As a concept it seems fun thus far. I like that we have paved roads to travel. I hate that my number one complaint is the speed in regard to the size of the new zone. With this kind of traveling speed I would have hoped for a zone at least three times the current size we got. With that, I can only hope the smaller than desired zone we have to drive around in will grow on me in time.
Otherwise, IMO I like the D.R.I.V.E. system and I hope to see it adapted at the very least, to some of our other mechanical mounts in the game. Would also hope that we see more actual roads slowly develop over time in some of the other more developed areas of the game.
Still first impressions are good. Once all the sound are in, and everything is optimized. I am sure it will be even more enjoyable. I mean this is only the first PTR build so we got time to iron some kinks out.
What do others of you think of the system and what issues are you having? Think I recall one person saying something about poor FPS. First build, I am sure this will get better. Any other thoughts or concerns?
Car to fast for city keep crashing it might just stick to mount .
GTA in real life is easy for me to visit aka Miami.
This is why the glory of TBC normal flying is unmatched. Flying DRAGONS!
Can’t do that in downtown New York!
I played with it for a while last night, and I agree on wishing I had more roadway to play with.
There are some ground areas that need to be rounded out so you can drive over them without stopping. Maybe walls can be rounded out too to slide against them, but I might be asking too much of WoW’s engine at that point.
I stuck with using my keyboard keys for turning. A lot of the time I ended up jumping instead when I tried drifting while turning with my mouse.
Overall I really enjoy the feature. Especially when I started to get the hang of it. Then again I’m a guy that enjoys fast anti-gravity racers, so I might be not be the typical wow players response .
I was so busy testing MM I forgot to check out Undermine. Bummer that the zone and roads are small. But looking forward to checking it out.
The amount of disconnects from hitting an object, because there’s a LOT more of those on the ground (Who would’ve thought) is awful. A worse skyriding.
Who could have seen this coming?
Not me, the concept sounds awesome but the implementation might not be. I wanna see it but I’m stuck at work
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Tried it out, yeah the terrain is much too cluttered for that speed, I’d take half the speed to make it manageable or have a way to reduce it and keep it manageable. Maybe needs a gas button like space bar, and use the turn keys for the “Drifting”
So far I found the speed boost to be so fast I can barely steer it and I end up in a wall usually. Car is fast though for sure! Sometimes so fast I’d almost rather use my mount cause I can’t steer it around well at all.
Now there are customization options for the car that help reduce acceleration, handling, and other features that is pretty nice. I have no idea what the drifting grip thing does but if it helps with steering I’ll have to look into it. It seems the bottom option is all PH currently and unavailable.
Quest to acquire it is pretty straightforward and I was able to get it done.
Also I think having highways up above or below the city with wild neon lights would have been awesome. Maybe even tunnels spanning the zones under Dorn and drive around in sexy little underground roads with maybe some fun wild set pieces.
I haven’t had any disconnects yet from that, but I haven’t really put it to the test yet. I am more worried about the effect on my system and FPS with everyone on the same roads in such a small area. Really glad there is no durability or maintenance required for this type of mount/system. LMAO!
Would be nice to have a throttle control. It is very all or nothing. I know that is difficult with a mouse and keyboard but maybe having an option to allow us to control speed moving the mouse up or down could control throttle while both primary mouse buttons are pressed.
Please if any of you have other thoughts on it, please let your thoughts be heard here. Not many other options come to mind unless we bring a controller into it and not many of us play WoW with one of those.
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It needs a combat racing game mode complete with fun car crash physics.
City is way too small for the fast speeds of the car. I’ve been sticking to my ground mount, it’s actually faster not crashing and using shortcuts.
I’m surprised there aren’t larger stretches of roads for racing, either the city designers have never played a racing game or the car idea came later.
Also not nearly enough customization. 4 colors for millions of players ain’t it. It’s almost as bad as the dirigible - if youre going to offer customizations, then let us actually customize and have fun with it
Edit to add: I was expecting to see more ramps/jumps
I think they should have gone all in and added collision with other players. Goblin bumper cars would be fun and terrible.
It’s like trying to play F-Zero and the racetrack is a school playground
I’ve found that drifting is easier with my strafe keys than my mouse.
However I think the layout of the city doesn’t really lend itself well to the speed the car goes at. I’m always getting stuck on stuff, it might be easier to just use a normal mount.
Crashing into walls is fun
Been finding myself doing just that. I mean the speed is cool but as I said before. It is too small of a city for this level of speed. It is more frustrating right now than fun. Sure, maybe after some time I will get used to it, but this is the kind of speed I would like for the longer roads in the game. Just for example. Traveling from Westfall to Redridge. Nice mostly straight point A to B.
Now I want to again say this is first impressions. I am not asking for a nerf to the speed. Just more control over it. Maybe even without that it is a speed I might get used to after a few days of really learning the layout of Undermine. Cruising so fast I often am not even sure where I am or where I am going. Take a second to look at the map and I hit something… Especially if I use the TURBO!
I think what would be good is a switch to go from slow speed or turbo so each person has a choice for there car . Right now it a ( one size fits all car ) which doesn’t work for everyone.
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Even Dragon Riding had aerial halt and ways to speed up IF you wanted to or just glide along at above average flight speed.
This feels like they designed a car without brakes or maneuverability which… is not at all how cars work, unless you’re a Goblin.
Also there’s so many mobs, it feels like Undermine was supposed to be three times bigger but ended up shrunk with all the mobs that were SUPPOSED to be in isolated zones now thrown in every streetway.