Feedback: Shamans

I think the idea of replacing Lava Burst would be super cool. If these hero specs are going to practically invalidate half of the spec tree, they might as well replace those buttons anyway.

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Enhancement Totemic Hero, Elemental/Physical build.

I have tried a few variations of builds for the Totemic hero tree. So far, a mix of Physical and Elemental talents have felt the best. Now:

  1. The totems: When the surging totem is called, it is easier to see. With all of the different AOE damage, you can lose where it was placed. Now, it has a 30 yard range, but as I have experience you have some tanks running around and just gathering mobs. Now this may be bad tanking, but I have had some tanks leave the 30 yard range and the totem is no longer doing anything. I have not tested whether Totemic Projection on it yet, but even so that could be a pain depending on the situation. I thnk that 35 yards, on the toem would be good.

  2. Make the toems more visible? Not sure how it works for PVP, but in PvE it would help. Being able to see when the totem despawn would be helpful, or maybe build a type of totem placement counter in the characters window? Not sure.

I have not tried to crunch numbers, or get a DPS meter going because this is Beta and everything could change tonight. As for Totemic, It has been my favorite Hero talent to play. On live I am Elementa and I tried Stormbringer first. Being Enhancement with Totemic has indeed been more fun for me.

I will check back in once I change a few other things up.

Finally got around to trying out Farseer in a dungeon for elemental, it certainly feels a lot more passive as a whole, and not as many choice decisions to make other than trying to slam out as many lava bursts as possible.

I was pleasantly surprised because at first I thought it was just a clone of yourself because I saw a ton of male ancestors but then some females started popping up and I was like, alright, yeah, get it great great great, granny! There is something thematically neat about the way they appear, and though mechanically it’s hard to gauge their impact, it’s a neat visual.

It inherently leans into our lava burst build which tends to be the go to build in a lot of scenarios so it all meshes together very well. Once again, because there’s no number associated it can be hard to tell how much ancestors are helping compared to like, 3 chain lightings off a tempest or how hard those tempest hits work, but it’s cool to see them floating around and they start casting instantly so it feels snappy.

I’d love to see something in the tree or added, that gives more bang to having multiple ancestors up at a time, or some kind of nod to family reunion just because that’s all I can imagine when I see multiple ancestors hanging around. And it would be cool to see some gameplay expression for being able to call forth multiple ancestors together at once, or perhaps make it kind of like primordial surge where meeting a condition can call multiple ancestors at once which would be neat.

I think this Farseer tree is going to be the tree for people who want a more passive playstyle and that’s totally fine, but because of the way it synergizes with the already dominant lava burst oriented mythic plus build, I could see this tree pushing tempest entirely off the board which would be disappointing.

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Thought of another one

Enhancement - Stormbringer

Shocking Grasp needs to either be a choice node or it needs removed. Slowing a targets movement can be very detrimental in group play. If the tank is pulling big you can’t attack anything because slowing it down takes it out of the pack. If there is sanguine on the ground having it remain for another tick due to it being slowed isn’t good. If there is a big aoe you need to run out of then you’re stuck twiddling your thumbs as as the mobs slowly make their way out so you can dps again. There are times when it will be beneficial, it should always be a choice though. It currently isn’t a choice and that needs to change.


Something to consider - I love the lightning theme of Shaman, but as of now I intend to play Mountain Thane Warrior instead of shaman for TWW… I think other comments have perfectly described the issues in great detail, so I won’t go into it all again, but doesn’t it tell you something’s wrong when people would rather choose a different class to fulfill what is arguably the main class fantasy of Shaman?


I played with them a little this afternoon. And while certain things just flat-out don’t do what they say they do in the tooltips, that is simply a matter of it being beta, this launch is still 3 or 4 months off. I think each tree in practice fits the theme. I would say that Farseer and Totemic moreso, since Stormbringer is just sort of a “give me more lightning” thing and the visuals don’t indicate anything spectacular is going on. And I know nothing about the numbers. But, thematically, they match what they are meant to be aesthetically gameplay-wise. Again, Stormbringer is the least inspired, as it just replaces Lighting Bolt with a better one a bunch. But I don’t hate it.

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Elemental: Stormbringer.

I’m only talking about the feeling of the gameplay. The discussion for defensives is lengthy enough to be it’s own conversation. It’s insane that shamans as a whole do not bring anything to the table. To give a “raid buff” to hunters and say to the community “we hear you, that’s why were giving hunters a raid buff”… what about shamans? I’m sorry I don’t play enhance.


