Feedback - Stress Test

Realm 3
Started a 2pm pst darf area
Starting zone wasnt to crowded until all the servers were merged
Outside of the starting area was a good balance of people. Although it felt like it was a little more towards the empty side

Playing druid in level 2 area (Dol.) Killed NPC and drop box empty (as many as 4 times in a row but mostly here and there). Has happened several times in Auberdine also. Cannot get targeted quests to show on main screen (shift-click doesn’t work… dot stays red).

Launch day (4pm CSDT) was just fine (slightly too many but workable) until all severs were combined into 2 or 1. WAY TOO MANY THEN!!! As of 20th at 2:00 CSDT, the number of players have thinned down. The “diehards” have made their 15 and are playing with the dungeons (assumption).

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Yes. This happened to me several times too (loot boxes being empty). I also noticed while looking at my bag while trying to figure out if I had enough coin to repair, that there are not notes at the bottom of the items in my bag to tell me the vendor rate. It was meats from wolves and other small trash pieces that all add up when you are building coins.

OOh that was the other thing, I don’t remember having to pay for repairs so early. I don’t know if my memories of not having to pay for repairs is actual though because we were replacing gear so quickly in the first 8 levels that maybe I didn’t notice gear damage?

I did not get to start @ 2pm (some of us have day jobs) But I hit the ground running when I got home @ 4:15pst. I noticed the client itself runs and loads much faster than live.

PVP #3 - Rolled a NE hunter and got right to it. Lot of dead quest mobs. Gameplay was smooth, no lag at all. Being a hunter I did have a advantage being able to tag mobs and not be in mellee range. Oh man I forgot about the hunter deadzone. such a welcome return having to account for that. Decent player concentration in the starter area, but not bad by any means other than slightly slow spawning mobs. I leveled up thru lvl 4 with no rear issue, less load imo than new expansion kickoff areas in live. Jsut have to keep moving and try to find when mobs are gonna respawn.

I shifted and rolled a human pali. Human starter area was PACKED. not having ranged definitely made tagging mobs more challenging, but always moving helped and I got thru to level 3 in a reasonable amount of time. SURE it is MUCH faster on live and will be in classic if no fighting for mobs, but that pushed grouping and as mentioned in another thread I had more group invites in 4hrs lastnight than the last 6 mos of playing I have done.

Big thing for me is the game felt right. pacing was good, dmg/mob balance felt good. Ingame players were working thru things together and talking. Definitely more of a sense of community versus live. That is what I and many people wanting to play classic are looking for as well as the general gameplay.

DEF got it right with the money aspect too, constantly low on money really brought me back! Yay I have a silver and can train my new abilities! I can buy a stack of arrows since I am down to 20 left… Tradeskills will really mean something again.

Just FYI, I believe the “notes at the bottom of the items” did not exist in vanilla and were not added until a later expansion. I remember that there used to be addons to tell you the vendor prices of items in your bags.

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That would make sense. I didn’t start playing until very late, just weeks before BC dropped so my memories are probably not accurate to this specific patch… were there class trainers behind the blacksmith hut in Goldshire?

The starting zones MUST HAVE dynamic respawns. It was near impossible to find mobs that weren’t tagged all around Durotar. Please consider dynamic respawns the first week or two.

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I remember them adding it, but i cant for the life of me remember when.

On live. Been playing since june 04 but my memory is hazy.

When you have the vendor window open and you mouse over the items you want to sell it will tell you the vendor price then. It just doesn’t show it if you are not talking to a vendor.


I think what they’re trying to do w/ layering is offer no dynamic respawns, but provide an experience somewhere between the overcrowding we saw on the two realms last night, and the emptiness others felt on the lower-pop realms.

A happy medium would mean dynamic respawns weren’t needed, while the world still feels alive while we all spread out.

Started on server 5. Was just the right amount of people where you had to contest the spawn but everyone could get mobs within a reasonable time.

then after it got shut down and i had to restart on 3 it was way too populated. I could barely tag a zombie and the first quest alone took me over an hour. The skeleton one even longer. I was a mage and Could never tag a mob before a warlock or hunter unless it literally spawned on top of me and i could melee it.

I kept on going and got to brill. It was still a bit crowded but not half as much as the starter town. I think perhaps alot has to do with me being somewhat of a completionist and having a burning need to clear all quests in the area before i move on. Had I moved out earlier I could have possibly levelled a little faster.

I have never played Vanilla WoW as the time period when it came out I was busy playing life. I bought the game when my kid was interested when legion came out and hated it. This again is a personal preference as im an old school gamer who likes challenges and world pvp and I felt what I got was a themepark, hit this button and go to 100. Heres a bunch of gear! wee.

So this was all new to me and I was actually enjoying myself, as even on retail I had never played the undead area(not sure if classics beginnig area is different than retail or not) because I always played Orc. I played until about 11pm where I had to go to bed for work today. I made it to about level 12. I plan on playing again tonight and getting to cap and my friend told me to try “dead mines” or something we shall see. I hope to try some world pvp if theres any to be had, although ive been told with the low level cap there probably isnt much of it. If i have time I will try to get another character class to cap as well.

That about sums it up. oh, I really am having fun please let me in the beta <3

Realm 2 - logged in at like 7-8 server time.

Undead starting area was just about perfect. Mobs were scarce but quests were doable, just took a little longer. After getting through the starting area, youd still see a decent amount of other players, but it felt a lot emptier.

Tauren starting area was a lot less populated than the undead. After clearing the starting zone you would see almost no one while questing.

Compared to an expected launch day, it was less crowded than expected.

I played on realm 15 from the very first moment (around 5pm est). Honestly, it felt dead for a launch day experience, with moments where I would go 10 minutes without seeing anyone at all. After the reset, I stayed on the same server, where it still felt dead.

Just logged off realm 3. It feels dead. I see people talking in chat, but no one around me in SW, GS, or Westfall. Empty feels bad.

I’ll try again later. edit: I might try another realm if others are up.

I also noticed a possible bug. There was no mail icon on my mini map when I had mail (I mentioned it in game but no one else said anything about it happening to them).

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Mulgore on Realm 3 was also very quiet. I would see other people, but it wasn’t like it was on Realm 14 where I first started. 14 was great while it lasted. There was enough people in the zone to where it was benficial to group up to make questing go faster, but you weren’t waiting for respawns and competing for the tag because it was way too full. I miss 14, you were a great server!

  1. There was a lot of people on Classic Realm 3 at the start, I don’t think it was overcrowded even thoough there was a lot of waiting for tagging mobs. After leaving the Valley of Trials, I didn’t see many people. The rest of Durotar was the same way.
  2. While getting to level 15 in the Barrens, I saw maybe 3 people. It was way too empty.
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I was on server 3 in the tauren starting zone, it felt about right, hard to find mobs because of all the players. After leaving the starter zone I think I was ahead of the pack and being a tauren I didn’t see many people in the next zone.

I started on server 15 when there were just two servers, around 7ish on Wednesday. It was terrible - TONS of people in the starting area, and every single spawn point was camped by at least 2-3 players.

Now I’m on Server 2, around 5pmEST on Thursday. The starting zone is much better, still quite a few people around but quests are doable.

There’s a small delay in auto looting.


Ok, seems I keep posting in the wrong area lol. Anyways, I did give my feedback in this thread last night regarding my experience on PvP realm 3. Here is my experience from playing on the same realm today for a couple hours in the same area and character.