Feedback: Warlocks

And no more purple poop!

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What about making Implosion a choice node with a passive that makes the Imps’ damage cleave to nearby targets. The passive would be made slightly weaker than using Implosion but still a viable pick.
This way players that do not like sacrificing their imps can have an option not to.


Some feedback:


Since you decided to make Malefic Rapture the base spender for both single target and multi target situations again I feel some changes are required.

  • Seed of Corruption: Remove the shard cost from the spell and give it a cooldown (10 seconds or 15 but reduced with haste). Reduce its damage but increase the radius of the explosion (in order to more easily apply DoTs).

  • Vile Taint replaced with a new talent that buffs Seed of Corruption, makes Seed of Corruption also apply Agony to all targets hit.

  • Infirmity: Rework the Vile Taint part.

  • Absolute Corruption: Should make both Corruption and Agony permanent (in PvP it should function as it did before).

  • Life Siphon: Adds a leech effect to all your DoTs.

Players will effectively choose between Having an easier time maintaining their DoTs and getting more self-healing and survivability.

  • Summon Darkglare: The Darkglare should cause all your DoTs to tick faster for its duration.

  • Perpetual Unstability: The talent is way too weak for the position it’s in. Either buff it or move it to before the first gate.


(as mentioned in a previous post)

  • New talent to be in a choice node with Implosion, causes the Wild Imps’ bolts to cleave to nearby targets.

  • Spiteful Reconstitution: Should also increase the cleaved damage if players choose to take that option instead of Implosion.

  • Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.
    The way I know Demonic Tyrant to work is that it buffs the duration&damage of demons you have already summoned when you summon it. This creates an overly long setup before casting Demonic Tyrant (which also has a cast time), requiring to summon large amount of imps, Dreadstalkers, Vile Fiend (or the hounds) and Grimoire Felguard. And Immediately after that casting Demonic Strength so it benefits from the tyrant’s damage bonus.

Please make Tyrant buff demons summoned after it as well.

  • Power Siphon: This is a controversial one. But recently you decided Demonology has too many Demonic Core procs and decided to cut back on them. To that end you decided to reduce the chance Dreadstalkers will grant those procs.
    This still doesn’t solve your issue and only makes Dreadstalkers a less fun button.
    The real culprit with Demonic Core procs is Power Siphon, which grants you 2 stacks whenever you want them.
    If you really want to cut back on Demonic Core procs, please rollback the nerf to Dreadstalkers and simply nerf/remove Power Siphon.

Right now, thanks to the current nerfs, Power Siphon is a mandatory talent that still causes Demonology warlocks to have many Demonic Core procs.


I personally don’t care for purple fire. Maybe shadowflame color, but not purple. However, I think other classes deserve recolors before we get more. Fire mages deserve a blue fire quest. Maybe druids could get a emerald nightmare recolor of their balance spells.

And that’s fine if you personally don’t like it, and I agree mages should get blue fire as well. But it would be an optional thing just like the green fire is now. And there are more pressing issues to deal with ATM than aesthetics, just something later on down the line to think about. Green fire itself came out like 10 years ago. So it’s been awhile.

Dimensional Rift - Without the set bonus or supporting talents, this spell feels very superfluous. I am not one to complain about button bloat, but current Dimensional Rift is just that. It’s a button for the sake of another button.

It doesn’t interact with Destructions base kit in any fashion beyond generating Soul Shards, nor does it have any interaction with any of the hero talents. It has no use in AoE. It doesn’t benefit from mastery (might have changed, haven’t checked). It is just an empty button that does marginally more damage than Incinerate every 45 seconds.

Dimentional Rift in its current state is nothing but a talented filler.

Please add something else to the ability, like Lessons of Space-Time, or get rid of it.

Or better yet, move Infernal back to the middle and Dimensional Rift to the bottom. There isn’t enough space for all the Infernal talents in the middle, but that can be solved by removing Infernal Brand outright and changing Crashing Chaos to work off of Dimensional Rift instead then putting the last remaining Inferal related talent, Rain of Chaos, right underneath Infernal in the middle of the tree where Dimension Ripper is located right now.