  • Unless we’re supposed to run multiple weakauras; If Rolling Thunder procs and you press Stormkeeper it should refresh the buff and grant the additional charge.

Lightning Rod has a more impactful visual than Tempest.

Conductive Energy is still not implimented.

To help with clarity purposes:

  • Elemental Blast: 1.7 seconds

  • Icefury: 1.7 seconds

  • Tempest: 2.0 seconds

  • Electrified Shocks: 9 Seconds

  • Surge of Power: 15 Seconds

  • Windspeaker’s Lava: 15 Seconds

  • Stormkeeper: 15 Seconds

  • Flame Shock: 18 Seconds

  • Icefury: 25 Seconds

Rolling Thunder: procs Stormkeeper ever 50 seconds, no control on timing.
Tempest: procs every 400 Maelstrom, but also randomly.

Cast Iceyfury (1.7), Frost Shock, Lava Surge(1.7 unless proc), Elemental Blast(1.7), Tempest(2.0), Lightning Bolt(1.4). 6.8/7 seconds total.

Single target feels very clunky to play… With GCD’s and it’s about a 7 seconds rotation. Often over capping on Maelstrom, even with the maximum increased. Trying to keep Electrified Shocks debuff up is like a race against the clock since the rotation is about 7 seconds and the debuff only last 9 second. Swapping Surge of Power with Aftershock feels a little better, but because Tempest doesn’t interact with ANY of our buffs, it’s the last thing we want to press because it’s only a Maelstrom regenerator. Overall tempest feels incredibly unimpactful to play and even punishing. Tempest does not interact with by Master of the Elementals, Unlimted Power, Electrified Shocks, Elemental Equilibrium, Surge of Power, or After Shock.

It feels like Tempest should interact with Surge of Power/After Shock and Stormkeeper the same way Lightning Bolt does since it replaces that spell when procced. If Tempest procs the same time as Stormkeeper, it feels very bad and throws off the rotation.

The single target build is very locked in with Stormbringer. If Elemental Blast is chosen, a spell that has always been taken in single target, or Primal Elementalist, there are not enough talent points to reach a capstone with Primordial Wave. There’s no point in taking Ascendance/DRE as it does not interact with Stormbringer at all. There’s little reason to take Primordial Wave because the point above. Juggle another 45 second cooldown that triggers ever 3 seconds for 12 seconds… rough.

It’s hard to give feedback regarding AoE since the Hero tree has yet to be fully implemented, but it’s fair to say a lot of the current single target issues will apply, on top of button bloat. Season 2 of Dragonflight, despite my enjoyment of the spec, was very button bloated. Largely, Echoes of Great Sundering will be the main AoE build with less buttons, but alternatives will most likely have you picking Magma Totem because of Magma Chamber. And Magma totem is guaranteed to put an extra two buttons on your bars because of Totemic Recall and two points in the class tree… I have taken Totemic Recall + Call of the Elementals for all of Dragonflights M+ because Magma Totem STILL DOES NOT HAVE TWO CHARGES ON A 1 MIN CD THAT ONLY PUTS OUT 3 FLAMESHOCKS.

I have more I could say, but I wonder what’s the point. We have yet to receive any word of communication regarding the development of our class and I have no reason to believe we will receive any attention.

We went through an entire elemental expansion and somehow Ascendance still has the same model from Cata, but somehow druids and warlocks got several new customizations. Even Gust of Wind doesn’t have it’s own animation anymore - it was replaced in March during a .5 patch to be the same as a druids cyclone, not a single patch note about it… I hope one day we receive a fraction of attention the main characters get.


Shhhhh don’t let them know! Healing Wave actually feels fun to press now

Btw, it seems like the crit buff for Healing surge is not working. It stays at 30% when it should be like 54

People get it really wrong when they say there is some kind of Alliance or Horde bias. It’s clear that if there is one thing alot of people working on WoW love to absolute death, it’s Druids. This has been evident since their Class Hall in Legion. I am not against this. But it’s stunning how much love is put into that class.

