Feedback: Warlocks


If you want to make Dimensional Rift a more viable talent, please consider the following:

  • Make the rift cleave for 25% of its damage, the same way it did with the Dragonflight season 3 tier set.
  • Add a new talent that adds the Flame Rift chance, and gives your Immolate damage a chance to refund a charge of Dimensional Rift.

Essentially replicating the season 3 tier set.


Destruction for both specs feels like it’s gonna hit like a truck, I think if you’re better at managing immolate and weaving it in it looks Diabolist is gonna give you the opportunity to machine again a million chaos bolts which feels great, and since destruction doesn’t really get to enjoy their demon much other than kind of being a sidekick, flavorwise, it’s neat you get your bigboy to show up and help.

I’m curious if them being halfway formed is intentional flavor like they’re peeking through a dimensional rift or if its’ a placeholder for it coming out fully later when it’s completed.

As for Hellcaller, It’s cool how big you can get that stacking dot of Malevolence to go and for someone like me who has no memory, being able to instantly apply immolate or wither in this case immediately is pretty neat. I feel like Hellcaller will be be better for mythic plus in general just for being able to dot and hit so many adds at once and it gives you marginally more flexibility, once less than to hard cast and a good amount of haste as well.

With as many chaos bolts as you can launch with Diabolist I think I’d end up removing internal combustion and opting into more haste instead just to avoid munching through so many gcds with how many chaos bolts you can throw when it ramps up.

Ok is it possible to either give the full Pit Lord model or make this look somehow better? The Pit Lord looks terrible from behind, also it has no sound effects when it fires off its attack or if it does, its very quiet and can’t hear it.

Also for the Charhound/Gloomhound, their movement sound effect is way too loud and does not match their model size which honestly should be a little bit bigger imo, if Hunters can have a giant T-Rex or other huge pets, then Warlocks can have bigger pets too.


With the increase in the number of buttons we have now, new area damage abilities, and new demons for causing area damage, pressing Implosion seems extremely uninteresting. I much prefer focusing on getting resets for Doom rather than using Implosion.

Make a choice node for Implosion, some passive effect that doesn’t interfere with the rotation and has some area value, even if it’s inferior to Implosion (after all, if we don’t sacrifice the imps, they are still causing single-target damage).


I am sure someone has brought this to your attention (and if they haven’t it pains me that I will)…

Affliction Warlock and Wither…

There are enough modifiers in the affliction tree to corruption that you can seriously boost its damage and make in permanent. On top of that, you can then take the hero talent that increases damage by 50% and reduces duration (can’t reduce permanent tho).

Add in the Spymasters Web trinket and I was getting Wither to crit for 690-700k PER TICK.

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I mean Hellcaller doesn’t really have anything else going for it. If Wither sucks, nobody will use it.

All your eggs in one basket means the basket better be pretty dang shiny.


I don’t see what’s the new animation for Soul Harvester’s demonic soul. It looks the same lame shadowfiend.

Please change the Shadow Fiend to the cool Soul Keeper demon model you pruned out of our class tree.

Soul Keepers are more thematic to a talent tree called Soul Harvester than some random void elemental.


The new mortal coil animation is nice. Malevolence looks… like someone poured purpke poop on the character. I reccomend making it the old metamorphosis model spell effect. Or make metamorphosus a toggle glyph


Personally I like Malevolence’s current effect. If anything Blizz could make it a Glyph (which would be nice to see more Glyphs in general).


I tested this insanely, I think it either didn’t make it into the beta build or is bugged.

Currently there is no difference.

Hello! I have been testing Warlock and various talent builds. I want to do more research and just type out 1 big note but I’m too excited to share my opinion and I assume most would agree. There may be something I’m missing due to other skills syncing nicely with the abilities to reveal some powerful combos but I haven’t discovered them.