Edit: on a second thought, the above is a pretty bad idea since it would let you always hold a charge of DR for trinket procs. Effectively emulating the problems MoP Destruction had.


While DR is currently underbudget because it does not cleave as it does with the set bonus, it is NOT useless and it should not be pruned.

Destruction is a horribly immobile spec, and DR helps a lot to shore up that weakness. It’s 3 GCD’s worth of movement if you know how to bank, plus another 2 from conflagrate.

Where the spell needs help is in aoe and stationary where it should provide enough damage to compete with incinerate/conflagrate.


I would not be removing crashing chaos to benefit rifts. CC is what makes the infernal good by empowering the caster and makes the infernal feel relevant by providing a huge boost in the warlocks power. Honestly CC should be merged into the infernal itself. That’s just how it should work and not cost an additional point.
Nor would I try to split talents up and move them away from the original ability they benefit. That creates issues where if you need a talent to benefit the original then you are potentially forced to take talents you don’t want just to get to it, or completely avoid it because it’s not worth spending extra points.

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Soul Harvesters

-The Demonic Entity looks awful. It also goes against class fantasy. Warlocks would strive to make their souls demonic- which would give them immortality/greater power, but they have historically always spoke of the dangers of letting demons dominate the caster.
Unclear class fantasy, inconsistent and the model not only looks awful, but goes against the tooltip by having it come out of a puddle in the ground rather than out the character.
(Make it the Warlock’s soul made demonic and give us a Metamorphosis-like version of our selves overlayed on the character or coming out of the character.

-Again with the fantasy/identity: Succulent Soul. We spend soul shards- that would be shards we’ve already collected. Your tool tip says that Rapturing a target with a succulent soul causes the demon to appear. But we’re spending shards, not gaining them from the attack. What part of ‘Harvester’ is this exactly? I get you’re saying it’s a shard that had just been generated, but we’re still spending it aren’t we? Combined with the other elements of the design it just feels awkward. Mass drain soul/drain life/Legion Weapon Effect, etc. all felt WAY more on brand for a ‘soul harvester’.

-Shared Fate talent sounds neat, but I don’t see a related VFX when it procs. If this is not a bug, you really should add something.

-The nerfs to Drain Life and it’s talents also feel awful- especially for the idea of a Soul Harvester, which I would think the various drain skills would make more sense. But the point here is that Drain Life is historically something that Aff Locks used to greater effect then the other two specs. They don’t have mobility, they don’t have super burst damage, but they have survivability. Give it back.

-Instead of Hero Talents buffing Haunt and Soul Rot, have it be Drain Soul and Soul Rot and graphically update the awful Drain Soul spell VFX.

-Oblivion is great. I’m thrilled that it is a spec talent now. The spell’s mechanics, FX and sound are all great. Feels powerful/impactful and is a pleasure.

Hell Caller

-Like Soul Harvest, needs clearer class identity/fantasy. The Malevolence effect could be taken further, again more like metamorphosis. It’s a good idea that needs more work.

-Having Wither replace Corruption is fine. Having it look exactly the same on a target is lazy and feels awful. Seriously.

-The mechanics of it feels fine, if a bit uninspired.

General criticism:
-With all the Hero Talent trees, having the abilities enhance specific core talents will pressure players to make highly specific builds, destroying the notion of choice and forcing people down narrow and myopic tracks.
Even if, like me, they don’t care what others think, it’s still gonna feel bad to not take the associated talents to get the full benefits.
Having the Hero Talent synergize with any of a specific group of abilities rather than one specific one would fix this.

-I’m not sure if this is bug territory but I find my proc rate- for everything- is significantly lower in the beta. I haven’t run an analysis yet, but my procs are happening roughly 60% less often.

-UI criticism- Since there is a proc for Malefic Rapture to be instant cast/free and there is also a succulent soul proc, it would be nice if they had different effects on the icons on the bar. Say, one glows golden, the other purple and when they are both active, they glow half and half (or something).