Elemental: Stormbringer

The entire rotation has too many pain points and nothing flows. Tempest should be more freely available and be a massive animation, it should also scale with haste at the least. Icefury as a whole just needs to go, the spell itself is boring and the current “buff” playstyle of the frost shocks really takes you out of what flow would even exist in Stormbringer. This was the same with season 2 Dragonflight shaman when we went lightning build. Frost shock can still exist, but Icefury has always added bloat, and never been fun since it was nerfed from its original implementation (and even then it was really only good with movement, but we have spirit walker’s grace and stormkeeper/lava burst procs will be enough if they hit harder).

To contrast the two hero talents, Elemental Farseer feels far more fluid, has a better damage profile, is more consistent, and has better visuals.

Elemental Stormbringer has Tempest, which feels like a wet noodle, and you spend so much time “setting up” your electrified shocks and lightning rod that you never just get “into” the flow of playing the game itself. It’s essentially going to devolve into a weak aura plate spinning trick where you’re trying to get that god tier line up.

Please remove Icefury and its buff mechanics, and rethink what Tempest should feel like, right now it’s more like a place holder than a real contender for good gameplay.


That wasnt in there for me, i even searched. They actually added it back into the Enhancement Tree, but spending points on both WF weapon and totem feels kinda bad

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So after testing both while leveling and doing Heroics here are my thoughts for Elemental Stormbringer and Farseer.


This thematically is fun and exciting, but the playstyle is extremely clunky. You have some of the talents that NYI so that throws off part of the AOE and the Main Spell isn’t effected by haste or procs from our toolkit. But when the AOE damage of Chain Lightning is going it feels great.

The Spec Tree really needs to be looked at because there isn’t a flow for this build at all in there. I’ve tried many iterations and it just doesn’t feel good or look good at all.

Another thing that is an issue. If you want this to be the “Lighting” Cast then you should probably not have use casting Lava Burst, Flame Shock, Elemental Blast, IceFury, Frost Shock, Earth Shock or Earthquake unless LIKE Tempest Stormbringer changes our spells typing to lightning completely.

To fix Stormbringer I would obv allow tempest to interact with our toolkit and with haste, but It baseline changes our spells damage profile to all lightning spells(nature). That way we can still benefit from talents that give Lava Burst an additional charge etc. We get the benefit of the class tree but thematic look of casting lightning.

Oh and Icefury just needs to go. The other issues with Stormbringer is you won’t take the reduction cost nodes in your tree as you are trying to spend 400 maelstrom as fast as possible or when you want it to happen. It’s a waste of 2 points. The nodes should be looked at.

And Defensives… come on what defensives node. We need something better here.

Visuals also need to be looked at as it’s very very weak.


Thematically this one is a meh, I don’t see my elemental shaman calling an ancestor to help that is more of a resto thing but for that hero talents I continue. Farseer feels more complete and tested (as it wasn’t released 1 week before Beta). I think the ancestors need to be put on the same AI as the DK minions or Mage minions. These guys are honestly stupid. This playstyle is about spreading Flame Shock.

Honestly the spec tree is fine for this one but overall it does need to be looked at because of Stormbringer so changes does need to happen.

This gameplay was the best way to level and dungeon as it’s smoother.

My one draw back is I really dislike playing with Primordial Wave and this Hero Talent Tree focuses around that. If you want us to use it then make it baseline. That is what Farseer also has an issue with is capped Flame Shock spread. You should make spreading flame shock easier with PWave or even earthquake (kinda like how fires spread) this will help with this playstyle as well.

Overall I hope they fix Stormbringer as I’d much rather play that then Farseer but it’s up to the Devs!


Feedback on shaman defensives

Here is some feedback about Shaman defensives. I come largely from an Enhancement point of view, so the relevant comparison is generally to other melee in both raid and M+ competitive content. But I believe most of this feedback also applies to Elemental and Resto.

The simple fact is, Enhancement Shamans have worse and fewer defensives than other melee. This makes us less desirable for competitive content because it means we need to be assigned externals to ensure we live during moments of high damage intake. In higher keys, Shamans simply cannot live the frequent one shots without externals or tank trinkets (or both!). In raid, we’re often the first DPS who is assigned external defensives. (It was commonplace to assign Blessing of Sacrifice to Enhancement Shamans during Mythic Fyrakk P1 or P2, for example.) This situation makes Shaman players feel helpless. When you have less control than other classes over whether you live or die, and always need more help to live than others, you feel like a liability to your group.

