There is a 3rd target which is a dummy target… Brann’s Dino Egg.
How many times did I focus on cocoon then Zekvir starts to heal so I tab target to interrupt just to realize it tabbed to freaking Brann’s dino egg. Or tabbed target to Zekvir for interrupt then tab target back to the cocoon and wasted my Rapid Fire and Explosive shot becoz it tabbed target to freaking dummy target on Brann’s Dino egg.
The Dino Egg is designed to fool players to make a mistake.
The animation for Casting Enfeebing Spit and Healing is SIMILAR… He is Casting in the same Green Color. How many times I threw an Interrupt to be fooled that he didnt heal but casted Enfeebing spit. Wasted my only interrupt. GG.
I know that you need to have a addon to CHEAT it. It so happened that I dont like ADDON to play the game for me.
The cocoon is small and your vision is blocked by Zekvir’s huge body covering your face as he melees you. Then the fight is in a small tight location where it is hard to get a good camera angle to see everything. It’s a troll design to make fun of us.
The entire fight is compose of many troll design to fool or to bait us to make silly mistakes. The fight is around 7 min (more minutes if you are ungeared). 7 min of mechanics trying to fool us. You need a split second to make decisions. If you get fooled by any of the troll design, you fail.
It’s suppose to be a Humor but if you died more than 300x from it, it’s up to you if you want to continue to bang your head on its joke game.
My issue is Brann, the NPC is so stupid. He kept on dying on me especially on 11.1. On phase 2, all he does is die. He kept getting feared and absorb all the poops. He cant throw pots, cant do dispels, cant help DPS becoz all he did is DIE.
I had more chances before 11.1. I felt bad becoz I didn’t allot much time for it to get more hundred attempts just to be lucky to get 1 kill. I am super Casual and I don’t have much play time. I thought few nights/few hours in the last 2 week is enough for me to get a kill. I didn’t know that it has many Troll mechanics.
I had a great time though… laughing at my mistakes until I realized I made hundred attempts just only to get him down to 30% hp. I stopped making attempts since last Tuesday. It’s a fun fight though. I don’t feel bad not getting the Void appearance as I don’t like that mount anyway. GG.
Yeah, you need a split second to identify it while you are dodging a lot of stuffs while you are focusing on the cocoon and while you are running towards the Healing Pot. Reading it is slower than if it’s presented clearly. I know he is casting but I dont know what he is casting… i have to read. If I saw him casting on Purple glow Vs Green Glow, it could be faster to identify it than reading. And I could do that on an ADDON. I would put a BIG BAR on my face of Purple Vs Green, that’s faster too. Or have an ADDON to sound a Beep or Critical Sound, that’s faster too. But I refuse the ADDON.
But that’s how it is designed… it’s all good. Same Animation Color. It’s cool. I have to wait to see “+” on animation to pop out to confirm it’s a heal.
Can confirm. I did it without any addons active during the fight. I just put him on a focus target and interrupted him when he cast his healing spells. I ended up using DPS Brann too, which generally took care of the other interrupt as well. Oddly enough DPS Brann seemed to live more than Healer Brann, so dunno what was up with that.
You really do not have to read more than the first few letters in order to see what cast he was doing.
The worst part for me was having to use Dev. I am more used to Aug or Pres, but the fight was just easier with Dev so I went at it until he died. Me as Dev and Brann as DPS. Did not love that fight. Took me a few hours of practise.
I don’t even do that much. The spell icon appears next to the cast bar when it pops up. Spittle and Regen are two very different icons. Even if you’ve never seen it cast before, the icon for Regenerative Carapace paired with the name makes it incredibly obvious what it does and why you don’t want him to do it.
Overall Zekvir really isn’t a fight you need addons for. All of his callouts for moves are pretty obvious. In general most bosses that speak English are. Before I used any kind of boss mods, I got through Hellfire Citadel just fine by using boss voice lines to tell me what mechanic was happening.
Funny related story… when my guild was doing Razageth, I was explaining some of the voice lines to my guild. You know the DIE MORTAL!!! She yells before the big heck off laser beam? Apparently my impression of that was amusing enough to get saved as a sound clip in our Discord channel.
He’s trolling, nobody killed it in 4 tries, period. Anyone who says they did (check reddit, everyone one shotted it according to the threads over there lol) is a blatant liar.
No, it wasn’t even as difficult as the Mage Tower for lots of the challenges. They need to give better rewards, I agree…but dragging out old achievement awards. Nope.
TL;DR you want MT challenge weps and made a long recap thread to say it.
You are right, took me like…8? I was 623ish on Ret. Most of the deaths though were stupidity on my part.
You could have said this, could have just complained you didn’t like the reward, could have done a lot of things but you instead went to the MT. You knew what you were doing. Don’t try to shuffle around after being called out.
Havoc mage tower, for me, was one of the easiest. I have all but the healing one. Still hard struggling on that one. Healing challenge mage tower is insane.
I decided to try to do this at the last minute and tapped out after a few dozen attempts. I guess my biggest issue is as a bm hunter it seems the only way to do the fight is to hold agro and tank yourself which is annoying.
Made it to phase 2 a few times. I feel like I could probably do it if I put in the time but I found the encounter design and the way I had to approach it not that fun so I gave up.
Oh my! Perhaps you will divulge to the rest of us the secret technology you have that allows you to read minds like a Jedi Master. I mean it would certainly aid in the betterment of all humanity. Really I don’t know how much longer I can survive in the cruel grasp of your rapier wit! Bring it on Professor X, lets do this!
Don’t have to read minds to read your words. You yourself only said one thing as a reward, then popped more out after being called out. Don’t have to be a mind reader to see that.