-Not having any explanation, no quest, or text or anything for why the character adopts the heroic powers is lazy and annoying. Almost as lazy as how you have no alternate text for Shadow Priests, or Horde characters, or trolls talking to the Arathi, etc. The story is very none-immersive.


For affliction:

  • Oblivion is a nice addition, but I feel like it doesn’t do much. It’s basically just two MRs worth of ST damage (at least, if you’re playing Soul Harvester).
  • I feel like there are way too many talent points focused on DoT crits.
  • It would be nice if Death’s Embrace was more along the strength of Twist of Fate from priest, if we’re going to have a similar mechanic.
  • Don’t like Soul Rot. I hate that it is effectively required for Soul Harvestor.
  • Wither does not appear to appropriately interact with Absolute Corruption (I’ve noticed Wither disappear off mobs when it starts to burst).
  • Improved Haunt shouldn’t exist and should just be how Haunt functions (you know, how it functioned all the way up until you randomly decided applying Shadow Embrace after years of it doing so was a “bug”)
  • Seed of Corruption should automatically through out 3 Seeds (each seed provides a DoT). This could be the only time Unstable Affliction (since you feel the need to cap to 1 target) could be spread in AoE. Effectively, one seed is corruption, one is agony, one is UA. I’d be willing to make that trade that Seed no longer does burst damage and is solely an AOE applicator. I’d even consider having a 20 second CD attached to it.
  • Cunning Cruelty’s interaction with Drain Soul is… interesting. When I have it, I have noticed that DS will just repeatedly cast like 15 times without me pressing the button. When I don’t have it, DS doesn’t do that. I can’t really tell whether it’s doing splash damage to nearby targets? Would be nifty if instead, it cast on up to 5 targets within 10 yards of the initial target (similar to how Harvest Life worked OR how Drain Life works with Soul Rot).
    *Hellcaller Hero Talent set isn’t as exciting as I would have thought. I feel like Harvester feels better (despite effectively being entirely passive) and does more damage.
  • Harvester Hero Talents requiring the use of Soul Rot makes me sad, cause I despite that ability.
  • Soul Rot being Shadow spell sucks, cause puts us at one school of magic which sucks for baiting kicks.

For Demonology:

  • Tyrant doesn’t extend Gloomhound.
  • Locking Pact of the Imp Mother behind Umbral Blaze is cruel.
  • Umbral Blaze should be 100% proc chance if it’s going to be required to get Pact. Umbral on a 5 minute fight literally did 1.5% of my overall damage…
  • Doom Icon needs to be reverted to the other Doom Icon…
  • Outside of Gloomhound, I am not entirely sure that Shadowtouched increases damage of any demon abilities? Maybe someone knows whether Fel fire/demon fire (imp bolts/tyrant bolts) are buffed by shadow modifiers?
  • Immutable Hatred needs a buff since we don’t sling as many free demon bolts anymore.
  • It’s nice to see Tyrant’s return to damage, vs just being a demon extender, but I feel like it’s still fairly underwhelming to push.
  • I haven’t tried Soul Harvester for Demo, so can’t tell you how it feels.
  • Diabolist is fantastic.

For Destruction:

  • I love the new Avatar of Destruction: the Overfiend is amazing. Reminds me of BFA when Chaos bolts were flying EVERYWHERE!
  • At this point I don’t understand why Soulfire even still exists. It’s been dead for years.
  • Diabolist feels good. I haven’t tried Hellcaller yet; it doesn’t seem appealing.
  • I hate that incinerate can get pretty darn close to Chaos Bolt in terms of damage on crits. There should be no comparison between the numbers, imo.
  • Grim Sac should be a flat % increase to our spell damage. The proc crap isn’t fun and makes it fairly useless.


  • The Houndmaster’s Gambit : Since Vile Fiend/Hounds have a 30 second cooldown and Dreadstalkers a 20 second cooldown, and they don’t align very often. This talent seems rather weak. If I want to sync the 2 up I have to sit on a Dreadstalkers off cooldown for 10 seconds, which is 50% of its cooldown, thereby effectively doing 50% less damage with them.