For example, one can open any raid log and see Retribution Paladins taking ~25% less damage than Enhancement Shamans from the passive ticking magic damage in all raid encounters. Why? Because fully geared Retribution Paladins have ~45% passive DR while Enhancement Shamans only have ~20%. This combined with the large active defensive toolkit of Retribution Paladins represents a several imbalance in survivability.

Here are some specific points of feedback:

  • Astral Shift is a strong defensive at 40% DR for 12 seconds, and the Planes Traveler talent that reduces it from a 2 minute to a 1.5 minute CD is very useful as well. However, it’s worth pointing out that the alternative choice node (increasing the DR to 60%) is completely useless. It’s effectively a dead talent, and the reason is that there are no damage events in the game (and there never will be) that would kill a DPS with 40% DR but not kill with 60% DR. So this choice node presents no real choice and is totally uninteresting. Planes Traveler should be made baseline, and this choice node should be replaced with something more interesting, fun, and useful. A very common (and natural) suggestion from the community is 2 charges of Astral Shift, which would straightforwardly increase our defensive toolkit and also give us flexibility on when to press Astral Shift.

  • Earth Elemental (+15% HP for 1 minute on a 5 minute CD) is strong in some situations, but it needs important changes to make it more useful and stronger in all content. The most important problem with Earth Elemental is that it is useless in M+ except on bosses. This is because you are trolling your group if you press it during trash pulls, since the Earth Elemental will taunt mobs, making them impossible to move, and sometimes (unpredictably) turning dangerous frontal mechanics toward yourself or other group members. The cooldown also just feels far too long. You generally only get one use during most raid fights (or two on an end boss). This means it can “cover” you for a single hard phase (essentially it is a minute long Rallying Cry for yourself), but has no other use in a raid encounter. In terms of changes, I would like to see at the bare minimum a choice node where the Elemental’s taunting can be turned off, so that the defensive can be used flexibly in M+. But shortening the CD would be helpful (and more fun) for raid, even if its uptime is reduced to compensate, as it’s generally better to have more uses with less uptime (to cover several specific mechanics) than to have just one use that can cover only one phase of an encounter.

  • It’s been said before, but worth emphasizing again, that the Spirit Wolf talent is not fun game design. There is nothing fun about sitting AFK for 4 seconds for 20% additional DR. It just feels terrible to have to do this in order to live one shots in M+, which is the only reason someone would ever take this talent. Also, to take this talent, you have to give up a powerful snare break on a 20 second CD (Thunderous Paws). This is itself an enormous tradeoff for an unfun and very niche defensive option. This talent needs to be reworked. A common, easy suggestion from the community is just to make the 20% DR apply instantly - i.e., like how Ursine Vigor works for Druids shifting into Bear Form.

  • Earth Shield is not fun for non-Resto Shamans. It costs a global, which means that keeping it up on a progression raid fight entails a non-trivial damage loss. It’s a small self-heal that costs several talent points to make meaningfully stronger (the top-left side of the class tree). And it comes with no DR for non-Resto Shamans. This ability would be much more fun as a short CD (for DPS specs) rather than an annoying maintenance buff. A DR component would also make it feel more impactful.

  • Apart from what’s discussed above, we have only a few other very weak defensive options. There’s Stoneskin Totem (10% group physical DR on a 30s CD), which is highly niche as group content only rarely involve physical damage intake for non-tanks (mostly just bleeds or unavoidable “stomp” knockbacks); Ancestral Guidance (group/self healing conversion from DPS that is much weaker than the equivalent Vampiric Embrace from Shadow Priest or Mass Barrier from Mage); and self-healing (casting Healing Surge, which, at least for Enhancement Shaman, costs Maelstrom Weapon stacks, and therefore feels terrible to use). What’s available to us is generally weak, or extremely niche, or feels terrible to press. We need better defensive picks across the board.

To summarize, Shamans’ defensives could be reworked and made substantially stronger without making us overpowered. Doing so would simply bring Shamans up to par to match the survivability of other classes.


Yeah. Somehow I had it in my spellbook even though it wasn’t in talent tree so i thought it had been made baseline (which i was very happy about). But apparently is was hidden and I had it because I used the starter build which has it pre-selected. =(

IMO, they should make WF weapon baseline for enhance.


Restoration Hero Talents


For Farseer, because getting an ancestor is tied to riptide, ancestral swiftness and unleash life, it feels like you’ve got some mini cooldowns you can use here and there and spread chain heals around and it’s a bit more rng.

