Feedback: Sikran, Captain of the Sureki (Mythic)

Testing for Sikran, Captain of the Sureki begins today at 13:00 PDT (16:00 EDT, 22:00 CEST).

Please use this thread for feedback and bug reports regarding this encounter or related issues. Noting the nature of your group (Mythic guild premade, PUG, etc.) is helpful, as are any logs. Thank you to everyone who has come out to help test!

Good fight overall.

Couple of things:

  1. Decimate needs an indicator of how wide the line is. I popped shades that I didn’t expect to pop simply because of how much wider the linear AoE is relative to the swords that come out of the ground. If you want to make everything private aura, you need to make your mechanics have clear visuals.

    • In addition, the indicator for when you have decimate on you is almost invisible with so much crap going on. I big blue column showing where the decimate will hit would make it very obvious when you are being targetted
  2. I think there’s a bug where Taurens, as a result of them being bigger, have a large shade radius than smaller races (i.e. gnomes) for Collapsing Nova. This means taurens might be banned on this fight.

  3. The Cosmic simulacrum should have a 5-yard circle around them to know how clsoe you can get to them without causing a collapsing nova

Overall good fight. Besides the three things I mentioned, I’m excited to try these out on live

You’d just use a WA to make Phase Blades easier to deal with if you’re supposed to drop these in a line formation. And if you just make it a private aura people will just drop it in a square or solve it with an even more convoluted WA which would be incredibly stupid for a boss that’s intended to be the 3rd boss of the raid.

Boss isn’t too hard in the slightest even for our pretty poor 610 ilvl, but I’m not a huge fan of the Mythic mechanic being the way it is. These are the sorts of binary pass/fail mechanics I was under the impression Blizzard wanted to avoid, yet the literal only thing that can kill you on this boss is an instant wipe mechanic on Mythic since you’re probably going to spawn something within 5 yds of something else if you screw this mechanic up in any way. On paper that wouldn’t be the case since the ticking damage can get out of control if the mechanic is messed up at all, but on Mythic you’re really just going to get 1shot instantly if you mess it up.

Not a bad boss, and definitely not complex, but I just don’t like the Mythic mechanic in the context of where in the raid this boss is supposed to show up since no matter how you slice it most groups will just sort it out with a WA, and fixing that by making it a Private Aura will just make it a worse mechanic because, by their very nature, Private Auras are bad and make mechanics worse.

Really not sure how you intend this boss to be done

It’s unclear if you are dash 1/2/3/4 and failure of the shadow spawn mechanic leads to a guaranteed raid wipe, so the safest way to do things is just spread out the shadows at the edge of the room, which makes clearing them with decimate a bit annoying

Failing decimate just doesnt really matter though because the ticking damage from shadows existing isnt meaningful enough to die to and the 5-8 stacks at once from the boss breaking them can easily be healed through.

You can also just drop shadows in existing pools as they dont tick enough to be dangerous

The boss is also horrific as a melee character, as it spends a large amount of time dashing and unhittable in addition to a circular AoE, in addition to sniping adds on the edge of the platform being hard with a decimate in melee. It really should just act as Sylvanas and only dash visually

Also, sometimes the dash double hits single players which is annoying and I’d assume unintened.

Pretty underwhelming boss thats just very high annoyance for melee and rather irrelevant for ranged characters

I think it’s fine to have a pass/fail since nothing else is happening. Would prefer to feel like more is happening. If you’re not selected for a blade you’re sort of just hitting a target dummy and not engaged at all with the boss. Rain of arrows seems… like a mechanic to exist and not engage with.

Could go the route of instead of a hard pass/fail, adding more to the fight to engage a player. We killed the boss without any WA and just had people make a line and not cross eachother, but a WA makes the fight very boring and stale. Teros was much better.

Decent fight overall. It feels about right for its spot in the raid, except for the instant raid-wipe mechanic.

Collapsing Nova is going to cause a lot of frustrating and un-fun wipes unless some sort of 5 yard visual indicator is added (like on Rashok).

The third boss in the raid seems a bit early for there to be a mechanic, repeating every 30 seconds, in which one person can instantly cause a wipe if they misjudge how far 5 yards is. The punishment is a bit disproportionate relative to how easy it is to mess up. Fine for a later boss, but unusual for what would normally be a “puggable” part of the raid.

would be neat if there was a range indicator for the clones that you drop with phase blades. it was hard to tell if you’re too close to them when placing the second set.

not a good way to introduce difficulty