  • Bug: You can take Mark of Shatug/Mark of F’harg without taking Summon Vilefiend first, which makes you unable to summon the hounds.

  • Foul Mouth doesn’t seem to affect the hounds from Mark of Shatug/Mark of F’harg damage.

Coming at this as a more casual player who primarily plays destro.

Not particularly happy with dimensional rift. It needs to cleave and include flame rift. The S3 tier set was a lot of fun but it was only because of the cleave, the immolate synergy and flame rift.

Make rain of fire baseline since we have to take it to get to the next level of talents. Stupid to force an aoe spell if we want to go st. It’s like fire mage and flame patch imo. Also make havoc baseline for the same reason. Keep mayhem in the talent tree though. I happen to like using it, it should remain an option but not one were forced into. Make it a choice node with pandemonium.

Diabolic embers should not be at the bottom of the tree. Move it up. Might get flamed for it, but make it a choice node against fire & brimstone.

I was swimming in soul shards with diabolist. I enjoyed it. Haven’t really touched hell caller yet.


I’d like that! Or even a node option where instead of a bunch of mini imps, your imps are instead turned into a permanent imp familiar that sits on your character’s head and shoots fireballs at the enemy. I’d find that adorable + better, lol.

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A better passive would be whenever an imp expires, instead of disappearing, it sacrifices itself (mirror to implosion). That passive would be great bc you wouldn’t have to track it, the imps do it automatically, and there would be some cleave/aoe use to imps.


Aesthetic changes can be made at the same time as mechanical/animation/etc. changes. They are not mutually exclusive.

oh yes im aware, i was more thinking of having another epic questiline and feat of strength achieve to get it like they did with the green fire. make it a challenge for those who want it instead of just giving it, feels more rewarding

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I think more questlines based on a players character race and class would be great in general.
I see what you mean about it taking more effort/resources.

In the future though, it would be really nice to see.

Decided to update feedback with Beta launching and such. I do maintain a feedback document over the course of Alpha/Beta as well which can be found, but links aren’t allowed.

Class Tree

Fiendish Stride

Fiendish has been altered in TWW to now be a 1-rank talent and reduce the damage taken from Burning Rush by 10%, down from 25/50% in Dragonflight. While we have been given a speed increase (10% → 20%) with the overhaul, the loss of % damage mitigation from Burning Rush is likely too much and will cause the ability to not be selected in most settings. Potentially making the ability a 10% speed increase, but having it reduce Burning Rush damage by 30% would be a more suitable alternative, and a good middle-ground from where it currently is in DF. In its current form, it negates very little damage and is not worth the talent point investment with how limited we are in the class tree.

2-Point Talents

Currently, the warlock class tree has ten 2-pt talent nodes, which leads to a very restricted feel when it comes to talent pathing and choices.

Demon Skin, Fel Armor, Accrued Vitality, Lifeblood, Demonic Resilience, Resolute Barrier, Socrethar’s Guile, Sargerei Technique, Soul Link, Fel Synergy

The mentioned talents are all 2-pt talent nodes, a handful of which have not really seen much play since their introduction. Making them 1-pt talent nodes would certainly be helpful when it comes to addressing our class tree’s talent bloat while also giving a bit more freedom to select various options. In the class trees current form, it feels very difficult to select spells such as Banish, Amplify Curse, Swift Artifice or other effects.

Soul Conduit

I feel that Soul Conduit is a fine capstone to have in the class tree, but certainly feels underwhelming at 5%. In DF, it’s currently 5/10% at Rank 1 and 2. In TWW, it is now a 1 rank talent, but only has a 5% chance to refund a shard, which feels subpar for a capstone talent. Making Soul Conduit a 10% chance to refund a Soul Shard.

Over the course of a 3 minute fight, Soul Conduit refunded 4 total Soul Shards as Affliction, which felt a bit underwhelming.

