Feedback: The Silken Court (Heroic)

Testing for The Silken Court (Heroic) begins today at 12:00 PDT (15:00 EDT, 21:00 CEST).

Please use this thread for feedback and bug reports regarding this encounter or related issues. Noting the nature of your group (Mythic guild premade, PUG, etc.) is helpful, as are any logs. Thank you to everyone who has come out to help test!

Anub’arash needs to do more tank damage. I was taking 4-5 stacks and was barely taking any damage. Vengeance DH in a 20 man group.

Takazj bugged while doing it’s shield channel. Raid had wiped but it wouldn’t drop combat until the full cast went off.

The damage we were taking in the fight was too low, even by Heroic standards. Especially with the web cones/Impale. It also felt like P3 damage was scaled way lower than P1 damage. We had Anub’arash charge the wall, we had the Cataclysm thing go off, and most of us survived quite healthily. But let it go off in P1-P2, it was an easy wipe.

LOGS (we killed the boss):


Mostly a Mythic premade, primarily a US 16 guild with some players between the US 70-120 range as well.

This boss has a lot of frustrating elements to it that make what could’ve been a pretty promising fight feel absolutely terrible to play at times.

More specifically:

  • Skeinspinner teleporting and leaping around as often as she does feels very bad for uptime, and even with Priest’s new longer range talent I felt like I was chasing her half the time.
  • The web tethers need a bit more leeway than they have right now; as it stands they’re very finicky and if they snap or a webbed person dies for any given reason shortly before the charge goes off you just kinda wipe. It’d be survivable if you planned for the boss to hit the wall (on Heroic, at least) but it often happens within the last second or two.
  • The dispels in P2 are extremely frustrating. There are way too many ways for this mechanic to get mishandled and mishandling this mechanic and letting Skeinspinner finish her cast almost certainly results in a raid wipe (we managed to power through the second one though). This mechanic was incredibly annoying for even a group this good to deal with; I cannot imagine doing this mechanic correctly in a pug group since there are just so many points of potential failure, between someone failing to get close to Skeinspinner to a healer dispelling early or not at all to a melee getting too close to a dispel and taking the debuff instead of the boss (and proceeding to just cause the debuff to get lost in the raid group instead of being taken to the boss).
  • The damage amps happen at really weird times during the fight; I can’t tell if I’m supposed to be saving stuff for them or not because they aren’t happening at logical points at all.
  • Anub’arash’s frontal animation took a whole second after the cast began to show up which made it a little harder to react to where it was pointed.
  • Anub’arash’s intermission (2nd intermission phase) is really bad for melee. I didn’t have too many issues with it, but it felt unbelievably punishing for most of our melee.
  • Weirdly, everything else about the boss felt very undertuned. The damage profile of this boss was either negligible tank and raid damage or borderline one-shots from the ultimate abilities you needed to stop and there was no in-between.

This isn’t an unsalvageable boss whatsoever, and what’s good about this boss is really good (I’m a huge fan of the phases being time-based; you can get handsomely rewarded for having very good damage to skip I2 and P3) but the fight’s gimmick needs way more wiggle room than it currently has. I could see the webs/dispels being this punishing on Mythic since this is supposed to be the penultimate boss, but for a Heroic boss this stuff was way too finicky. Yet, conversely, everything else about the fight’s damage output felt very undertuned, which made the boss feel frustrating to test because you’d be fine, then someone would mess up a dispel or a web line and then everyone would just explode.

during the transition the strands of reality cone hit range (width) did not match the one from the animation, causing me to get knocked back.

2 things to report here:

  1. Poison Bolt (from Takazj) cannot be spell reflected but Void Bolt can. I think both should be spell reflectable
  1. Although they share health, there was a slight discrepancy when we killed them where at the end of the 2nd intermission Anubarash was stunned and Takazj was underground/immune, Takazj had slightly more health than anubarash and they didn’t die at the same time.
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Also, during the shield channel by Takazj there needs to be ticking damage going on. There’s nothing happening during that.

The web mechanic on the boss is not intuitive.

The webs should spawn seperately, not stacked on top of each other. There should also be a charge system to allow a player to use an action button to pick up the effect. that way 2 players can deterministically pick them up together, and move into position.

You can deterministically pick them up together, what do you mean? The journal says explicitly that 2 players stand on the web and 1 of them touches the center. They are now bound together by the thread. 1 web, 1 pair.

Fight seemed fine to me. We had a couple bugged charges where he clearly went through multiple tethers and didn’t get stunned, and I found that if you disengage out before getting pulled in fully by the caster boss’ “tether two people together” mechanic, you get the “you’re tethered” DoT debuff without an actual tether. It went away eventually (intermission 2?), but it took a while. Something’s a little buggy there – it’d be nice if disengaging the pull-in worked.