Feedback: Spellslinger Mage

This sort of inside baseball analysis of why the tree is so tame is really detrimental to the game. They got on a stage at Blizzcon and told players that they’re going to have combination specs for all classes. It sounds sick. It’s a good pitch. To then go and for all intents and purposes not do that for some combinations because they want to keep the original gameplay around, or for whatever reason, is betraying expectations. The game cannot be captive to a small cohort who just want everything to stay the same forever. Frost and arcane mixed together is what they announced in Blizzcon and the marketing materials, so they should actually deliver on that promise.

The warlock trees are shaping to be same with Destruction getting left out. Unless Sunfury somehow miraculously comes through both of my favorite specs (Arcane and Destruction) are on track to get shafted by yet another new system that no one asked for or wanted.

I continue to maintain that all of the time and effort put into this new system should have gone to overhauling the class and spec talent trees instead which desperately need it.

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I can see why you think they said that, especially when looking at this solely from a mage perspective, but they really didn’t. How would that even work for other specs that aren’t based around a particular element or for non-casters? No, all they did was try to put a positive spin on the fact that they decided to make fewer Hero Trees and force two specs to share them.

P.S. For what it’s worth I share your frustration but I’ve seen this movie before time and again with Blizzard and knew not to expect any better. I too would love for things to get shaken up because the status quo is not even worth trying to preserve but they’re just not going to do that because it’s too much work.

P.P.S. Just for the record I said that way back in December. Get an Early Look at Hero Talents in The War Within - #35 by Kerathras-dalaran

To add to that, I think the impressions of Spellslinger by many people can be described by such a dialogue:

Audience: Now we have 12 new hero talent trees! Please tell us more about yourselves.
Rider of the Apocalypse: I ride my undead mount in battle and am accompanied by up to 4 famous Death Knights, who assist me!
Audience: That’s so cool! What about you, Slayer?
Slayer: I am an unstoppable destructive force that can charge out of any root, frequently create massive whirlwinds of steel and bring fight to a quick closure with empowered Executes!
Audience: That is impressive too. What about you, Spellslinger?
Spellslinger: I can passively throw splinters at enemies and make them have splints. I suppose next expansion I will be able to cause callus too!
Audience: …


I think the Spellslinger as it is described now could be interesting visually, but as a few others have mentioned - is it something we would consider an iconic Warcraft Mage archetype? I can’t say I think so.

Depending on the visuals of the splinters, it risks Arcane looking like Purple Frost - while Frost will just have a ton of blue and purple icicles constantly flying through the air. It feels less like it blends the two together and more like it makes Arcane more like Frost.

Regarding Nether Tempest - part of me feels like its inclusion in this tree was to address pretty consistent feedback from myself and others that Nether Tempest does not feel good to press because it’s usefulness is only as viable as the spells that interact with it. To put it plainly - Nether Tempest doesn’t feel good because it doesn’t do enough on its own. This hero spec tree doesn’t really address that core problem at all. It simply has more interactions with other abilities that make those abilities more powerful. Nether Tempest isn’t strong, it just has many interactions. If it’s simply a maintenance buff used in order to unlock the full potential of other abilities - why does it exist at all? It does next to nothing on its own, simply existing to prop up other spells.

With a name like Spellslinger, it’s also strange that its Arcane interaction is with Nether Precision - which is really an interaction with Arcane Blast. There is nothing to sling with Arcane Blast. It’s just an explosion that happens on top of your target. I actually expected an interaction with Arcane Barrage, because if there’s one spell in our kit that feels like we are slinging something, it’s Arcane Barrage (or Arcane Orb). It’s been suggested Nether Precision interacts with Arcane Barrage as well and I definitely agree with that sentiment. Another fix would honestly be just to change the visual of Arcane Blast. I’d like to actually sling my spells. As of right now, it feels less like “Spellslinger” and more like “Splintermage.”