I can’t tell if the ancestor using Hydrobubble is a smart cast where it’ll hit the lowest health target but it would be a nice QOL since the shield shrinks fairly quickly, in raid situations it wouldn’t matter as much because there’s usually so much pulsing damage but in 5 mans it can be a bit more critical.

The ancestors copying your spells is an idea that gives them more agency however, at lower levels of haste sometimes you see them vanishing before you can finish a cast on them which feels bad when they vanish partway through. With enough haste it’ll probably work out a bit better but it’d be cool if they would finish the cast as they vanished.

This might delay the ancestors and encourage holding a heal til the end but, it’s kind of like a miniature cooldown to play with that way if anything. And you know how family is, always striking up a conversation right before you head out the door from the family reunion :P.

Farseer works for resto, I would love to see some kind of incentive or cool addition to where if you managed to stack up 3 elders or so, it would be like a reunion bonus or something to kind of add some bamph for managing it.

Also, since Undulation is coupled with unleash life, it kills the undulation talent to make the ancestors work which is a huge hit to single target healing. If triggering undulation twice could summon an ancestor it would only be marginally faster than unleash life if people were spamming healing surge. Or, alternatively split the choice node so folks don’t have to lose undulation to unleash life, especially with farseer.

Totemic Shaman

This set of hero talents is a lot more straight forward and I’ll admit the totems dropping chain heals was one of my favorite things we ever did for resto as a bonus so this one might win the cake.

On top of that, I’ve got horrifc memory and even though I heal all the time on my shaman, not having to remember to drop healing rain because of surging totem is tops. And having all that on demand burst heals from chain healing and using totems feels great, especially with a cloud burs totem.

Overall I think totemic shaman for resto will beat it out in a lot of cases just for ease of use and the feel from using it.

General shaman notes.

For elemental, fire has been dominant a long time and even with the hero talents and stormbringer it looks like the lava burst side of the tree is going to synergize and work a lot better and will most likely overtake mythic plus certainly and perhaps raiding as well but we’ll have to see if Tempest gets worked to synergize better and benefits from all the lightning bolt talents in the future.

It’s funny, shaman has a lot of utility but it’s, super niche utility that it brings like (poison cleansing totem, wind walk totem, tremor totem etc), I think elemental suffers the most from not bringing something cool as a buff or a way to provide oomph for the raid. Resto has spirit link and mana tide at the very least and the utility totems, you can get windfury as enhancement which the melee fight for, but elemental is lacking.

I recall we used to have some kind of sky fury totem and something similar to windfury, it would be nice to have some kind of totem that benefits everybody or the spellcasters again in the future that was kinda totemy.

There hasn’t been a big shakeup in talents in a while and shamans have kinda felt the same all the way from shadowlands to dragonflight. I really wish that we could have kept chain harvest for restoration shamans, maybe even elemental in some form because having that for 5 man content for some on demand heal/dps burst was nice.

Perhaps an electrified currents chain heal that does both damage and healing in the same fashion?

The elemental side lightning side of the tree feels kind of punished because needing to weave lava burst in and because Elemental blast has such a long cast time and we stack maelstrom so quickly it can be challenging not to constantly overcap. So although I’d love to use storm elemental, the only way to do that and not overcap is taking earth shock which makes that side of the tree a bit disjointed.

The fire side has a good loop of talents and everything that run together nicely but the lightning side of elemental had been very disjointed for a while now which is why it tends to be put aside for the more intuitive fire side of the tree, and that issue has become even more exacerbated with the Tempest hero talents because they don’t benefit from mastery, or the lighting bolt talents they replace.

Tempest feels good to hit but it’s slow and doesn’t feed off the lighting bolt talents right now, which could make it a huge moment if you could use storm keeper with it and raise the cap on stored chain lightings rise to 6 so you could double dip.


Enhancement: Totemic Builds

After some more testing today, the Enhance totemic build is starting to become more in focus. I see now what Blizzard is trying to do and what they are trying to accomplish with this build.

The Totemic build offers two choices within its setup. A Physical build with Deeply Elemental Roots, Alpha Wolf, and Thorims Invocation, or a build using the Fire side of the tree using Primordial Wave, Splinter Elements, and Elemental Wolves as the capstones. Both of these builds will work well with Totemic but very differently.

I have called these builds in my testing the Fire Nova Elementalist, and Deeply Rooted Physical since these will be the sort of lynchpin for the builds.

