FEEDBACK: Timerunning Test Weekend - GROUP CONTENT

The Remix test weekend is underway.

As you test out the new content, please use this thread to leave your feedback on group content such as dungeons, raids, and boss encounters in the Pandaria zones.

Please use the in-game bug reporter to submit any bugs you encounter.

Thank you!

I can’t remember what these scenarios were like originally but if you die or want to mount up and another person in your group is in combat you can’t until they are finished.


I couldn’t get into the Theramore scenario and had to take the deserter debuff. :frowning: Will try again later!

I did three in the Jade Forest - I figured I would start there because they have the most.

You can get the quest Looking For More long before you can join a raid.


Did a few heroic dungeons and they are WAY WAY WAY overtuned. Ppl are getting oneshotted left and right. Not fun at all. Fix this mess ASAP.


Agree in full. Either the heroic dungeons need to be scaled better or access to them restricted until toons reach a more viable minimum level. It doesn’t make sense to have tanks one shot by trash in level up dungeons.

Doing dungeons without access to talents that the dungeons are tuned around is just painful. No Primary stats on gear = low defensive, no Defensives that can be talented for 10-50 more levels, etc.


Preservation Evoker has several spell book abilities that aren’t unlocked until level 58-60. most importantly, they gain their magic dispel at level 59. also, I can’t change my specialization as an Evoker unless I get placed as a healer in a dungeon. not even when I get placed as a healer in LFR. none of this is necessarily a “bug”. just some awkwardness with Evoker normally starting at level 58 and, I assume, having to complete a quest to unlock their talent tree.

Theramore scenario is broken, keeps teleporting me back to Jade Forest.

Otherwise, the content that I have played has worked really well!
Raid 1 seemed too easy but that’s just my opinion.
I would really love if the XP bonus earned from defeating bosses was buffed significantly. Getting a level or two from a raid would be very appealing and fun. Instead of just 60% of a level.


PLEASE poll the community about the prospect of making Garrosh heirlooms obtainable somehow.

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Remove realm first there was a reason these were removed from the game to begin with. Not everyone has the luxury of being at there keyboard 24/7.


Y’all need to fix the Theramore scenario. The rest is super fun so far.

Quick question: Are the heroic scenarios and heroic dungeons intended to be unlocked from the start or is this a bug currently prelevel 70?

I was trying to load into the Theramore scenario, but after the cinematic would play I would be met with a white screen and then be loaded back out of the instance. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

writing this from a pov of getting to lvl 52 as a ppal with some friends doing mostly dungeons

-feel good, def slower even with a good premade to level through the content better than questing but probably a good thing
-quests randomly would reset and be accomplishable again, idk if this was because of hitting a level but was weird

-VERY fun to be able to do heroics off the bat with premades due to the sheer challenge.
-we tried around 20, took a few attempts with items and kiting like crazy but it was done. feel like 10-30 it could be less hard hitting due to lack of tank DRs.
-30-40 it was golden on the scaling tbh due to the amount of sockets and everything
-40-45 felt perfect
-45-50 esp going to 51 i was getting hit infinitely harder. idk if it was b/c we had a lowbie in our group but both me and the lowbie were getting decimated by any tick of debuffs in scholo.
-hp values on some of these are a lot. scarlet defenders get a nasty absorb on heroic that takes a bosses worth of time to deal with lol

dungeon specifics
Temple of Jade Serpent
3rd boss healing debuff is extremely punishing in the 2nd phase where it took LoH and two wogs alongside healer cds to save me and it was still sketchy.
-Lillian Voss’s fire is nearly impossible to see on low visual quality
-Zombies on Darkmaster hit for nothing and kiting the mobs into the dispel explosion to use the scroll is not worth it, so I doubt healers are going to kite into it deliberately and would rather dps.

overall i will say that the magical damage in the heroics felt undertuned and debuffs tickled whereas melees would cause me to kite a 5-pack if i had no DRs. very good content imo. having a version of these dungeons at 70 that cap your ilvl like challenge modes and are ‘mythics’ with better rewards would be cool

Just now, yes. Managed to load in once, got a few mobs and a boss killed then DC again, worst part is when it tp’s you out, it appears completely random where you will be on the map.

Oh and now I have a 10 minute debuff from entering again.

Did one dungeon this morning. Smooth. Everything went fine provided we didn’t overpull.

Scenario just now - Theramore, could not initially port in, then that dc me. Got back in, seemed smooth enough, then immediately got DC again, each time I ended up not on the map where I left off and each time it was a different place.

10 minute debuff from doing any Dungeon Finder content at all.