Feedback: Warriors

Need this class tree completely re-done before launch. If I see one more of you people say “wow!!! This new class tree is so great!!! I can finally get shockwave!!!” I am going to lose it.

This class tree is so, so awful, pathing is a complete and utter mess. Cease mentioning this class tree being good going forward- it is UNTRUE. Anyone that says otherwise is at worst lying, or at best completely clueless.


wow!!! this class tree is so great!!! i can finally get shockwave!!!

I’ve been partially agreeing with this through the entirety of Alpha/beta so far. We got some decent changes all be them mildly minor, though I agree at the minnimum the General Warrior class tree needs a mild revamp still, Some talents are in better placements and others are in better spots. How ever warrior still greatly suffers from most of it’s general warrior talents being threwput nodes instead of giving them meaningful cc / buff&cd, or utility that almost all classes (Even non hybrid ones) have.

I’ve been saying from the start to put warrior on a more competitive level would be nice to see safeguard just made into a pve choice node talent for intervene. Some sort of MEATHOOK like ability warrior is getting in season of discovery but not retail to help with M+ usefulness, some sort of shout fantasy into having a Battle-cry/warhorn like lust ability would make prot warrior 100% stand out as the only tank to have a lust.

It would be great to see interrupting shout make a return as a general warrior talent as well for m+ and provide maybe an additional silencing effect (with reduced effectiveness in pvp of course) to help with chain casting and grouping mobs in M+

However the going from another bladestorm AOE talent to sweaping strikes is mildly nice in my opinion. I know Arch doesn’t dip into pvp very much to understand / care about the pvp loss of a small bladestorm with avatar however I DON’T think it’s as a big of a deal as some here are making it out to be. We still have demolish making us immune on our big go (assuming they buff demoish’s numbers) and sweaping strikes is not a bad thing to have in arena or bgs esp since warriors are typically cleaving to apply pressure. Slayer also has a new talent to break roots with charge so… while it’s probably a minor nerf, we’re also gaining a sharpen blade effect on bladestorm and losing a snare (That we can apply anyway beforehand with shout/ham)
If losing the slow on storm of destruction ruins the gameplay for you, i’m sorry that’s just a skill issue. Keep hamstring up.

I may have also misread the tool-tips as I don’t usually understand the technical gibberish most of the time when WoW datamines class changes but, it looks like bladestorm is getting an AP buff slightly? That on top of dance of death maybe being more viable over hurricane now with the 2nd bladestorm being gone might push for bladestorm to feel more like it did in MoP, with the changes + 5% damage amp during bladestorm it gives?

Big offensive CD in pvp that hit hard and hard a longer cd. Personally I’d rather bladestorm FEEL impactful rather then be a wet noodle that just gets me out of CC or gives me a 6second str buff (that I might not get to use due to pvp cc or M+ ground mechanics)

Class tree is definitely quite rough. The biggest offender is the bottom third of the tree. So many 2 point talents and there’s no synergy in the pathing.


Arms is a good spec in pvp. It’s not belle of the ball though, the removal of double bladestorm AND a nerf to the talent that lowers its cd by a flat 33% is big. Bladestorm is a big button for damage on top of cc removal…it does 170% bonus damage in pvp.

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Considering you’re going to have as Slayer, random 1second CC breaks for roots during your rotation inbetween GCDs, and a 30second CD charge out of roots, or colossus giving you CC immunity during your go though, it’s not as big of a deal imo. Bladestorm is just going to be overall more effective with it’s one use between the small damage increase on top of the pvp amp + have a 10 second Sharpen Blade effect during bladestorm + after it ends is sorta nuts imo. All you have to do is set up a slow beforehand.

This was changed. You don’t get 1 sec of bladestorm just a random AOE of damage

Is the defining reason we will all be slayer in pvp

Immunity to stuns is not immunity to cc.

All Ms effects are 50% on the tooltip reduced by half in pvp. Sharpen has a 100% Ms that gets halved

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While I haven’t kept up with the changes to the cc immunity to slayer ETC. Still a 14 second sharpen blade effect on something that is being hit / after being hit by bladestorm total is a very large duration of reduced healing. Paired with team communication it will be a huge amount of pressure on healers or force immunities / Big wall cds. Going from a 60second bladestorm to a 90 second CD bladestorm is a pretty good trade off imo.
(Edit: I had my tooltips wrong there)
It also felt really bad to use Avatar to proc a get out of root. I’m not dismissing that the change to these two talents are impactful, they’re likely not as impactful considering all the other gains / different sources.

Also on a further note, theory a bit here. Couldn’t we also just macro berserker rage since it’s baseline to be pressed since it’s off GCD before clicking demolish so we’re immune to most stops Stuns/knockbacks/fears/incaps during this? You’d be susceptible to like, poly’s and cyclone sure but, given demoish is a shorter channel, that’s likely not going to happen in sub 2400 gameplay

I won’t be against a little up for the rage generation/gain for the arms. No need to get a big buff, just need a little something more.

Demolish needs to just straight up generate 30 rage baseline, up to 60 rage when you have 10 stacks of colossal might.

You only get a regular 25% Ms and with the change to unhinged proccing so frequently it makes it even less impactful for the Ms effects.

Probably not for the best, you use berserker rage to break fears and holding it will potentially put you in a real bad spot if you hold it to demolish instead of stopping a priest from fearing your team (berserker shout) or letting a warlock lock you down during their burst.

Weakauras make pvp a joke for things like this. You’ll cast demolish they hear an air horn and press a button. Last thing is demolish really doesn’t hit that hard unless it crits in a spear, several classes can turn off crits.

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Demolish resets your swing timer, which is the real culprit here. If it just paused it instead, it would play a little more smoothly.

It was actually always a fake Bladestorm, they just changed the wording so as to not mislead people into thinking it was a real one.


Am I missing something about Reckless Abandon on beta right now? The notes from this week’s build simply say “Reckless Abandon now buffs your next Bloodthirst and Raging Blow”. The tooltip seems to reflect this should be happening off every Rampage cast like before, but instead the abilities are only being empowered once when Recklessness is hard-cast (while not triggering at all from Torment casts of Recklessness) and never on Rampage. It’s as though the talent was accidentally reverted to Dragonflight 10.0 functionality but only working once per spell instead of for the duration of Recklessness.

Wanted to sanity check before I report it as a bug in-game.

Other players in the thread have reported encountering this as well.
Report it as a bug.

On another note,
The nerf to Fury’s Anger Management really feels bad.
If Unbridled Ferocity was truly the greatest offender in our Recklessness uptime problem, then why not simply replace that talent with something else and revert the nerf to AM?


Honestly with UF going the way it did, most of Fury’s capstones just feel off. None of the middle 4 feel very compelling to take. I’m wondering if there is some design goal here to shift power away from the capstones slightly to emphasize the hero trees.

Also, why was the Mountain Thane talent, Steadfast as the Peaks nerfed?
It was already in an inferior position to Keep your Feet on the Ground, so why make it more so?

Unhinged is fantastic, though DoI and Storm of Steel have always been underwhelming.

I’ve been pushing for DoI changing to a simple +X% crit damage during Recklessness, giving players a choice of more frequency (UF) or more potency (DoI).

It wasn’t, tooltips just be weird sometimes because they’re written to refer to datapoints which can shuffle around.

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Thanks, good to know.
I was perplexed by this “change”.