Inferno vs Cataclysm seems like a great choice node (funnel vs aoe) but the long CD paired with the massive loss in potential aoe you can get from inferno feels like a poor tradeoff. I would like to suggest Cataclysm having 2 charges so that boss enemies (or high HP mobs) that spawn low HP mobs will still give funnel for the time their up without feeling like you got such a miniscule use out of cataclysm.

Channel Demonfire, Raging Demonfire, and Demonfire Mastery are extremely underwhelming. I don’t know if I’m missing something but with such a long CD and 3 talents worth put into 1 ability, I feel like it should be as powerful as nearly a capstone. The damage and the dot extension feel almost nonexistent.

Chaos Incarnate equivalent on retail i understand is over tuned and especially for season 4 it exacerbates that with all the secondaries. 70% I feel is much too low, and although I dont think anyone will care because there are much more interesting talent choices, I felt I should bring it up that with low secondaries again, even 90% I feel isn’t that bad.


So I think you miss understand how cata is used. Catsla is not a funnel ability. It’s purely aoe. And they’re either alive long enough to rain of fire or you don’t bother. If it’s 3 or more targets you aoe. Unless you have havoc up and there are less than 5 targets do you swap to chaos bolts and then only within that window will you do that. Then shift back to rain of fire. And that’s the same for inferno or cata if I’m not mistaken. And the benefit of cata is to generate shards to generate more rain of fires. And in hellcaller the immolated turn to wither and do do a good bit of dmg when applied to multiple mobs.
And channel demon fire is not working properly. You would use it to extend the duration of the withers applied from cata but it’s currently not working. Or sometimes breaks completely and becomes unstable.

So having inferno and cata on the same choice node isn’t really a good thing. On the inferno side you need adds to live long enough to ramp up and provide aie before other bursty aoe classes kill them. This is made worse due to the fact that they took infernos ability to generate shards. On the cata side they need to live long enough to warrant actually using the spell. Which most trash packs within a dungeon do. The cata side does feel nice with hellcaller active except for cdf not being able to synergize with it properly.

As for destro in keys, it can be overpowered but only if the group specifically plays around destructions damage profile. If not then well trash dies fast and no ramp time, or there are not enough in the pack for destro to take off and and hunters, pallys, and warriors will humble you

Chaos incarnate even in retail is fine at 100%. Destro isn’t even the best st in the game, there are several above it in raids. And we learned last season how bad it felt not having it at all when we were forced to play rifts instead and it became a gear sim nightmare because we had to take stats in everything. 70% is definitely too low because of the way the talent works we get on average 75% mastery gain without it. And again it felt absolutely terrible in s3 without it. It’s currently a nerf to take the talent in beta. I don’t really see the point in removing it from 100%. But I do need to test more once m+ and raid opens up where things live long enough to truly test and compare dmg within itself and against other classes.


I agree. I took my helm and robe off to really look at the visual and I love the look. I would even take it one step further with the glyph and make a fire and fel version of it too.

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I could get behind that, sort of a modified effect depending on spec: more purpley/green tinge for affliction, some fire in there for destro, fel for demo or something.

But either way, the existing effect is cool imo.

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Doom with new Pact of Ered’ruin is the epitome of button bloat (11 June Change)

Hey everyone, just some quick feedback on the very confusing way Doom is being handled. I’d first like to point out that the ‘Imp Army (HoG, Nether Portal)’ Demo players still have not quite been properly served after the initial talent rework despite the admittedly very cool Vilefiend changes.

It was a big surprise to me when I learned that Doom now takes the place of the Nether Portal ‘side’ of the tree, with Pact of Ered’ruin being the tier 10 talent in its place. Though this was a cool new way to make Doom impactful, I don’t feel like it quite scratches the itch that the ‘imp army’ players would want to replace Nether Portal.

