Feedback: Scalecommander in The War Within

Replace every instance of Deep Breath with Dragon’s Rage and it’s pretty much solved.

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Eh, I don’t think Deep Breath is unsalvageable. It’s a bad skill, but it doesn’t have to stay bad.


You’d have to pretty radically change it though, I think. Like have it reset empowered abilities. But that seems too strong.

I also wonder if the capstone forces you in the air for the maximum duration of deep breath? That’s less time casting other spells which is weird.

The problem is that deep breath is has anti-synergy with devastation. You want uptime for causality so you can cycle empowered spells and maximize dragon’s rage, so you have to offset that by turbo-buffing deep breath.

EDIT: And if you make deep breath too good it makes the entire tree worthless on a fight like Nymue where you can’t really use breath abilities without dying.

I also realize now that bombardment is only set up after you cast an empowered spell. Does that in mean in single target I potentially want to sit on an cast of fire breath or eternity surge to not waste uptime on bombardment?

My idea was to just make it work more like Ultimate Penitence. No weird movement.

This class is still very new, so I don’t think radical changes are off the table. Such as the range, or Deep Breath being awkward to use.

That’d definitely be an improvement, but it doesn’t solve the “you’re not casting empowered spells / essence abilities while channeling” problem.

EDIT: I’d be upset if that was also just in one hero tree when it should be a baseline.

Gonna be the outlier here I guess. I’m impressed with this tree for both Dev and Aug.


They could always make Deep Breath an essence spender, and actually make it interact with the tree, instead of being this weird “other” skill.

And yes, I’m talking about changing Deep Breath baseline. Has nothing to do with Scalecommander. Breath of Eons and Dreamflight need changes too.

Interesting. Are there other spenders that have a cooldown?

The one comes to mind is Breath of Sindragosa and now I’m thinking about how that’d be a neat way to rework Deep Breath, but that’s probably out of the scope of this hero tree.

I think adding synergy with the rest of the spec is ultimately what needs to happen (and address the weird movement thing which is not fun).

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I like that idea too.

Don’t think it’s out of scope though. We’re talking about changing Deep Breath baseline, because if there’s going to be a hero tree based around it, the skill itself needs to be better first.

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Imho, I think the best revision they could make if they want deep breath to remain a focal point of Scalecommander would be to have the spell create/send out a clone or copy of your character in your place.

(Reposted because something borked on my end, apparently)

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That would fix the awkwardness the spell has, but I feel like it would seem, I don’t know, less fun if you’re just sending a clone out. I’d have to see that play out to know for sure.

If they were to rework Deep Breath, they could also make something like you leap up in the air (similar height to current Deep Breath) and then you breathe down in front of you for a few seconds. They could even make the player crash down on the floor at the end similar to Sarkareth’s Cosmic Ascension. The spell would be very different from what we have now, but at least it would be less clunky and most likely work better.

If they want to make the spell work with Dragonrage, they could also let the player cast spells while breathing (no empowered spell though because it probably would become a little too awkward with animations)


That was the original deep breath concept wasn’t it? I wish I could share links as the concept art and the 3d animation concept was really cool.

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That’s what I was thinking. Something like that, or something like a Demon Hunter Metamorphosis that just puts you up into the air and casts a blob at a targeted space on the ground before returning.

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Hm. I can foresee Scalecommander Dev being one to take Charged Blast, Onyx Legacy and Imminent Destruction as multi-target Disintegrate being used after each empower will stack it up faster (and if the triple-disintegrate works with Causality…) to Make for Deep Breath > Empower > Disintegrate > Empower > Disintegrate > Charged Pyre might be enough to push Iridescence out considering Deep Breath will be applying a 20% damage boon every minute for 10 seconds, just getting more out may outweigh it if not make things more difficult.

My major gripe is that it might be too strong, I don’t know how Ruby Adept will measure up to even the first node – 50% more disintegrate damage on ST, 100%+25% on 2-target, and 200% on 3-target after empowers? In the current path we’re taking, that has the makings to be terrifying in both PvP and PvE with just one talent.

My minor gripe will be that there is a hero talent called Tailwinds when there is a talent in the normal class tree called Tailwind.

The tricky part comes in is if Bombardments is going to mess with our empowered spells placement like the S2 tier set, having the second empowered spell delayed by 10 seconds for Bombardment uptime in ST sounds a bit wonky, however if it adds to itself rather than simply refreshing it may end up alright.

Gonna run scalecommander for at least 5 minutes just to steer deep breath around a few times


This one?
This is what I was imagining with my rework idea:

This concept is WAY better than what we got.

Blizz please. :pray:


Yeah, that’s exactly the kind of rework I had in mind too, would work a lot better and take away a lot of clunkyness away from the spell imo


until the bad lands under you

give it a 50% absorb shield like UP


Or give it the Stretch Time effect that Aug has. Either one works, I guess.