Feedback: warbands are a big let down

War bands are disappointing and kind of misleading. Warbands are a mostly cosmetic and rep feature. The problem with this is that this isnt somthing that most casual players really care about like casual players arent going to grind rep on there mains most of the time let alone doing it on there alt. Casual players really mostly care about leveling and do most content solo. If warbands had been what it feels like they were intended to be where you could level multiple characters at the same time like in BG3 then there would have been applause from all around the community. Instead blizz announced this "feature " with minimalistic details and alowwed the pb imagination to run wild. Dont get me wrong its cool to see multiple characters on the log in screen and ig its cool not to have to re-grind rep but tbh non hardcore players I.E. the majority of wow players could give less than a flying duck about any rep. So the warband wide rep feature feels… meh. I know there is more to warbands than just thease two things but the other aspects kinda feel like they just got lazy and pressed buttons or fliped switches that they have had for a while so that way they could release the bare minimum while still keeping enough people interested. All this does is hurt the image of war within when people by the expac dont feel any meaningful changes to the way they play the game. If some one wasnt worried about rep before warbands isn’t gonna magically make them care all the sudden. Let be clear NO ONE absolutely NO ONE not even the sweats like grinding rep they like the rewards that rep grinds give you. Honestly blizzard should just give the player base what they really want which is to be able to play your main and your alts at the same time. Rep wouldn’t have even been a problem if they would have just done this in the first place. If you and your alts have the same quest and are in the same group you all gain the same exp and rep any way sooooooo🤷🏽‍♂️

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10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Warbands disappointing