Feedback: Shamans

“The noisy wheel gets the grease”


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It wasn’t. Abilities that are ground targetted primarily can NOT be cast @target, but they can be placed @cursor or @player (yourself). @target macros still work for every single other ability in the game that is cast directly at a target.

I’m kind of interested in seeing a kind of dps result in mobs leaving our earth quakes, like 90% of the remaining eq damage is done immediately if the enemy mob leaves the EQ zone. I think we drop more AOE templates than any other class( maybe locks? are on par?) and the current high mobility tank regime sees those mobs leaving our well spent maelstrom very often, I’d happily trade this for the stuns or have it in addition to, but some kind of “if they leave the EQ we still get a damage result.”

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None of which is what they are talking about, which is totem placement…

@cursor works fine

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The wording has me nervous, looking back at the hunter announcement:

They specifically called out class tree updates along with spec updates. For shaman they only said “package of updates” hmm. Don’t get your hopes too high.


No, flanking strike is now passive. Kill command becomes flanking every third use.

Everyone, big news! I REALLY hope huffing Hopium was worth it!


Still isn’t a removal.

Elemental Stormbringer Feedback
I found a talent set up that made it so I could basically use the Storm Elemental on a 1 min CD. It feels good and flows good to summon an Elemental more often, but Elemental’s damage profile especially compared to Enhancement and other classes is so very low. Most of the time I average around a steady 750k. Where my Enhancement friend was averaging around 1.2mil…

Whats the pro/con to having to cast tempest?
Elemental has to cast Tempest - proc’s about 1/2 as much as Enhancement and does about 1/4 the damage.
Enhancment has insta cast Tempest - Proc’s often and does more damage

Elemental (with the right talents has 1 elemental on a 1-2min CD that does 5% overall damage) Give me an Army of casting Elementals? So I can have control over the Elements maybe?
Enhancement has an army of wolves that do 25% of their overall damage and get summoned when certain conditions happen… and they happen so often it’s their 2nd highest damage dealing ability.

Lightning Rod seems to be working now but we need a more reliable way to spread lightning rod.
Elemental’s earthquake doesn’t do enough overall damage even with our 4 set. It still basically hits like a wet noodle. It’s an Earthquake basically one of the most devastating natural disasters in the real world. It feels as if ya’ll keep pushing for us to use the ability often, but never give the damage profile high enough for us to really feel like we are forcing the world to shake.

In truth for Elemental, I’d really like to see the spec become the Overseer of Elementals. Where we summon Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water Elementals to do damage instead of only ever summoning one elemental that even when empowered by the talent only ever does 5% of our overall damage. In my opinion Elemental should be a similar version to a Demonology Warlock. Not to the point where I have like 20+ Elementals out at one time… but where it feels more like I am in tune with the Elementals who commands them to do my bidding. Instead I summon 1 every 1-3mins and they feel more like a hunters pet who then disappears as I try and keep casting yet everything just continues to hit like a wet noodle.

Stormbringer Elemental Shaman sounds more like a Shaman who should control Wind, Lightning, and Water Elementals to Shock, dampen, and disorientate their enemies. When someone is in water they become more easily to get shocked. Could create a Debuff that Water Elementals spread that causes enemies to take +damage from Lightning attacks. Wind at high speeds, you tend to feel like it cuts into your bones, and makes you more cold. Have you ever tried keeping your eyes open when wind speeds are at 30mph+? Can use wind elementals to cause a brittle bone debuff that increases physical damage received aka (earthquake / earthshock) and their attacks could ocasionally knock over/blind the enemies to disrupt casts etc.
Just a few idea’s

For a Class called Elemental shaman it really only ever seems like we get pushed into using just One element to perform at our highest peak. In Dragonflight S3/S4 We mainly use Fire. We are basically a dollar general version of a fire mage who’s damage doesn’t even match…
Previous seasons we just use lighting to do our main damage. It’s like we used to be a class that was like a jack of all trades but a master of none… and due to that mindset we are always behind… We need a new identity.

Group buff? Pssh only Enhancement get Windfury for Melee… what about a Totem for Elemental that buffs casters/magical damage?

very good!! I’m anxiously waiting.

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Major Shamans Changes to Arrive in Next Week’s Beta Build

i think is more


What are we hoping for in replacement?

Because otherwise it feels like that would just dumb down the spec, and remove one of elemental’s elements?

Thats a level of copium where you turn literal any action into what you want.


Probably not. If anything they’ll just adjust Pwave to make it easier to use.

I’m tryina manifest it into reality. :joy:

Yea probably not, but with them saying they’ve taken our feedback and Pwave being mostly disliked… it’s not too far of a stretch. Hunter’s had death chakram removed. Monks got bone dust brew removed. So it could happen, but yea probably just will make Pwave easier to use. If they can somehow accomplish that, then it’ll be fine.

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It’s slightly different for those classes since those abilities are more isolated in their functioning. They also weren’t complete linchpins in their designs.

Different people made a lot of good suggestions about fixing Pwave’s pain points for each spec which is something way easier for the devs to do rather than ripping out each unique iteration for each spec and implementing a whole new ability. I’m hoping feedback regarding making Pwave easier/more fun to use is indeed taken. Though a lot of it is not really related to the ability itself but other mechanics (flameshock spread for ele and enhance for example) could be adjusted to make it much better.

Mostly disliked is a purely subjective take


Thank you!!! Can we also get updated animations with this amazing news! Elements swirling around you like the Avatar for Ascendance!


In a recent interview, Ion and Morgan Day said they’d reconsider AoE target caps on a spec by spec basis. At least for competitive M+ content, Enhancement Shaman could use some love on this and it’d be nice if these upcoming changes included a boost in that regard. In any very large pull in M+, Enhance will fall behind a decent tank’s DPS, which feels terrible. At the very least an 8 target cap on our main aoe abilities (hailstorm, flame shock spread, lightning bolts from pwave, and chain lightning) would place us on the same level as outlaw rogue. We can hope for soft capping on some of these abilities, but even just a boost to an 8 target cap would be a huge improvement.