There is also the possibility of tuning the % refund chance per spec, such as 5% for Demo but 10% for Destruction and Affliction, and they spend shards much less often than Demonology.


The overhaul that Demonology received this past build is quite good. The removal/combination of multiple “bloat talents” has made pathing much easier overall, and it feels like I can access/select the talents I want in their respective settings. The syncing of Demonology’s cooldowns in 1-minute Tyrant, 30 second Vilefiend and 2-minute Grimoire has also made the spec much more fluid. There are a few points of feedback that I wish to elaborate upon below based on the recent changes.

Umbral Blaze positioning

Umbral Blaze feels a bit out of position based on its current location and also makes it much harder to access Pact of the Imp Mother, which is a talent that we like to play in both single target and AOE settings. Potentially swapping their positioning would help us access path (a universal talent) and not make it so that we need to select a single target talent in Umbral Blaze to do so. The ability could also be removed/replaced, as it does feel a bit underwhelming in its current form.

There is also the option to make it so that Hand of Guldan applies Umbral Blaze to every mob that it hits, and not just your main target. This would make the ability applicable in both single target and AOE (feeding into Demos stacked cleave damage profile) while also having a bit of a “Hand of Doom” feel to it, which is a beloved, older ability.

Fharg/Shatug Bugs and Houndmaster’s Gambit

Fharg and Shatug are not currently being extended by Demonic Tyrant, which also feels like a bug, but is worth mentioning. If this is the intended behavior for either of these interactions, I feel that it should be reconsidered to both work with Tyrant and be a 30-second CD.

Houndmasters Gambit is also not currently working with Fharg, Shatug or the baseline VIlefiend.

Call Dreadstalkers/Immutable Hatred & Demonic Cores

The Demonic Core discussion is a hot topic currently and one that I felt the need to touch on. The recent changes to Call Dreadstalkers not giving a guaranteed Demonic Core pre Dreadstalker upon expiration is one that will lead to rotational frustration and RNG amongst players. Having the 100% chance to generate Demonic Cores via Dreadstalkers helped with consistent implosion setups, Tyrant setup and general rotational consistency. Reducing that chance to 35% brings with it additional layers of RNG and rotational clutter based around it, which is not very fun and exciting. Doing so also affects Immutable Hatred’s damage, which has been mediocre for a while now.

I feel that returning Call Dreadstalkers to a 100% chance to refund Demonic Cores is the correct choice, and if Demonic Core economy is still considered too high, potentially look at reducing Core rate in other areas, such as imps passively expiring. While there has always been discrepancy between classes when it comes to movement and such (Ice Floes, Hover Spiritwalker’s Grace), reducing Demonology further is going to make the spec quite stationary, which is not very exciting gameplay wise.

Capstone Talent Choices

The recent overhaul to Demonology has made accessing talent much easier in the spec tree. It does feel like there may be a tad too many talents in the bottom section of the talent tree, which could potentially be pruned/combined with other abilities. In its current iteration, we have 17 possible choices in our final capstone talent gate, which leaves 7 talents unselected if we spend the full 10 talent points in the final gate. Some potential solutions could be

Combine Impending Doom and Doom/Doom Eternal

Combine Demonic Brutality and Improved Demonic Tactics (or remove one)

Combine Foul Mouth and Shadowtouched

The combination of Foul Mouth and Shadowtouched also addressed the issue of being able to select Shadowtouched as a talent without having Wicked Maw selected in the earlier parts of the talent tree. It would make the ability increase Vilefiends damage by 20%, apply Wicked Maw and then take 20% additional Shadow Damage from your pets. You could also simply remove Shadowtouched, as it does feel a bit impactful and does not currently buff Tyrant.

Doing this for all the abilities mentioned would leave Demonology with 14 total talents in the bottom section of the talent tree while causing some “lesser” talent to feel more impactful.

