Feel Good inc

I am down with the plague* (pretty gnarly headcold with fever)

I want to play but i just can’t brain. Share some of your WoW feel goods!

I’ve made so many friends on this forum, even though it may not seem like a friendly place, when you ignore the trolls (Not the actual race, those are chill) it IS a fun place. I can’t wait to feel better and roflstomp through Remix again and just do dumb things. :smiley:
Sen is mom energy.


Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good


Can you make me one of them cute totems? no mechanics in it though, i have a headache.

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I was like this for the better part of three days this week. Have never had such brain fog that I actually felt like I was off of my game. I’ve felt bad enough that I wasn’t interested but never incapable when I was interested. Sucked.

Anyhow hope you get better soon.

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windmill, windmill for the land
turn forever hand in hand’
take it all in stride


I just… want to sleep. forcing myself up right now to take more medicine, honey tea and food.

But have you been enjoying Remix? or just regular ol Retail? share!


I’m just enjoying regular old retail at the moment. Missed the better part of a full season of DF so I’m not as burnt out on it as many probably are by now. Just doing mid keys and trying to get the raids pugged out on heroic. Not sure what’s on the plate next!

What are you doing when you feel good enough to play again?

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I find eating food to the be absolute most difficult thing in the world to do when I am sick.

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Awww… I hope you feel better! We’ll be here when you do and I’m sending you lots of virtual hugs and blankets and kitty snuggles! :dracthyr_heart:

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I’m leveling this Mage on retail because I know my personality and I will absolutely be unwilling to wait 3 whole months for my Remix Mage to be converted.

bleh. I’d love to finish leveling my Remix Mage to 70 and then just convert him early, but Blizzard’s not gonna allow us to do that.

and so, while Remix is really fun and I love the Gem system and I’m OP as hell (by comparison to retail, for me anyway), I kinda feel like I am wasting time if I really want to play a Mage during TWW, because I don’t currently have a 70 Mage in retail.


I was sitting here reading the thread title going, “someone is going to get that into my head…” and here you are! :laughing:

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I found a cute streamer who drags me through normal awakened raids. He’s the self proclaimed #1 brewmaster on his realm. But other than knowing his way around dungeons… he’s a lost kitten in so many ways. XD So much fun.

Ramen chicken soup seems to be a decent thing… it slurps and the saltiness helps with the sore throat.

We will do random things for giggles soon again. X3

I haven’t gotten past 34, BUTT still having fun. I plan on dragging many alts through Remix. or not. I always enjoyed leveling, even without this so called boost, it’s still really quick. about 5h from 1 to 60 just questing.


Feel better!!

I’ve been gearing up alts in retail with the weeklies and spending time and having fun in remix. Really enjoying doing the whole quest line, trying to do it in order as I remember it. Not looking at any guides. Being super casual about and chill.

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Aw, rest up and treat yourself kindly. Eat some hot soup to clear up. Also orange juice and water.

My Wow game happiness share is I got the jelly fish mount from zenith today! Happy happy joy joy :star_struck:

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The mantra is things can always be worse, so much worse. I’d take whatever it is you’re having over what I am having any day lol.

I crave OJ, but nobody can provide it to me. :frowning:

Grats on the squishy!

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