  1. The FNE build relies on shorter CD-driven Lava Lashes and Fire Nova to help give you more Lively Totems. These totems are Searing totems that shoot out searing bolts. They last 8 secs. By having lower CD’s you can generate more of these totems and the damage can add up. Also with the other Lightning buffs and Elemental buffs in this build, you are doing (what seems) to be considerable AOE damage. (I do not have details as of yet, simply because I know numbers will change) This rotation feels good when playing and does not feel combersum. It just flows fromone attack to another. Lots of procs up to use.

  2. The DRP build is more of a beat on them until DRE pops drop your Wind attacks, and back to the rotation. It is a slower style it seems, (well to me) because you do not get as many procs, and since Lava Lash does not have any of the cooldowns, you will not get many searing totems. What you do get is a LOT OF PHYSICAL DAMAGE procs. Doom Winds, Alpha Wolves, Legacy of FW, all of this adds to the Windfurry weapon, and the Surging Totem itself. Remember, the Surging Totem does PHYSICAL damage. All of the physical damage multipliers add up. When DRE pops, yes it hits with nature damage, but your wind attacks are PHYSICAL damage. So more multipliers to the Totem doing physical damage.

I will try to get details going, because I am interested in just what kind of damage this spec is doing, even though it could change. I believe the Totemic spec will be very viable, (unless nerfed into the ground) for PVE.

There are a few things that needs addressing. Windfury Totem should be Basline. It should not be we have to take this just to make our Hero talent node work. Its great that it changes once we do so, but it also should not need to be a NEED and use a point in our trees.


this is kind of the problem with the hero talent as a whole though. stormbringer is very obviously designed with our storm/phys build in mind. and totemic should be designed around our elemental build. as it stands right now having two build identities inside the totemic hero tree makes it so that if you commit to one you just invalidate an entire side of the hero tree. and the way that the spec tree is currently designed makes it so its almost impossible to play with both a lava lash and stormstrike build anyway. so it really needs to be changed in such a way that it caters fully to the elemental build, the easiest way would just be opening up totemic rebound talent to work with lava lash and ice strike. i think another problem with the tree are the two imbue talents, just kind of uninspiring in my opinion, it would have been much cooler to get new imbues that maybe interact with our other elements like frost/earth. another problematic talent is the ascendance one, which obviously leans into our storm/phys build, which there shouldnt really be any nodes that do that because we already have an entire hero tree that revolves around that.


I’m looking forward to the majority of concerns about Shamans being ignored for the rest of the Beta testing and getting a small note in the 11.0.5 patch notes about how they are looking to give us a rework. As much as it sucks at least we know they won’t be doing anything to fix the multiple areas that need desperate attention and can be let down before the expansion actually begins.


As rest shaman
We got the tree the has the more 2 point.
I feel this class need a rework but blizzard will no listen to as like aways.
As shaman we got 0 love and we never get anything done.

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When playing Stormbringer, there’s some very unusual Feral Spirit behaviour. Crackling Surge provided via Rolling Thunder is extremely eratic with its uptime, and over time this extends to Earthen Weapon from baseline Feral Spirit.

To be clear, this is only happening when playing without Elemental Spirits, and is affecting both the wolves spawned via the cast and via Rolling Thunder. My guess is there’s some internal check going on for Elemental Spirits and it’s fizzling wolves, but I can’t be sure.

Can see examples of it happening here:

while when looking at a build playing Elemental Spirits things are fine

Would also like to bring attention to Primordial Wave and Tempest as I assume since the regular behaviour is that there’s no interaction that’s the intent. Under the right conditions it can duplicate Tempest however:

  • If Primordial Wave is consumed by a Lightning Bolt that moves the counter over 40 and triggers a Tempest proc, all duplicated bolts will instead fire Tempest without consuming a buff.
    • These don’t trigger Rolling Thunder, and also do not benefit from the Primordial Wave multiplier or the Maelstrom Weapon used to trigger it.
  • When this happens a regular Tempest proc happens immediately after, and this does not occur from Awakening Storms procs - this only occurs from the Maelstrom Weapon counter.

My guess would be the bolts being repeated pick up the ID change to Tempest mid flight, intercept it and replace them with Tempests and then the proc event happens after. This looks really sick, but would like clarification on intention of these two interacting (or not) since this behaviour is clearly not realistic to pull off consistently.