Feedback: Shamans

Please give Ele/Resto a raid buff. With 11/13 classes given raid buffs it feels real bad to be left out. DKs have grip and AMZ which makes them a lot more useful than Ele/Resto which bring absolutely nothing to the raid.

Please give us skyfury totem in pve such as 10% increased crit damage to the raid. Or make windfury totem available to all 3 specs and have it grant 3% haste for all.

Blizzard you are so close to giving every spec a raid buff. Why not finish the job and give something to Ele/resto?


THey kept flanking, wut?

I want to believe

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So glad to see you…didn’t think this would arrive before launch.

Excited to see the changes…

Please make Earthliving weapon baselineeeee pleaaaaseeeeee…having it as a talent is really bad.

    • Hero Talents
      • Totemic (Enhancement/Restoration)
        • Surging Totem is now cast at a destination within 40 yards. For Enhancement, it creates Tremors around itself every 6 seconds for the duration, and for Restoration maintains Healing Rain around itself for 24 seconds. Totemic Projection can be used to move the Totem and its effects and it will be prioritized as the central totem.

Why is it mandatory to spec into Totemic Projection, please reconsider this and add a little QoL and have Surging Totem act the same way as Vesper Totem, reactivating the ability while on cd allows us to move it, have it have the same cd as Totem Projection being 10 seconds.

Why create an ability that requires essentially 2 keybinds to function for its intended use and a Talent that now becomes mandatory within the class tree.

It just seems overly complicated for the sake of it.

Keep it simple and effective, reactivating Surging Totem allows us to replace it on a 10 sec cd. Boom 100x easier to use.


Is anyone really under the impression that they reworked the talent trees? Made them any more intuitive or removed bloat? I’m hesitant to get excited about next week. We’ll see what their definition of “cooking” is.


Hmmm …yes now we have to pick a spot to place surging totem. So its a ground effect placement that takes time out of your rotation to place it. People playing with their mouse to click spells will be a disadvantage especially if they are not careful about the click. It also takes away some macros.

I would say change it back to auto placement and if you want to move it, then use Totemic Projection to target where you want it.

Also as it stands, you have to take talents you may not want to take. Let’s hope they take another look at this while they are adjusting their talents.


One thing that’s giving me extra copium for a chain harvest/vesper totem/fae transfusion return (and in turn a primordial wave exit), is that Totemic was slightly touched on this week. Stormbringer lightly touched last week. Yet Farseer, which has issues still, wasn’t touched yet… Could it be that the hero talent tree reliant on primordial wave/unleashed life is getting reworked to remove primordial wave? Perchance adding in Chain Harvest?


My hope is that those both become baseline as they should.

is totemic projection a 2 point node atm? Hopefully if it doesn’t become baseline it’s at least a single one.

Projection should’ve always been baseline so here’s hoping.


Not necessarily. I see your point, I would really like it for enhance to be an aura that followed the shaman (totem on your back kinda deal). However for Resto it’s no different than healing rain now in terms of placement. It actually cuts 2 casts off healing rain per Surging Totem. So an @target macro should still work for Surging totem, especially for those who use their mouse to click spells.

For Resto the auto placement is terrible, healing rains on the demo lock sitting in the middle of nowhere gets a healing rain? No thank you.

I have hopium (perhaps misplaced) that they are moving totemic projection to be further up the tree. Maybe even baseline for speccing into the totemic talent tree. We’ll know more with the changes next week but I’m holding out some hope.

I do wish that enhance didn’t have to place and move the totem. I really wish it could just be an aura that lasted on you for 24 seconds. Maybe so that it casted a tremor located at your targets feet?

It’s a 1pt, but if you’re going totemic then you’ll spend at least 5 class talent points on totems. 1 to be able to move it(should be baseline QOL), 2 to make it’s radius 15% bigger, and 2 to reduce it’s cooldown by 6s(MUST have so it has 100% uptime). I can’t speak for resto or elemental, but for enhance those are talents you rarely if ever take because we don’t really use any totems that make use of them or require them. Depending on if they make the bottom half have actual choices for enhancement it could feel really bad to have to pick those talents to make the hero talent function well.


Neither of those abilities were “bloat” and they shouldn’t have been removed. Icefury doesn’t need to go anywhere either.


Wasn’t the @target macro removed? Maybe I missed it coming back, but it was definitely removed awhile back.

A longggg time ago

Kinda crazy it took over 100 days for this reply


Oop, my bad, yall are right. Not going to lie I haven’t used that @ modifier in a hot minute.

In that case, I imagine however someone who uses a mouse to click their spells gets cap totem placed in a pack, would be done the same way for Surging Totem.

Though ideally the totem is an aura for enhance that auto casts a tremor every 6 seconds at your current target.

Okay, so shaman will be receiving minor updates throughout the week and something big next Tuesday. Ty for the update, can’t wait to try it out.

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We cried so shrilly and pathetically that it worked. Shaman notes incoming next week.


“The noisy wheel gets the grease”


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