Diabolist Infernal Bolt Reduced cast time

This is an issue for both Destruction and Demonology, but the extremely short cast time (roughly 0.6 seconds) on Infernal Bolt feels a bit awkward to play with. Infernal Bolt replaces Shadowbolt/Incinerate whenever it procs off our Mother of Chaos and while the 3 shard generation part feels great, the short cast time and its interaction with spell que does not. Quite often I am spamming either Incinerate or Shadowbolt and am unaware of an upcoming Infernal Bolt proc, which then becomes queued and cast exceptionally fast. So fast, that often I am queuing up another Shadowbolt or Incinerate essentially by mistake due to spell que and how fast the cast time is on Infernal Bolt. This causes me to overcap on resources, or notice it, and have to stop the cast.

A potential solution to this would be to increase the cast time of Infernal Bolt (to be the same as Incin/SB) but also increase the raw damage that the ability does, so it still feels impactful when it procs damage wise, while also keeping the shard generation part around. Doing so would give us more time to consciously react to the proc while also fixing the spell que issue that we are facing with the .6 second cast time it brings.


Center/Gate 2 Talents

Pathing in the first and third Gate of the Affliction tree overall feels pretty smooth. Kindled Malice and Dark Virtuosity feel a bit awkward being 2pt talent, but to make them 1pts, it would require a restructuring of Gate 1. Malediction, Contagion and Cull the Weak are talents that we want in essentially every setting, each of which require 2 talent points. This leads to us having little talent points left to spend after we commit 4-6 talents. Other talents such as Improved Haunt, Darkglare and Sacrolash are sadly just not able to be selected with the lack of talent points. Potentially altering Malediction, Contagion and Cull the Weak to be 1pt talents would allow us to select other options, but may also require the addition of more talents, as that would reduce Affliction to 38 total talent points.

Siphon Life vs Absolute Corruption

The change to Siphon Life is a welcome one, one that I am very happy to play with. I do feel however that the difference in Corruption’s damage increase (15% with AC vs 20% with SL) is likely not enough to warrant SL over AC in single target settings. With AC saving you multiple globals over the course of an encounter, it is likely comparable if not better than SL in those settings. It is possible that SL needs a damage buff (or to buff an additional spell such as Agony or UA) to become the clear-cut winner in single target.

Death’s Embrace

Death’s Embrace in its original form was one of the coolest abilities I think Affliction has ever had to play with. In Legion, the effect began at 35% health on targets, and would increase your damage up to 50%, scaling higher when the enemy dropped lower in health.

The current form of Death’s Embrace in TWW however, is a much lesser version, beginning at 20% health (35% in Legion) and only increasing our damage by a flat 5% (down from a max of 50% in Legion). I would love to see a return to the ramping damage increase that old Death’s Embrace had, giving Affliction Warlock execute damage, which increased at lower health. Increasing the threshold where it begins (to say 30%) would also go a long way in making the ability more relevant. It is exciting to see the ability back but in its current form, feels very underwhelming. With its new capstone position, it feels that the older version could certainly return and its position would then be justified.

Perpetual Unstability

Perpetual Unstability does not feel like that talent that I will select in any setting. We essentially only refresh UA every 15-18 seconds, so both a reduced cast time and damage effect feel a bit out of place. A potential solution would be to alter the ability to something like Cascading Calamity from BFA. The passive haste effect is also something that players can “feel”, and that feels rewarding for refreshing UA in pandemic range.

Malign Omen and Dark Harvest Positioning

If possible, swapping the position of Malign Omen and Dark Harvest would be an incredible QoL increase for Affliction in single target. It is unlikely that you will want to path through Dark Harvest for Malign Omen’s extension effect, but if the abilities were to swap places, you would easily be able to select Malign Omen in both settings. DOT extension is something that Affliction wants in every setting, it makes the spec feel much better and more fluid in every scenario. Malign Omen also triggers off of Soul Rot being cast, so connecting directly to Soul Rot itself is not a pathing issue/awkward.


