Feedback to Devs: Frog farm nerf and the art of being tone-deaf

Congratulations on completely missing the point. The whole reason people farmed frogs is that everything is ridiculously overscaled at max levels and heroic/mythic raids are extremely difficult, if not impossible to do, on top of several normal bosses being overturned.

Here’s the crazy thing: this nerf would’ve been Acceptable if you first fixed the scaling on normal, heroic and mythic raids and reduced the amount of bronze needed to upgrade gear pieces because it’s a ridiculous grind at this point. The only way people could tolerate your terrible scaling was to farm upgrades via frog spam and you choose to fix that first instead of addressing the bronze cost upgrades and the way the heroic/mythic raids are tuned.

What’s wrong with you?

P.D: A piddy 25% increase to Bronze from cache sources is nowhere near enough to remedy this problem. You either need to buff it way, wayyy more or you need to reduce upgrade prices. This is getting ridiculous, please stop and rethink your approach with player feedback in mind this time.

Edit: Fixing fresh 70 scaling up to 344 still fails to solve overturned raid bosses or the fact upgrading items takes way too much bronze. Do more and do better. You have no excuse for dropping the ball like this and refusing to address this issues in full.


if you did dailys every day for 30 days youd be fully upgraded, the event lasts 90 days for a reason.


Oh, just do the thing that MoP was REVILED for, that’s all. 5head.


So basically I’m locked out of heroic/mythic raids cuz I didn’t farm frogs all day yesterday, and your answer to not being able to do heroic/mythic raids is to just wait 30 days? Also also, what the actual hell man? How can you tell me this to my face when the bronze grind is so slow and stuff is broken like this? Are you serious? Yikes.


I’m just bitter that a handful of people who took advantage of the exploit early have insane cloaks right now. Massive power gap between people that did the farm vs didnt


Yeah imagine having an unrealistic expectation that you shouldn’t have to do these stupid workaround and grind fests to make up for them shipping broken product.


“Here’s an event where you can level up fast and feel OP except we are nerfing rep gains, bronze gains and scaling makes you weak at max level. Enjoy!”


I must be doing the wrong dailies. Which dailies will give me enough bronze to reliably do that?

Unless you mean like all 60 dailies from every faction, in which case :joy:


So you haven’t hit 70 yet and have no idea what you’re talking about. Got it. Flog on kiddo


Power level gaps are whatever, it is a temp mode after all. We have to grumble and be humble…

But a lot of people doing stuff to get the insane amount of Bronze require to get the rewards you want have come to a screeching halt because of a multitude of issues.


Im soloing heroic scenarios on my level 70 hunter right now with 388 gear, topping raid dps the only thing you can complaing about right now is some mechanics 1 shotting you that are unavoidable. The combat bug also sucks but that is w/e.

So dumpster on people are not happily free of the scaling issues? Good for you man but that’s some out of touchness too.


Plus heroic scenarios give hardly any rewards


Can guarantee no you’re not. You just wanna look cool while you pretend that daily’s give more bronze than anything else and we all called your lie


https:// gyazo. com/766c76f9f30689e9ce358ec02d07cef1

Cant post links anymore but this is me on elegon.

I’m going to call that BS. That or you used the Frog farm before fix to upgrade your gear to 388. Either you are lying OR you pretty much proved my point already. They need to fix scaling for 1shot stuff and make the grind less severe so you either don’t need much bronze or bronze sources awards more.


I will get you the link after this heroic scenario. 0 Frogs were killed just doing dailies + all teh quests get you to 388.

No need, you already proved my point correct.


Could care less if you’re legit or not honestly. Still out of touch, doesn’t change the fact that scaling issues are a thing that shouldn’t be and we are very well within our rights to complain about it.


Imagine existing in a capitalist society and people shaming you for criticizing a product you pay for. And i tell this Blizzard stans the same thing:It’s entirely within our rights to criticize it so screw off if you have nothing of value to say.