Testing for Rik Reverb (Heroic) begins today at 13:00 PT (16:00 ET, 22:00 CET).
Please use this thread for feedback and bug reports regarding this encounter or related issues. Noting the nature of your group (Mythic guild premade, PUG, etc.) is helpful, as are any logs. Thank you to everyone who has come out to help test!
6 pillars spawning was unmanageable for soaking all of the pylons and dealing with the nature damage debuff. Scaling might be off. I would suggest tuning down the number of pylons depending on raid size in heroic. Shadow priest tier set proccing might be cancelling the channel on the pylons. Enhancement shaman doing way too much damage, removing viability of other classes or specs.
Fight is just extremely buggy, or poorly designed. Probably both.
Lingering Voltage, just like in the normal test, can keep stacking and refreshing itself even after you stop draining the Amps. The Pyrotechnics will spawn in a fair pattern, and then randomly some pulls 1-2 bombs will spawn across the room. If that’s intended, that’s way too extreme for an early boss, especially on heroic.
The intermission is fine. I think the boss’s overcharging thing on the Amps should either be brought down in size, or the Amps should just spawn in pre-determined locations. The current method of baiting them (which doesn’t always seem to work properly on ranged, as I’ve seen it spawn in phantom locations, or possibly on pets) is just incredibly awkward, and the Amps are also poorly outlined. They should be more visually vibrant to differentiate themselves. It is also dumb that you cannot cast anything while draining the Amps, but I get that the intent is to make you cognizant of the energy so that you don’t have to drain during a bomb set.
I don’t think the fight is unsalvageable at all, I actually enjoy it, but the combination of bugs and the restrictive nature of the Amp placements makes it super frustrating at times.
I channel here, and the channel is immediately ended when I begin to cast a LF. Let alone the obvious bug where I continue to gain stacks even though I am clearly not channeling anymore
Blowout! should ignore dk’s death’s advance just like how Queen Ansurek’s Reactive Froth ignores death’s advance.
Blowout! not ignoring death’s advance means DKs run into a great risk of dying from Blaring Drop whenever they use their mobility to arrive at a supposed safe spot because Blowout! knock up is not protecting dks from Blaring Drop.
The tank taunt is weird, They are applied unevenly time wise and if you taunt on stacks falling off to minimize damage than the boss goes taunt immune. Also because of the stacking nature it goes from no damage at all to almost 1 shotting very quickly.
As it stands the ideal taunting is something like 2 > 5 > 4 > 4 > 3 ??? stacks depending on dodges. Seems weird af
My rule was just taunt at 5 and move if needed. There is no specific time to taunt between abilities. If you hold for every tower, it ends up being lopsided on one tank. And his spell queue at other times is also just awkward. Even if you run into his stacks falling off some pulls due to slightly different spell line ups, just taunting at 5 every time meant you never ran into any issues.
Also there is no tank mechanic outside of this, so just send defensives for high stacks if ever in danger. In both heroic and mythic testing, had bdk/prot paladin co tanks flop over because of the big auto damage, but there is no other damage instance like ‘The Big Hit’ or ‘Tank Buster’ from other bosses, just ramping autos.