FEEDBACK: There's something obviously not right with the new draenei skintone!

I will be referencing female draenei mostly for this: Draenei faces are very diverse! Freckles (Face 3), Undereye discolouration (this is like, almost every face), wrinkles around the nose/mouth (Face 8, 10), and makeup (Face 9)!

However, this new skintone… skintone 18, has some serious issues.
Firstly, the eyebrows are not different for each face like they are for every other skin color. For this one, they just stretch to the face and look bizarre. There is -no- colouration to this skintone. Where others have discolouration under their eyes, this skintone has none. Faces where they would have wrinkles, or makeup? Nope, it’s not there! A face like Face 10, which in any skintone is an older, severe face, looks entirely bland with this new skintone. I mean, seriously, what?
Face 10 previous skins.
Face 10 new skin.

I really, really want to believe this is a bug. That somehow the flat texture of the skin is overriding the details of the faces, and it can be fixed. But if not… just, what? A nice, proper dark skintone for draenei and you’ve made every face look near identical, and devoid of any details? Every other skintone, from the new red ones to the old ones, has the concept of how skin works. Where light reflects, where it doesn’t. Why is this one just one flat shade with no dimension?

I don’t want to rag on anyone, but knowing if this is a bug (it happens) or an intentional oversight of making a good skintone on a developer’s end (which would be horribly disappointing) is a bit important, especially as these customizations were lauded as a feature of this patch!


Draenei have a very severe case of sameface with most of their options tbh. I actually laughed when I read this.

But yeah if it’s made even worse by the new skin tone, that’s not acceptable.

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I want to poke this back up to the top in the hopes someone will see it! Still weird and wonky and not right!

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it’s a black and white draenei, like back in my grandma’s day.

Yes - made the same observations for the new skintone that you did OP.

Seems to have a similar masking effect as when you use light skin on natural void elf faces. Void elf freckles face no longer has any freckles just looks generic.

My suspicion;
Originally these skin tones were likely restricted to a few face types. Rather than add detail to each they were given a basic skin mask over the same face model.