I’m not sure I’d consider “2, if you count the just announced Hero Tree” to be “many.” Nether Tempest has one interaction in our base kit. It does almost nothing on its own. If it interacted with all - or even half - of our spells, I could understand it. But it’s literally just a dot, and the only reason we cast it is because we have a different spell that benefits from a dot being on the target. If they intend to keep this interaction, they need to make Nether Tempest more interesting / more powerful overall.

Regarding the theming, you’re right: Nothing about this tree sounds like what most of us would imagine a “Spellslinger” to be. It sounds more like “Honey I Broke the Nexus” or “Mage: Oops! All Icicles.” A spellslinger, to me, sounds like someone who is intentionally casting spells as rapidly as they can. These sound more like happy little accidents that - while potentially powerful - do not align with the term used to describe it.


You’re absolutely right - 2 isn’t many. I think I was just extrapolating mentally, sort of implying if they keep up with this trend of adding interactions, it doesn’t actually solve the problem. But that hasn’t actually happened yet - Nether Tempest just has the 2 interactions and does almost nothing on its own.

When it comes to theming, I don’t know if it’s better to change the name or rework the tree. Something like Spellprism Conjurer or Crystalmancer (just spit-balling) would better describe what I think this Hero tree is. If we keep Spellslinger as a name, I think the tree has to change in some capacity.

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Exactly. They didn’t address the root cause at all. Just doubled down on the status quo by giving NT another interaction that adds value to pressing the button without actually making it feel impactful on its own.

They did the same thing with the talent that will buff Supernova and Ice Nova too (I can’t even be bothered to look up the name). And this in spite of the consistent feedback that talents which make one ability generate 20+ stacks that buff another ability is not engaging gameplay and really more of an annoyance that just ends up being treated as a completely passive feature that no one even bothers to track. To say nothing of the fact that WoW’s native UI doesn’t even have a good way to track these stacks.

Bottom line, it’s just more of the same and almost nothing we’ve been asking for. Not really surprising of course, just disappointing.


This is never a thing in high keys.

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It’s barely a thing anywhere, even in PvP. I genuinely don’t understand why this user is so obsessed with the possibility that something might break polymorph. Every piece of feedback they’ve ever given can be condensed down to “OMG, DO NOT BREAK MY POLY!” It’s really bizarre.

It definitely is in PvP, a broken Poly at the wrong time will end your win condition.

The mage dev must really like icicles. Frost is getting icicles squared and this gives arcane its own version.

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It’s quite hard to make combining two mage specs work with current design due to them being so different from one another imo, especially with Arcane. That being said, Spellslinger looks like a poor attempt at it.

This actually reminds me of a meme:

“Mom, I want Spellslinger!”
“We have Spellslinger at home.”
Spellslinger at home: …

Btw, I’m still not sold on our hero talent tree names. They sound way too simplistic when we have to compete with something like Rider of the Apocalypse.


We are now called splinterslingers lol not spellslinger


So, I play arcane to escape the icicle mastery from frost, and now you’re bringing it to Arcane. Lovely…

Please. Just enhance our existing toolkit.

Arcane Missiles and Arcane Barrage for arcane with a disintegrate as a capstone.

For frost, I don’t care, give them the splinter junk.

Honest question; how do you compare these to Icicles? As far as I know Icicles don’t accumulate on targets ending in a penultimate nuke.

So what is the comparison about? The fact they launch automatically? Just want to join in on the conversation, its not aimed at anyone in particular :slight_smile:

Arcane splinters are conjured/Icicles are conjured. Arcane splinters fire at the enemy, so do icicles. other spells generate these splinters, other spells generate icicles. Arcane splinters do a nuke when they reach 8, icicles combine into a nuke you can use after they reach 5.


To expand on my earlier comment regarding Spellslinger theme, I went ahead and did my own version of modified Spellslinger mock-up to explore potential design spaces that could be interesting. Hopefully this might serve as inspiration for further feedback, or if not, at least an interesting read for some armchair designing:

Keystone & Captone:

Fragmenting/Splintering Sorcery

  • Arcane: When you consume Clearcasting, conjure 3 Fragments that fire at your target. When you cast Arcane Barrage, conjure 1 Fragment for each target up to 3.
  • Frost: When you cast Flurry, conjure 3 Splinters that fire at your target

Fragment/Splinter: Conjure raw magic into a projectile that deals damage. Fragments/Splinters embed themselves into their target, dealing additional damage over time. This effect stacks.