Cataclysm and Inferno

The change to Inferno is a welcome one and I feel will indeed go a long way in making our AOE more consistent from pack to pack, while also making the spec feel more exciting to play, not waiting for shard generation/building. A change that would drastically improve QOL for Destruction however, would be to make both Inferno and Cataclysm their own, standalone talent choices. Affliction has Vile Taint and Shadow has Shadow Crash to apply their DOTs in AOE, I feel that Destruction should have the same, without having to choose between it and another AOE based talent in Inferno. Having both talents as standalone choices would be a massive QOL increase, and further build upon Destro having a more consistent damage profile from pack to pack. A change that could be made would be to place Cataclysm where it and Rain of Fire currently share a talent. You could then place Rain of Fire where Pyrogenics is at, and have access to both abilities.

Chaos Incarnate

The recent changes to Chaos Incarnate make the capstone talent a nerf to our overall damage based on how Destruction Mastery currently functions. Below is a graph showing what a 70% Chaos Incarnate would equate to. A reversion to 100% would alleviate the issue, otherwise the talent will likely not be selected.

Infernals Talent Tree Position

Returning Infernal to its central position (where D Rift and D Ripper currently are) is likely the better choice when it comes to overall gameplay and pathing. With how many capstone talents Destruction has access to, it is quite possible that we either play only infernal, or skip those talents entirely for a more consistent damage profile. Returning it to its previous, central location would alleviate that issue and guarantee that Destruction selects its main, demon cooldown.

Dimensional Rift Talents

Dimensional Rift in its current form feels underwhelming. Without having access to talent that make the Rift embers cleave, nor having access to Flame Rift, the button simply feels bladder to press. I feel that returning it to its capstone position (where infernal currently is) and re-introducing a Flame Rift talent that also causes all your Rifts to cleave would both make it a better universal option and thematically pleasing.

Soulfire Positioning

The changes to Soulfire have made the ability an exciting one and has added depth to Destruction’s rotation. With it being moved to Gate 3 and becoming a capstone however, it is significantly harder to access. Finding a way to return it to Gate 2 (if possible) would help alleviate Destruction’s capstone bloat as well as make the ability more accessible.

Raging Demonfire Immolate/Wither Extension

Raging Demonfire has been made a 1 point talent (down from 2) in TWW. While you do select the talent for pathing purposes, it feels that there could be an additional bit of Immolate/Wither duration extension added to the ability by either increasing the number of bolts it fires (to 3 or 4), or increasing the duration that each bolt extends Wither/Immolate (to 0.4 seconds or so).

Excessive Capstones

It feels that after Destruction’s most recent overhaul, the spec has a bit too many capstone talents that could either be made baseline, or removed. With Infernal being returned as a capstone talent, that essentially requires us to commit 3 talent points, which makes acquiring the other 12 capstone options difficult. Abilities such as Power Overwhelming, Improved Chaos Bolt and Infernal Brand could likely be removed to make pathing better and there is also the option of potentially combining Devastation and Ruin into one talent.

Moving Infernal back to being a central Gate 2 talent would also help alleviate required capstone pathing/issues, which would also bring the consistency of having our main demon CD as a central talent among all 3 warlock specs.

Diabolist Ritual Shard Consumption

It was mentioned early on that there would be individual tuning for Diabolist and its ritual duration based on shard generation for each spec. While Demonology ritual/shard tuning feels great, Destruction consumes shards at a much lesser rate, which likely means its ritual duration/reduction needs to be looked at for Diabolist. Its current ritual proc/summon rate feels much lower than Demonology. Charred Remains returning as a talent would also help alleviate this issue, with 200% increased shard generation from Incinerate/Conflagrate.


I have a suggestion for this talent in the Diabolist tree:

Annihilan’s Below: This atm is making HOT a 25 second cd, this sounds extremely unfun and unfair in pvp, having an AOE fear that locks people for 20 seconds every 25 seconds sounds extremely unfun, instead what you should do is make HOT uncapped with this talent, this way it will be picked for M+ content and people will still use it in pvp, making HOT not a dead talent anymore in PVE content.

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Yes please remove Umbral Blaze or change its position!
Umbral Blaze is a very weak and underwhelming talent that locks a universally useful talent behind it.

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