Regardless, testing with Doom/PoE did feel cool. For the first time since picking up Demo, it felt like this was a button worth pressing. Pact of Ered’ruin, along with Doom Internal and Impending Doom, I think perfectly accomplished the stated goal in Alpha

-Make Doom worth pressing
-Make Doom a viable choice against other powerful talents
-Make Doom a full on build option.

Though not really replacing Nether Portal, these 4 talents did achieve developer goals and provide a new, interesting focus for Demo. Now pressing this button meant burning down the timer as quickly as possible to get a Soul Shard and a Demon Spawn. Very engaging way to play.

Cut to today’s change of making Pact of Ered’ruin, a tier 10 choice in the tree, non-deterministic.

To be honest, this would be a head scratcher for any tier 10 talent imo, but I think I’m especially confused by the seemingly counter-intuitive change to the original goal. Doom in DF was never picked as it was an odd duck for Demo. In 10.2.7, the complaints of Doom are that it’s clunky, it doesn’t add very much to the rotation, doesn’t fit in with the feel of demo, and doesn’t provide much use. The additional 3 talents added in TWW (Impending Doom, Doom Eternal, PoE) have rectified this not by turning Doom into an interesting spell itself, but by giving players a cool augment that rewards us in the form of resources (Soul Shard) and a big single target burst (Doomguard).

Without these talents, Doom is still an uninteresting spell that feels irritating to press.

This leads to the core of the issue;
Making PoE a random chance while leaving Doom Eternal and Impending Doom untouched will turn Doom into a very unfun must-pick

To recap:
In 10.2, Doom is an un-fun quasi DoT with no real reward for using it. So nobody picks this talent, everyone ignores it, no biggie.

In Beta build 1, Doom is a timer mechanic that you’re incentivised to burn down quickly to summon an actually cool move.

In Beta Build 2, Doom is an un-fun quasi DoT that rewards you with a valuable resource in a time when the Soul Shard economy has been nerfed

To me, this not only deminishes the goal of making Doom a worthwhile button to press, but also turns Doom into an irritating must-pick to generate the additional resources. Where initially, it seemed like Doom was meant as a new end-game build for Demo, we’re left with the same annoying kind-of-DoT that exists in Dragonflight but now with less damage options to chose from (no Nether Portal) and scarce resources tied directly to Doom.

I feel like there’s exactly 3 paths forward here:

  1. If you don’t like the Doomguard, come up with a new tier 10 augmentation for Doom that has a cool effect on Doom’s end. Not a chance of something, not a stronger Doom, a cool effect that engages players

  2. Leave Doom, Impedning Doom, and Doom Eternal as is, but move them all way higher in the tree. Not to harp on it, but this is not a satisfying end-game build currently. If it’s only meant as an AoE button that generates a Soul Shard, it should not be weighed against the likes of Gloomhound/Charhound

  3. Rework Doom entirely so that pressing Doom by itself feels powerful.

Hate to break it to you guys, but the spell Doom by itself, a timer that does AoE damage at the end of it that players will have to keep up, will never be a popular choice. It’s like playing worse Afflic and doesn’t work with the Demo rotation/idea. It’s either got to be an annoying filler spell that we have to cast for Soul Shards, or a cool end-game spell that’s worth the points to spend.

As it stands, the only impactful tier 10 talents are the ones revolving around Vilefiend. You’re asking players to choose between pet-crit on the right, and an unfulfilling chore on the left.

Please reconsider the direction Doom is going, or give us a different, more active choice.


Have made multiple edits to my original post which are iterated at the bottom. Just FYI.

Not sure about Doom as I haven’t used it, but definitely agree that Implosion can just be deleted from the tree, at MINIMUM a choice node so I don’t have to do it. There’s already lots of abilities in the rotation, we don’t need Implosion.


I think the giant grin on the new Malevolence icon makes it look more goofy than menacing.

Doom is completely ruined now, no capstone talent should be so rng. The doomguards simply need a cap on how many can be out per minute.


Whither is supposed to be strong.

Quit complaining about a good thing.