Feedback: Spellslinger Mage

Boooooooooriiiiiing. Can we get something REAL, instead of build-in azerite/legendaries. How about new talents which gives arcane mage more than 1 GCD. So you can cast utility/defensive without stooping casting? Like if, my arc mage could counter-spell immediately without needing to cancel cast/jump, that could be very liberating.

That actually used to be a glyph in WoD.

Splinters are entirely passive so how does getting them during Surge make them at all interesting? There is nothing about the spec that makes you play any differently than if you didnā€™t have it. Orb refunds arenā€™t all that interesting tbh and thatā€™s the most active part of Spellslinger. Everything else is literally just adding splinters to buttons you were already going to press regardless which makes it feel unimpactful. It defeats the purpose of Hero Talents which are meant to offer a different way to play your spec. Especially when it reduces our rotation down to 2 buttons, feels extremely uninspired.



Spellfrost Teachings

This is the best decision so far with this tree, this is fun and cool; while not being super gameplay intense, it finally makes Spellslinger feel spellslingery! I love this. This might be one of the most fun things added since Mantle of the Kirin Tor (Orb Barrage).

Controlled Instincts

This does damage in single target again - please leave this in the game, it makes the above proc much cooler but also adds some much needed single target value to the proc itself. I would urge you to consider the same debuff style design for Frost Mage, Blizzard being used for this doesnā€™t really feel great and it feels like Arcane is getting something Frost canā€™t.

Unerring Proficiency

This talent is currently very strong and fun to use as Frost, however as Arcane it feels like Supernova in AOE gets little value because Time Manipulation only works with Arcane Missiles Clearcasting usage. It would help this talent and Time Manipulation itself a lot to have it work off of Arcane Explosion consumption of Clearcasting as well.

Force of Will

It adds no Orbs, no Splinters, and while Frost can make good use of the crit damage multiplier and stat, Arcane doesnā€™t really have a way to interact with the crit stat the same way. This talent is just not, in my opinion, a heroic feeling talent point to spend, look at, or think about. It would be cooler if this gave us extra splinters on critical hits.


I really, really just want these to have a cooler travel path. Spiraling out before impacting targets would sell the theme you guys are going for here.

Sunfury Arcane

Since there is no feedback thread for Sunfury, Iā€™ll leave my feedback here. I love the change to Glorious Incandescence, however spheres being smaller makes them even less visibly Arcane. I really just want Sunfury visuals to be more Arcane centric when youā€™re speced Arcane.

Ignite the Future

This talent doesnā€™t feel like it has any place here anymore after the change to Codex of the Sunstriders, you simply do not generate spheres quick enough during burst to justify Ignite the Future over having 5 spheres and 10% damage throughout cooldowns. Even if sphere generation with Ignite the Future were decreased during cooldowns, the Arcane Phoenix just doesnā€™t deal enough damage to justify the trade off.

Mana Cascade

Please consider changing the name back to Mana Addiction, I love the idea of Sunfuries being addicted to consuming magic, this was one of the iconic parts of both Nightborne and Blood Elf races. I hate this name change and Mana Addiction was one of the single coolest talent names in any of the hero trees connected to a real theme in Warcraft.

Merely a Setback

This talent is by far the weakest of the hero tree defensive talents. It may have some niche usage in Mythic+ for people extremely min-maxing defensive power but, to most of us, this is boring and unimpactful.

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There is an ongoing critical flaw/bug with the behavior of Arcane Splinters and Splinterstorm.

  • Splinterstorm will at random start activating from only 2-4 Embedded Splinters active (instead of stated 8) which completely breaks all interactions and basically provides not only infinite standalone damage, but also an indiscriminate overflow of Clearcasting Missiles.
    Once this bug kicks in it is impossible to get rid of without restarting the game client completely.

  • Splinters themselves will sometimes be conjured out of nothing (possible weird behavior due to server latency).

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That sounds inspired to me :slight_smile: I look forward to something slightly simpler than weā€™d had for a long time.

Last week I started playing Diablo. Wizard class has a legendary gem that makes Ray of Frost and Desintegrate to fire magic missiles while channeling.

Can we have that for frost? :upside_down_face:, make it to send icicles or frost splinters every second while channeling Ray of Frost.

Better yet, bring back Icy Propulsion. Every crit should count as cdr in or outside of veins. Extend TV. Frost was better before the rework.

