everywhere. The Dream is dominated by Life, but Death exists in it. Maybe an army of DKs would feel “starved of Death” in there, but there’s enough for a few individuals.

Well as long as there’s something living to inflict horrific suffering on, Death Knights are fine. I was just sort of feeling the whole place would be uncomfortable due to their nature.

Ardenweald was the ‘decay’ side of the Emerald Dream.

Forsaken bodies may be rotting, but their souls are quite alive, just forcefully shackled to an unliving body.

Lorewise, the Light hurts them, but Druidic life magic is generally alright. Druids can cast Insect Swarm and also use decay magic sometimes, they are interwoven, life and death.

Gotta remember there’s a bunch of Forsaken living in Thunder Bluff after all, and that place is also likely full of druidic magics. Hamuul, greatest Tauren druid, lives there lol.

Even they need some joy in their life… err… unlife.

Maybe for Hallowfall concerning the zone is imbued by light. :skull::sweat_drops:

…well, some of it is imbued with light. :open_umbrella:

Oh by Sylvanas’s bustier…

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…and it could be yours soonish. :hourglass_flowing_sand::robot:


shudders I can’t even imagine squeezing my rotting body in that. Sorry but only Sylvanas, or elf women could pull that off.

At least there’s still some more Forsaken stuff coming. Someday. :hourglass_flowing_sand::skull:

While I get the point you’re coming from involving this, I disagree. The reason is because there’s a point where lore should take a backseat to game mechanics. And this is one of those cases.

I guess, being an MMO some story beats should be sacrificed. Course if this were a Single player game I’d be interested in trying to navigate such a handicap.

I think it would be fun to have a few npcs react with disgust or fear of the undead and dk, Or at least a “debuff” that is something like what horde gets in the Bel’ameth