Whenever you have 8 or more active Fragments/Splinters, your next Fragment/Splinter becomes a Spellstorm instead.

Spellstorm: Recall all embedded Fragment/Splinter to you, dealing their remaining periodic damage instantly. Spellstorm unleashes a devastating barrage of magic over 4 seconds, dealing damage to your target for each Fragment/Splinter in the Spellstorm.

  • Arcane: During Spellstorm, your Arcane Blast, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Explosion and Arcane Barrage on the target are duplicated at X% effectiveness. Spellstorm grants you Clearcasting.
  • Frost: During Spellstorm, you automatically launch Flurry projectiles at the target every second. These projectiles apply Winter’s Chill.

The keystone/capstone mechanics try to enforce the multi-strike/spellslinging theme by enabling multitude of projectile barrage during relevant windows. The major change here is Spellstorm/Splinterstorm is now activated when Splinter/Fragment is generated via Flurry/AM/ABar in ST, and Frozen Orb/Arcane Orb/ABar in AoE. For frost, Splinter achieve synergy via free Splinter shatter during WC, while Arcane side focus on maximizing Arcane Echoes during TotM window. Spellstorm enhances these windows by overloading the 4 second duration with more projectiles as well as enabling movement via Ice Lance spam or Clearclasting.

Left branch provides QoL and utility values by activating Spellstorm automatically upon cooldown usage and enhancing Shifting Power. My only modification here are on the movement choice node talent to give more possibility of “Spell Slinging”

Augury Abounds

  • Arcane: Casting Arcane Surge conjures 8 Fragments. During Arcane Surge, whenever you conjure a Fragment, you have X% chance to conjure an additional Fragment
  • Frost: Casting Icy Veins conjures 8 Splinters. During Icy Veins, whenever you conjure a Splinter, you have X% chance to conjure an additional Splinter

Slippery Slinging/Look Again

  • Slippery Slinging: Alter Time grants 1 stack of Ice Floes when cast, and another stack of Ice Floes when teleporting back.
  • Look Again: Displacement is now off GCD, does not interrupt spellcasting, and leaves behind a Mirror Image

Shifting Shards

  • Shifting Power fires a barrage of 8 Fragments/Splinters at random enemies within 40 yds over its duration. This cannot trigger Spellstorm.

Middle Branch:

Note that for Controlled Instinct, Frost functionality changed slightly due to modification to Splinter to trigger off Flurry, so it should now function properly without losing out on expected Splinter.

  • Reactive Barrier modified to enhance functionality while maintaining relative strength
  • Added flavor for Phantasmal Image as well. This is essentially just a copy of the Mage Torghast power, but deals piddly damage.
  • Also removed the duplicate Glacial Assault talent in favor or essentially an Ice Nova proc

Controlled Instincts

  • Arcane: While a target is under the effects of Nether Tempest, 20% of the direct damage dealt by a Fragment is also dealt to nearby enemies. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets. Direct damage from Fragments resets the duration of Nether Tempest
  • Frost: While a target is under the effects of Winter’s Chill, 20% of the direct damage dealt by a Splinter is also dealt to nearby enemies. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.

Reactive Barrier / Phantasmal Image

  • Whenever your Prismatic Barrier / Ice Barrier is removed, 1 second later, you gain another Minor Barrier up to 50% strength of the original barrier based on your missing Health. Max effectiveness when under 50% health.
  • Your Mirror Image summons one additional Greater Image that casts a wider selection of spells (though they still do minimal damage). Mirror Image now reduces all damage by additional 5%

Spellfrost Teachings

  • Arcane: Direct damage from a Fragment has 2% chance to create an Arcane Nova that deals damage to all nearby enemies and increases the damage enemies take from you by 6% for 6 sec.
  • Frost: Direct damage from a Splinter has 2% chance to create a Frost Shard that explodes and deals damage to all nearby enemies and freezes them for 2 seconds.