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I hope you donā€™t mean Diablo 4. If so try to get a refund ASAP, worse game I have ever played in over 20 years of gaming! They completely destroyed the franchise with D4, the people running the game are also utterly incompetent and basically the Z team at Blizzard. Sorcerers are also hands down the worst class in the game. They struggle to do a few millions worth of damage with fully optimized gear while barbarians deal damage in the billions with basic gear and can face tank anything.

Now D2 and D3 are another matter, WoW can definitely borrow a page or two from them.

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It really wasnā€™t. Outside of ROP, IP and TV were two of the worst things to happen to Frost since they relegated it to PvP in Wrath. CDR just isnā€™t fun, because weā€™d end up seeing exactly what we saw in the garbage expansion of SL - where you are balanced around extremely high uptimes of your CDs.

Fire at one stage had similar issues (donā€™t know when, havenā€™t touched that pile since WoD) where you had to try and get as many combustions out as possible, but it meant that all your abilities were weak outside of that.

Iā€™d much prefer IV to actually be strong and provide some chunky burst, instead of a weak little haste buff that you had to keep up nearly 100% of the time just to do normalised damage.

Frost after 10.1.5 is the best the spec has been in over a decade. Wanting to bring back Icy Propulsion is pure insanity.

Also why are people even giving Frost spec feedback on a Spellslinger thread about something that has literally nothing to do with the hero tree?


Oh god, I did not know D4 was bad. Iā€™m playing Diablo Inmortal. I like it so far.

I have not played any other version of Diablo before this. And Iā€™m playing it on mobile only. Just to have something to play (besides Hearthstone) when Iā€™m not on my pc to play WoW.

Ah, Immortal. People hated on it because of the PTW gems but structurally it actually wasnā€™t that bad just not much in a way content but it was never meant to since itā€™s a mobile game at the core. Wizard spells definitely looked awesome there. For reference, in D4 the spells look worse than their counterparts in D2 which came out in 2000!

Having to choose between Ring of Frost and Ice Nova is stupidā€¦

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I donā€™t know why we are talking about d4 in this thread, but Iā€™ll have to defend it. Itā€™s a good game now. Season 4 was well received. Yes D4 started off rough, but itā€™s good now. Stop living in the past.

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Itā€™s a horrible game by anyoneā€™s standards. Thatā€™s why it has a 2/5 audience rating. The only well received thing in the latest season was the itemization overhaul which they lifted from other A-RPGs like Last Epoch but somehow managed to make worse. Like schoolchildren copying each otherā€™s homework and trying to not make it too obvious.

And people are talking about other games on the WoW forums because Retail hasnā€™t had any new content since last November, lol.

Speaking of other games, I am off to play Elden Ring again. :dracthyr_tea:

d4 is still terrible-- poor dev team, they conc on 1 class only-- barbarian; and the things to do in the game are way to boring and repetitive.

Last epoch has much better class design, not mention POE2, that is FREE TO PLAY, has much better graphics, game mechanics, and class design and flexibility.

Latest patch greatly improved on D4. (And it was always milesā€¦ nay, light years better than D3 anyway.) Having lots of fun with an Incinerate Sorcerer in the current season.

D2 is still the pinnacle of the franchise of course.

The Pit was downright unplayable past the 50-60 range for all but a handful of broken builds (and Incinerate was definitely not one of them) when season 4 launched and it took them over a month to realize this and push out massive nerfs to Pit boss HP. Even so they did nothing about the one shot mechanics which are antithetical to an A-RPG in general, let alone one that doesnā€™t have a proper dodge button with iFrames.

Fun is subjective and I am not going to argue with anyone who says they genuinely enjoy it but I look at in the same way I look at people who enjoy masochism.

What isnā€™t subjective is that the game is embarrassingly bad, both now and most definitely when it first launched, considering it took well over a decade to develop by one of the largest gaming studios in the world and was part of a storied franchise, not something that was created from scratch. Of course the problem is that virtually all of the know-how and institutional knowledge that helped build D2 into the pinnacle of the genre is long gone from Blizzard and the folks who are working on the game right now are completely clueless.

Lol ā€œIā€™m not going to argue with you if you enjoy it but I will throw in a backhanded put down to anyone with an opinion different than mine.ā€
