Feedback: Ulgrax the Devourer (Mythic)

Testing for Ulgrax the Devourer begins today at 11:00 PDT (14:00 EDT, 20:00 CEST).

Please use this thread for feedback and bug reports regarding this encounter or related issues. Noting the nature of your group (Mythic guild premade, PUG, etc.) is helpful, as are any logs. Thank you to everyone who has come out to help test!

The DoT from carrying the food that you have to carry to the boss is not only overtuned, but shouldn’t exist at all (not just the increased DoT from the Bile-covered viscera, but even the regular viscera).

As a player, you should be rewarded for doing a mechanic, not punished.

This mechanic actively makes me not want to carry the viscera due to the heavy risk of dying, which is a design problem. Keep in mind that the healers are also carrying viscera during this time, so healing is limited. Sure, you could have them not be carrying viscera and instead just healing, but this feels like a poorly designed mechanic.


Also, during the intermission phase when you have to feed him, the boss still melees, which I died to trying to get close to him to drop off food

The DoT you get from carrying the intermission food (particularly the big food) ticks way too hard. It should either be considerably lower or outright nonexistent.

There are various areas on the platform that have invisible webs which is extremely frustrating. We had this happen at the end of our intermission gateway and half our raid got stunned due to something completely out of our control.

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Webs that are immuned just spawn empty healthbars that absorb damage. Healthbars should only spawn if a player is actually trapped otherwise an evoker deep breath for example just makes abilities like SEF clones/chill streak/etc bounce to irrelevant targets

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The only thing I didn’t like about this fight is that the boss melees while he’s shouting for food. You can still throw food at him from max range without getting melee’d, but it definitely got a few people…