Right Branch:

  • Unerring Proficiency: I find it jarring that they name a talent Unerring, and yet never address the fact that both versions of Orb have potential usability issues. So I am taking this chance to sneak in an often requested change for Frozen Orb. I am also not a huge fan of the Snowstorm mechanic, OR adding additional rotational spell, although I could understand some players wants change in gameplay through the hero class talent. In the end, opted for a more focused AoE talent focusing on Orb spells.
  • Force of Will: Channeling haste affects Arcane Missiles mostly, but also Evocation and Ray of Frost. Enhanced instant spell for more focus on Barrage and Ice Lance slinging.

Splintering Orbs

  • Arcane: The first 8 times an enemy is damaged by your Arcane Orb, conjure a Fragment that fires at the damaged target. Arcane Orb damage is increased by 10%
  • Frost: The first 8 times an enemy is damaged by your Frozen Orb, conjure a Splinter that fires at the damaged target. Frozen Orb damage is increased by 10%

Volatile Magic

  • Whenever a Fragment or Splinter is removed or recalled, it explodes, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Deal reduced damage beyond 5 targets.

Unerring Proficiency

  • Arcane: Arcane Orb now only travels forward 30 yds, but returns to the caster once it reaches the end.
  • Frost: Frozen Orb and Comet Storm now tracks its target. Each time you conjure a Splinter, increase the damage of your next Frozen Orb by 2% up to 50%.

Force of Will

  • Channel spells complete 10% quicker (with the same number of ticks). Instant spells gain 2% critical strike chance and 5% critical strike damage.

Overall, changes are aimed at increasing the number of projectile going at the enemy, but also with a secondary focus on instants and cast-while-moving to conjure the imagery of a Spellslinging mage spec.

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Many Frost Mages don’t want a copy of their Mastery and copy of Glacial Assault (especially if its debuff does not stack with Glacial Assault’s debuff) as a hero spec either. Don’t forget that it is an “evergreen feature”, so we are about to be stuck with it for 3+ expansions.

When people think about Spellslinger, they usually imagine flurries of spells (like casting one spell also casts another), instant cast or cast on the move procs or effects, faster casts and so on. What we currently have does not even deserve the name Spellslinger, since it does not even sling additional spells, just passively throws splinters.


While I do like the idea of one of the Frost trees leaning into a seat-of-your-pants proclord gameplay style (in contrast to the currently dominant shatter-big-hits style), which seems to be the goal of Spellslinger, I do have one very grave concern for how it’ll impact Frost’s rotation that I haven’t seen anyone mention in this thread yet.

Frost has, historically, had a chronic problem with Fingers of Frost procs getting ignored. It’s never good when this becomes optimal, but this has happened at various points in the past few expansions when Icicles (or Glacial Spike) were dominant in your damage profile because Ice Lance didn’t generate Icicles. Partway through Dragonflight, Blizzard wisely decided to end this problem for good by adding a talent that gives you an Icicle when you Shatter an Ice Lance.

Splinters, in this tree, don’t come from Ice Lance. You get them, ultimately, from Flurry, and Flurry is enabled by Frostbolt. As things stand with this tree, there’s a risk (depending on tuning) that Ice Lance falls out of your rotation entirely, just because casting Ice Lance never feeds into Splinter generation; there’s also a risk that Ice Lance becomes low-priority enough that you never care about Fingers of Frost procs and only cast Ice Lance to consume Winter’s Chill.

If you make only one change to this tree for Frost, I think it’s extremely important that the Splinter generation condition changes from “you consume Winter’s Chill” to “you Shatter an Ice Lance”. Sure, this probably means that you generate a lot more Splinters; the rest of the numbers in the tree can be tuned accordingly.

For what it’s worth, I could see this tree, with that change, resulting in something resembling the Packed Ice Orb build from BfA making a return. I’d be fine with that; I found the Orb build fun to play (and would also welcome Packed Ice making an appearance in the baseline Frost tree).